Monday, October 28, 2024

I Stand Corrected

Down The Rabbit Hole

Turns out they got five (minimum) songs (or sets of lyrics) & two versions from the concept, not just the three & two covers noted Thurs.
It's like effin' Rashomon.

And, there was an actual Hot Rod Lincoln.

Another Brick In The Wall

Sumbitch (or bitch) FedEx driver left my fucking package outside the front door.
Taken by an asshole/moron w/ a shitty fucking 'phone. I hate everything.
When I went to get it, it was halfway between the gate & the door. Apparently I'm going to have to kill every last one of my neighbors, unless it was one of the pig landlord's incompetent asshole employees. Fuck everybody & everything in this awful, awful world!! What is wrong w/ all of you that everything you do makes me want to kill you? Is it the original sin of brainless, mind-dead assholery? And how do we fix this worldwide problem? Do I have to release poison gas in this bldg. next time I'm out consuming? Don't think I wouldn't, 'cept I'm low on Zyklon B & it wouldn't be right to kill pets. 'Though if the pets are living w/ moronic assholes they might be better off dead.

Up w/ how much am I expected to put? My patience is well beyond its end. Indeed, that I haven't committed a mass killing (yet) qualifies me for sainthood as far as I'm concerned.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Novelty Item

Ordinarily there are syringes in the streets; haven't seen one of these before, let alone w/ the plastic apparently intact.

Did Something Die In Here?

As noted recently by political scientist & analyst Larry Sabato on the telly, newspaper/whatever endorsements seldom to never matter in Presidential elections, 'though they affect local contests. The actual problem is the ease w/ which billionaires are frightened.

Not that the formerly ink-stained wretches of the press always acquitted themselves well, but apparently the publishers of the WaPo & L.A. Times are merely money-grubbing businessmen who want to use these once semi-respectable properties for at best self-promotion & at worst to take a percentage of every financial transaction in the world or impose some bizarro South African racial ideology on the world.
Robert Reich:
Cowardice and intimidation at The Washington Post and L.A. Times  —  I apologize for bothering you again today, but this is important.  Will Lewis, the chief executive of The Washington Post, announced today that the paper would not endorse a presidential candidate this year.  —  Why not? 
Jeff Mordock / Washington Times:   Washington Post won't endorse presidential candidate for first time in decades
Parker Molloy / The Present Age:
Playing It Safe Is Risking Democracy: Media's Silent Endorsement of Authoritarianism  —  I woke up this morning thinking about authoritarianism.  —  In his 2017 book On Tyranny, historian Timothy Snyder introduced the concept of “anticipatory obedience,” warning that “most of the power of authoritarianism is freely given.”
more at Mediagazer »
Jonathan V. Last / The Bulwark:
The Guardrails Are Already Crumpling  —  Editor's note: The Bulwark is supported not by a billionaire, but by the members who gather here every day to read, talk to, and learn from each other.  We believe that this is how you save democracy.  With the little platoons of a community. 
Hate Love to be a cynic*, so note that J.V. Last of The Bulwark wants money. Worth reading, however:
But this isn’t a journalism story. It’s a business story.

Following Trump’s 2016 victory, the Post leaned hard into its role as a guardian of democracy. This meant criticizing, and reporting aggressively on, Trump, who responded by threatening Bezos’s various business interests.

And that’s what this story is about: It’s about the most consequential American entrepreneur of his generation signaling his submission to Trump—and the message that sends to every other corporation and business leader in the country. In the world.

Killing this editorial says, If Jeff Bezos has to be nice to Trump, then so do you. Keep your nose clean, bub.

In the interests of something or another, the Times has covered the issue.

Behind the music:
"First it was a an acid trip that had a frightening end to it, and that started me thinking about terror," he said. "And then I went My God, what about my friends in Vietnam? Talk about terror. That's how I connected with it.

*Keeps disappointment to a minimum.

WWIII, In Person!

Didn't occur to me it's the 120th Series.


I note that the AP took down their video of Trump saying this garbage. I wonder why. Are they chickenshits like the South African chickenshit who owns the L.A. Times?
Why does Trump hate this country so much? It's let him get away w/ so much, you'd think he'd be more appreciative.

Patrick Soon-Shiong:
Chickenshit Owner

The Los Angeles Times has lost two more longtime editorial writers, the latest in a growing exodus to protest owner Patrick Soon-Shiong’s interference with the paper’s planned endorsement of Kamala Harris, TheWrap can exclusively report.

