"crossed lines" with a handful of women other than his mistress — but never had sex with them. The governor says he "never crossed the ultimate line" with anyone but Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine at the center of a scandal that has derailed Sanford's once-promising political career. During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he's trying to fall back in love with his wife. He says that during the other encounters he "let his guard down" with some physical contact but "didn't cross the sex line." He wouldn't go into detail. Sanford said the casual encounters happened outside the U.S. while he was married but before he met Chapur.So, what's the definition of "is," again? And is the Gov. seeking geographical dispensation? Do his marriage vows only apply w/in So. Carolina &/or the United Snakes?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Update From The Hypocrisy Front
Worth A Thousand Words (If Not More, Considering Inflation)

Like Flies

Los Angeles, CA -- Impressionist Fred Travalena, a headliner in Vegas showrooms and a regular on late-night talk shows with his takes on presidents, crooners and screen stars, has died in Los Angeles. He was 66. Travalena was known for the sheer volume of celebrities he imitated, leading to the nicknames "The Man of a Thousand Voices" and "Mr. Everybody." His act included presidents from Kennedy to Obama, musicians from Frank Sinatra to Bruce Springsteen and actors from Marlon Brando to Tom Cruise. The Bronx native started his career in Las Vegas in 1971.
30 June: Halfway Through Another Yr. Of Hell

Monday, June 29, 2009
Death To AmeriKKKa!
In an interview this week with al Jazirah, Mustafa abu al Yazid, a longtime Egyptian al Qaeda operative who identifies himself as the supervisor general of al Qaeda in Afghanistan, predicts that the jihadists and their allies in the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban will take over both countries. When they do Yazid says they will then use Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal “against the Americans.”Bring it on, baby!!

Only this year have we understood that Afghanistan and Pakistan are one theater of war, a fact bin Laden has understood since the 1980s ...We hope President Obama (who, oddly enough, has been in office "only this year") will be able to use the intelligence & common sense his predecessor lacked to keep the crazed "Af-Pak" versions of AmeriKKKa's religious right from FedExing an Islamic nuke to a phony address in or near downtown Los Angeles.
29 June: Celebrity Death Throughout The Years

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Glad To Have Made It Past 50
Billy Mays Dead At 50
W/ Ed McMahon gone, is the Sham-Wow guy next?Do You Mind?
For what it's worth, 62 percent of Americans think Sonia Sotomayor should be confirmed to the Supreme Court, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll. The poll also asked Americans other things, like what they thought of the fact that she is female and Hispanic; most people don't mind, though there's a deep split between Republican and Democratic approval.
On Your Feet Or Take A Nap!
Get Up In The Morning/Slaving For Bread Yeah
28 June: Vickie Crowned, Ferd & Sophie Offed

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hope You Weren't Holding Your Breath
Annals Of Right Wing Extremism: "That Seemed Like Prejudice."

The three people arrested in the crime include the leader of Minutemen American Defense, a Washington State-based offshoot of the Minutemen movement, in which citizens roam the border looking for people crossing into the country illegally. Former members describe the group’s leader, Shawna Forde, 41, as having anti-immigrant sentiments that are extreme, at times frightening, even to people accustomed to hard-line views on border policing. [...] Mr. Metzger quit the group, alarmed, he said, by a number of things, including Ms. Forde’s demand for extreme loyalty, right down to the choice of cuisine. “I had to take an oath, and part of the oath was that I couldn’t eat Mexican food,” he said. “That’s when red flags went up all over for me. That seemed like prejudice.”Oy. How can you top that? This crap is literally starting to write itself. (Does this have anything to do w/ the Democrat conspiracy to "change the taste of food?")
27 June: Death Of Mormon Con-Man Scum

