Fun was had across the iNternetz yesterday in response to glibertarian goofball & leather-jacketed loser Nick Gillespie's
dose of dumb concerning the younger nationally known Paultard, Randal, who is Senator from a state whose other elected Senator is a guy who lost his jaw to chaw. (What?
Born that way? Man-on-turtle sex then, or turtle-on-woman sex. Or was it a tortoise?) What's in their water? (And what is it w/ "the culture" that Young Adult fiction is the driving force, at least for the fascists & libertarians among us? Not a good omen.)
Anyhoo, Ninny Nicky decided (as he does every few wks., just to get the punters going) that young people are suddenly going to turn into vicious predators, get off their couches & devices & start voting for hapnin' glibertarian kats & kittens like this wk.'s way hip Gary Johnson clone, Randy "Groovy Rug, Aqua Buddha" Paul.
But the hell w/ the larger issues. The personal is political as well, & Nicky Gillespie personally is a loser & an idiot. Young people influenced by the latest dystopian YA drivel turning that impulse to idiocy to a
libertarian vote? Not so much, Nick, NOT SO FUCKING MUCH:
Gallup: "Young adults -- those between the ages of 18 and 29 -- have typically aligned themselves with the Democratic Party, but they have become substantially more likely to do so since 2006."
"From 1993 to 2003, 47% of 18- to 29-year-olds, on average, identified as Democrats or said they were independents but leaned to the Democratic Party, while 42% were Republicans or Republican leaners. That time span included two years in which young adults tilted Republican, 1994 and 1995, when Republicans won control of Congress. Since 2006, the average gap in favor of the Democratic Party among young adults has been 18 percentage points, 54% to 36%."
Facts: They sho' nuff don't have a libertarian bias, do they? But feel free to hold your breath until the yout' start voting against their interests, glibtard. And if holding your breath isn't working, Fantasy Fonzarelli, just clap harder.
And Now, The Meta
All well & good, but our curiosity was a bit piqued when
this appeared as we searched for some of the links above:
Rand Paul’s “youth” snow job: Why he’ll never, ever, ever win over young voters
Republicans and pundits say Rand Paul could appeal to millennials in 2016. Here's why that's totally ridiculous
Published, we should note,
last Sat., the 22nd. It's as if Isquith debunked Gillespie's pile of childish fantasy almost a wk. before N.G. typed it. Or maybe Gillespie's extrusion of the 27th was a response. He at least mentions Isquith's piece. Must've ticked him off. His measured & evidence-based response:
Still, Paul is “glib” and his critics “have a point,” one of which is that, according to
Salon’s Elias Isquith, “he’ll never, ever, ever win over young voters.”
Well, nanny-nanny-boo-boo to you, too, kiddo.
Wow, no arguing w/ that!!
No arguing here either. It's very very very informative to compare Isquith's interpretation of the Pew "Detached from Institutions" report w/ Nicky G.'s take. Isquith:
Nevertheless, a Pew Research Center report put out earlier this month found that the majority of millennials still want to see their government do more, not less, to even the playing field. Asked to choose between smaller government with fewer services and bigger government with more services, 53 percent of millennials chose the latter while only 38 percent picked the former. And even though 54 percent of them oppose Obamacare, only 44 percent agree with Paul that it’s not the government’s job to ensure health insurance coverage for all. Perhaps the most telling finding of the whole report in this regard concerns Social Security, that longtime bugaboo of Paul and libertarians like him. Despite the fact that a whopping 51 percent of millennials believe they’ll receive no Social Security benefits by the time they’re eligible, and despite the fact that 53 percent of millennials think government should focus spending on helping the young rather than the old, a remarkable 61 percent of young voters oppose cutting Social Security benefits in any way, full stop.
Millennials are “unmoored from institutions,” gasped Pew Research recently.
So, which side do you trust? The side that read the entire Pew Spew, or the hysteric who read the cover & jumped to a conclusion?
Tangled Web
Layer after layer of nothing but droning from fools. Was all this started by centrist mugwump Joe Gandelman, of
The Compromise W/ Evil Voice, typing in The Week, which is so far beyond mere conventional wisdom/both sides do it/fair & balanced/objective bull that
it's almost as if it doesn't exist on this plane? Mebbe so. Is this the single most cretinous statement typed (so far) in the mo. of Mar.?
The GOP's potential 2016 field is both deep and broad, but there is no candidate without flaws.
Stop being so subtle, Mr. Obvious!! Someone (it might be me) is going to come to your house & break all your fingers, devil-boxes & devices & then cut out your tongue w/ the same blade they'll use to cut your iNternet connections. The only thing deep & wide in 2016 is piled in front of your keyboard, you fuckhead!!! (What is it w/ these people? Whores? Morons? WHAT?)
Voice Of Reason Tries To Shove It Down My Throat
Relax poopsie. Poopy-head Gandelman types poop for an audience of poop-eaters. The free market solution (as I understand it) would be to eliminate the demand (poop-eating Americans) so poop will become a drug on the (free) market. Don't give yourself an aneurysm
Still, someone should stand up for those few of us w/ I.Q.'s over 100. We're
all sick & tired of being held back & down by a nation of nitwits.
*Although it would be interesting to sue one of these cretins, claiming that their sheer stupidity & mendacity caused said aneurysm & that they are legally & morally responsible for being so full of shit. Trolling as tort.
†Well then, may
I give an aneurysm to a deserving individual?