On Thursday, editorial writer Karin Klein, and Pulitzer Prize-winner Robert Greene both quit; their exits come just one day after Editorial Editor Mariel Garza, who resigned in protest on Wednesday.

Greene has not yet spoken publicly about his exit, but in a statement posted to a private forum that was subsequently shared with TheWrap, Klein laid her reasons for quitting.

Channeling Harris’ campaign slogan “we’re not going back,” Klein called Soon-Shiong a “chickenshit” who threw the editorial team “under the bus,” and argued, essentially, that the decision to stop the endorsement was itself an endorsement of sorts for Harris’ opponent, Donald Trump.

Soon-Shiong, Klein wrote, has as owner the “right to interfere with editorials; that is the one place where he can ethically do so.” But, by shooting down this particular editorial, she said he had actually created one of his own. “A wordless one, a make-believe-invisible one that unfairly implies that [Harris] has grievous faults that somehow put her on a level with Donald Trump.”

In fact, she argued, the timing itself can only be seen as a direct attack on the Democratic candidate “that hits just at the time when she cannot afford hits.”

Klein also specifically called out Soon-Shiong’s dissembling statement Wednesday night that attempted to blame the editorial board itself for the debacle, while at the same time effectively confirming he had indeed blocked the endorsement.

Oh look, a South African is a both-sidesing hypocrite. Quelle surprise! You don't suppose he's some sort of racist & sexist as well, do you? 

Carmageddon Coming!

Nation of sheep, like lambs to the slaughter.

Too Many Idiots, Too Many Cars

In anticipation of a potential traffic nightmare from a confluence of sports and entertainment events on Friday and Saturday, including the World Series, Mayor Karen Bass today announced a coordinated effort to reduce traffic, ensure public safety and promote local attractions.

On Friday, the Dodgers will face the New York Yankees at Dodger Stadium for Game 1 of the World Series -- the first time since 1981 the teams will meet in a Fall Classic. Later in the evening, the Lakers will play against the Phoenix Suns at the Crypto arena.

Meanwhile, at the L.A. Coliseum, the USC Trojans are scheduled to play Rutgers for a night of college football.

In addition, Inglewood will host two big events -- with the East L.A. Classic football game between Theodore Roosevelt High School and James A. Garfield High School at SoFi Stadium, and David Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame playing a concert at the Intuit Dome for a concert.

Some have dubbed the cluster of events as possibly setting the stage for a "carmageddon."

"Ahead of the World Series tomorrow, we're working to make sure the city is safe, that traffic is minimized, and that visitors and Angelenos alike are able to enjoy the many attractions, culture, food and neighborhoods that make L.A. an iconic international destination," Bass said Friday during a news conference at City Hall.

"My message is that L.A. is ready to -- ready to host the World Series, ready to welcome visitors from near and far, and we are ready to win. Go Dodgers!," Bass added.

[City News Service via The Eastsider]

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Psychopathia Sexualis Expands Into Child Abuse

A "vigorous" spanking. That's one sick fuck. As are the people applauding. One can only wonder if Tucker has/had a 15-yr. old daughter who's told him exactly where to go; the finger & age seem quite specific. As mentioned previously, a welfare check on the Carlson children would certainly be in order. "You've been bad & you're getting a spanking" is awful & abusive in itself, but adding "little girl" & "vigorous" (Who says "vigorous", anyway?) brings it to a new level of disgust.
Fucking pre-War Germans weren't as nutty about Hitler as these creeps are about Lumpy. And why do they all hate America?

In other Tucker news, we have a "No, really?" observation.

Today In Automobiling

Ride 'Em, Cowboys & Cowgirls!

Outdated cultural reference: "Now along about the middle of the night, we were rippin' along like white folks might".
Man, these hicks are all about reduce, reuse & recycle. Three songs & two versions from one concept.

High-speed pursuit ends in deadly crash into freeway pillar on live news

I just don't get it. Every person in this horrid nation of sub-human cretins should be dead of their own stupidity.

[L.A. Times]

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Psychopathia Sexualis

Why do these sick fucks hate America? And I'd advise a welfare check on Carlson's children.

Ghost Spider

Tired of living in a sad Koreatown shower on a diet of nothing but fruit flies, it gave up the ghost.
Thanks for the content, arachnid.