Friday, June 26, 2009
Uniform Of The Day: Lead-Foil Hats

Known simply as the Dish, the 150-foot-wide antenna, owned by the federal government, will be outfitted with special equipment and a computerized tracking system to keep a powerful, focused signal on the moon.Between the white-hot sun & the lunar radiation, we intend to remain securely behind the two-foot brick walls of our editorial bunker all day tomorrow. (Which is our intention every day, but we thought we'd mention it.)
Time Runs Out
Homo Sapiens Make Us Sick. Really Sick. To Our Stomach.
Homophobic, Red Shirt [?], Bible Thumping Nazi, Gay Bashing, Tea Bagging, Rascist [sic], White Guy, Bigot
Linda has blogged for years. She walks with a cane, and has physical disabilities. She has a bi-racial child and is always on the righteous side of fighting discrimination. She attended the Anchorage assembly meetings this week to testify in favor of the ordinance banning discrimination against the GLBT community. Burke attended the same event, protesting the civil rights ordinance with a shirt stating: "Homophobic, Red Shirt [Does he mean "Red State?"], Bible Thumping Nazi, Gay Bashing, Tea Bagging, Rascist (yes misspelled), White Guy, Bigot." Yes, Sarah Palin pals around with this fine example of tolerance.
"Well gee, if the amnio had warned me he'd be like this, I'da rethunk my 'culture of life' mumbo jumbo, you betcha!" Caption this photo[shop] in comments yourself ...That could be taken as offensive. (We didn't dare look in the comments.)

Perhaps The Best (5:11) Of Ann Althouse On Bloggingheads.tv
26 June: "I'm A Jelly Doughnut!"

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Events Of The Day Sadden Virgin Sarah Palin & Her Son Jesus

"Recently we learned of a malicious desecration of a photo of the Governor and baby Trig that has become an iconic representation of a mother's love for a special needs child," Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapelton said in a statement provided to CNN. "The mere idea of someone doctoring the photo of a special needs baby is appalling." "Babies and children are off limits," She said. "It is past time to restore decency in politics and real tolerance for all Americans. The Obama Administration sets the moral compass for its party. We ask that special needs children be loved, respected and accepted and that this type of degeneracy be condemned."Ah. We didn't know that the
Budget Crisis
More Things Not Going Well
In All The Excitement Of Grim Mortality ...
Shaquille O'Neal Traded to Cleveland Cavaliers In a bold stroke aimed at winning the championship, the Cleveland Cavaliers acquired Shaquille O'Neal from the Phoenix Suns in a multiplayer trade that will have ramifications across the N.B.A. The deal gives Cleveland a second star to share some of the offensive burden with LeBron James. Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na

Rumor Mill: Michael Jackson Dead?
Michael Jackson Reportedly Hospitalized An unconscious Michael Jackson was rushed to UCLA Medical Center on Thursday afternoon by paramedics who performed C.P.R., according to the Los Angeles Fire Department. Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na
Lest We Forget
Fed Announces Positive Outlook For Leeches & Moochers On Fixed Incomes
The prices of energy and other commodities have risen of late. However, substantial resource slack is likely to dampen cost pressures, and the Committee expects that inflation will remain subdued for some time.Not that we trust them, or think they know what they're talking about, but "Whew!" (On the other hand: "Substantial resource slack?") People w/o even fixed incomes are invited to pick up a pitchfork & start helping themselves. (Just not around here.)
25 June: WAR!! And, Custer Gets His.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Please Keep Your Religion Inside The Vehicle & Off Your Sleeve At All Times
And:But with his governor now felled by similar temptations, Inglis sees an opening for the Republican Party, a chance to “lose the stinking rot of self-righteousness” and “to understand we are all in need of some grace.” This is not “Bob Inglis 1.0,” the one that was a “self-righteous” expletive, he said in an interview with Washington Wire today. It is a Bob Inglis that is, if anything, more Christian, more attuned to the Gospels, he said.
Our cynical 95% thinks this might be good ol' Bob paving the way for some sordid revelations of his own, but the possibility he's been reading all of those Gospels can't be dismissed out of hand.Unfortunately for him, the attitudes of “Bob Inglis 2.0” are not all that popular among many of the voters who once adored him. He now has five primary candidates fighting his re-election, and another conservative independent, should he clear the primaries.
“They want me to walk around saying I am the paragon of virtue,” Inglis said. “But that is unrecognizable to the Gospels.”
The Party's Over?
One By One, Republicans Say Good-Bye to the Presidency
We should note, add or mention that, in typical Republican fashion, Gov. Sanford's probably soon to be ex-wife (Wikipedia sez: Born in 1962, she was raised in Winnetka, Illinois with an older brother, two younger sisters and a younger brother. Mrs. Sanford is the granddaughter of Bolton Sullivan, the founder of the Skil Corporation of Chicago.) is an heiress. Surprise, surprise!! We'd like to see another crew of drooling ninnies write more about the concept of shame, & then call for the resignation of this cretin, instead of just shutting themselves up as soon as one of theirs is caught. Then we'd like to see some socially approved/enforced seppuku here in the United Snakes. Preferably on national, obligatory telebision.Enough of this. We took a damn shower yesterday, we don't want to waste water today.SECTION 16-15-60. Adultery or fornication.
Any man or woman who shall be guilty of the crime of adultery or fornication shall be liable to indictment and, on conviction, shall be severally punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or imprisonment for not less than six months nor more than one year or by both fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court.
SECTION 16-15-70. "Adultery" defined.
"Adultery" is the living together and carnal intercourse with each other or habitual carnal intercourse with each other without living together of a man and woman when either is lawfully married to some other person.
Annals Of "Just Shut The Fuck Up"
C & C: Two married Republican Promisekeepers, a U. S. Senator & the governor of a state, have affairs, the Senator w/ one of his staffers (who is married to another of his employees) the governor w/ an Argentinian woman to whom he wrote silly e-mails. (We mention the e-mails only because the "majority media" [There's a new one. What's it supposed to mean?] knew about the e-mailsTo majority media and other Democrats: we police our own, and you don’t get to judge
Drop dead.
Below are excerpts of e-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark Sanford's personal e-mail account and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina.and had been sitting on them since December.) Gov. Spitzer, Democrat of New York, also married, carries on w/ a hooker. No more morally superior than the other two, but not ruining anyone else's lives & marriages, either. Gov. Spitzer resigns the governorship, the two Republicans resign Senate leadership positions & the seat as chair of the Republican Governors Conference, respectively. That's "policing your own?" Not one of these Republican perverts who've been exposed has resigned anything beyond added "leadership" posts. Not Craig, Vitter, or any of them. There's the much-vaunted responsibility & accountability of the right-wing & their libertarian fellows. Not to mention the utter irresponsibility of Sanford's actions & deceptions, which go far beyond his personal life, & may well amount to dereliction of his gubernatorial duty. Ah, "duty." Another world completely stripped of its meaning by the right. The best is yet to come. The depths of liberal perfidy had been reached, we assumed, by the election of a person of not completely Northern European genetic heritage to the Presidency, or passage of gay marriage bills, fluoridation, or whatever other atrocities the majority of the country have voted for, but there is a new threat to AmeriKKKa as we know her on the horizon. From the commentariat to the above item:
To suggest that Republicans, who didn’t try to change the taste of food, or dictate to Americans what they could drive, are imposing their beliefs on others, while Democrats are some force for freedom, displays an ignorance, or willful deceit, on the part of anyone uttering such nonsense. Just park it, Democrats. You played this card until it wore through. You told us to shut up countless times. Now it’s your turn.Yes, we ("The Left," or The International Communist Conspiracy) are "trying to change the taste of food." Food itself. Not a specific food, but ALL FOOD. Stand athwart history & stop that, reactionaries!! Soon, the bland middle-Amurkin diet will have flavor!! Dijonaise for all, & nothing else for anyone! More seriouslier: Republicans have been pushing "The hope of our party is in the statehouses. Governators & so on. Between the two nitwits mentioned, & the recent stupid & racist e-mails circulated by elected R legislators & their staff members, should we put off estimates of Republican resurgence for another election cycle or two, or write the whole mess off?