Why We Must Eat The Rich Immediately

A very worthy recipient of today's Two Minutes Hate, more Silicon Valley scum:
Sarah Rumpf / Mediaite:
Nicole Shanahan, ex-wife of Google's Sergey Brin and a rising MAGA star, allegedly offered WaPo reporters writing a profile piece on her $500K to reveal sources  —  Nicole Shanahan has been “tapping a vast divorce settlement” from Google co-founder Sergey Brin to launch herself … 
Washington Post:   Nicole Shanahan's astonishing journey from tech royalty to rising MAGA star
Glenn Thrush / @glennthrush:   Jaw dropping
These people are evil & must die be imprisoned for life. There are no two ways about it. As a disease vector if nothing else. And not to be trusted, either.
The article is full of juicy details about Shanahan’s whirlwind romance with Brin — reportedly begun after they met while she was engaged to her first husband, Jeremy Kranz, who “soon discovered the affair” and “sought to have the marriage annulled after only 27 days” — a volatile relationship that sparked divisions with Brin’s family and professional colleagues and then collapsed in scandal amid a Wall Street Journal report she had an affair with Brin’s longtime friend Elon Musk.
Can't these billionaire losers find attractive or intelligent women?
... many of Shanahan’s former Silicon Valley associates are now concerned she will use the massive pile of money she got in her divorce settlement with Brin to [...] "push unverified medical views to a broad audience.”
Yes, one of those who think they know more than medical science. And it certainly would be irresponsible not to speculate as to whether it was her money or her, shall we say, charms, that got her the RFK Jr. vice presidency.
Why not both, right?

Still Sick & Tired Of Everything

Work is Nazi bullshit. So is order. And walls. Fuck it all, bring on the entropy.
A day later. Things only worsen as entropy increases.

Fernando Valenzuela Dead At 63

This is truly sad. I ordinarily quite like when someone who was born after I was dies, but Fernando, when the Dodgers are about to beat the Yankees again? Bullshit.
He remains the only pitcher in MLB history to win the Cy Young and Rookie of the Year awards in the same season. The left-hander was the National League’s starting pitcher in the All-Star Game in 1981, the same year the Dodgers won the World Series.
The 1981 All-Star Game.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Not Much Of A "Friend"

A 38-year-old woman was found dead in a backyard trash can in Costa Mesa on Tuesday afternoon, authorities said.

A man was arrested in Glendale on suspicion of murder. Police said he was a friend of the woman.

The victim, whose identity was not released pending notification of her family, was found around 2:27 p.m. at a home in the 1900 block of Maple Avenue, according to a news release.

As Costa Mesa police conducted an investigation Tuesday, the home was cordoned off with crime scene tape. In interviews, neighbors described the area as safe and the incident as shocking.

“Never a problem, never had any type of violence or anything like that, any disturbance,” said a neighbor who gave only her first name, Sherri.

Sherri, you cretin, no one is "safe" anywhere, & I'm getting tired of people who think "safety" exists anywhere. Pull your head out of your ass & take a look around. That open space w/ all the dead bodies piled up in mounds is called a cemetery, unless it's a trash can in Costa Mesa. 

This "friend" reminds this reporter of his "friends" who let him become homeless. Could have died out there, you heartless bastards. 

Gawd damn, I hate you fucking people. Your species deserves everything it gets, good & hard, & twice!!

Bobby Fuller's Birthday

Not Robert Fuller (Still kicking at 91, 'though this'll probably kill him.) you inane drones.Died in an Oldsmobile in front of his apartment, a block north & a block west of the Chinese Theatre.
Did not know "I Fought The Law" was written by Sonny Curtis (who also wrote "Love Is All Around", The Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song) & originally performed by the Crickets.
Some other outfit covered it but I can't quite remember who. Limeys, maybe?

Bent Over, Doubled Up;
I Did The Vom In A Blindo's Cup!

Your corporate masters are killing you, you fucking morons, but keep shoving that shit in your ugly maws & then die like the stuck pigs you are.
E. coli food poisoning linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounder hamburgers has sickened at least 49 people in 10 states, including one person who died and 10 who were hospitalized, federal health officials said Tuesday.
And eff you in your diarrhetic poop chute, Mickey D's.
The news comes in an already tough year for the Chicago-based McDonald’s chain. Its global same-store sales fell for the first time in nearly four years in the second quarter as inflation-weary customers skipped eating out or chose cheaper options. The company responded with a $5 meal deal, which was introduced at U.S. restaurants in late June and was recently extended through December. The deal doesn’t include the Quarter Pounder.

Tired Of It All Tuesday

Promise or threat? One of these days I'll be wide awake, armed, ammo'ed & angry enough that the people who exhaust me will be done too.