Thursday, September 30, 2021
South Dakota Song
Chi-Lites Make Walk Of Fame
Star number 2,702.In 1959, Thompson formed a vocal group called the “Hi-Lights” in Chicago with Eugene Record, Robert Lester and Creadel “Red” Jones. After releasing several singles on local labels, the group changed its name in 1964 to “Marshall & The Chi-Lites.” In 1969, the group changed its name to The Chi-Lites and were signed by Brunswick Records.
Today In History: "Fifty years ago, baseball left Washington in a chaotic stampede"
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Lost In The Ozone Forever
Asked & Answered
Goddam right there should be sabotage (& violence if necessary); it's the ancient legal concept of self-defense.
Everything's made of shit & we're all dying; why does anyone still bother &/or pretend?Conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility.
From The Mailbag
Well, dear aggravated leftier-than-thou reader, there is no reporting at C&L, just web-logging. Y'know, mostly reacting to idiotic stuff said by right-wingers on the telly & in other media. Almost exactly like RawStory, really.Compared to RawStory and the right wing rag HuffPost, you report or barely report almost nothing that can be considered news, may I ask why? If you are reporters (hahahaha) yet report no real news oh a few slivers here and there but nothing concrete or rousing just enough dribble hoping that no one knows. I guess you do take orders from the right so that they are not really offended.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Friday, September 24, 2021
Fuck Walt Disney's Corporate Heirs
Corporations royally screwed the creators; screw the corporations & slip some of the profits to the heirs of the creators rather than the parasitic stockholding leeches.Eriq Gardner / Hollywood Reporter:
Disney's Marvel is suing the heirs of Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, and Gene Colan as it tries to keep full control of Avengers characters under US copyright law — Blockbuster lawsuits filed today will decide future ownership of characters including Iron Man and Spider-Man.K.J. Yossman / Variety: Marvel Sues to Block Heirs From Reclaiming Spider-Man, Doctor Strange CopyrightsRyan Scott / SlashFilm: The Avengers, Doctor Strange, And Spider-Man Are Embroiled In An Epic (Copyright) BattleSpencer Perry / Comic Book: Spider-Man, Doctor Strange Copyright Termination Filed by Steve Ditko EstateEriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: Disney is the midst of filing 5 blockbuster lawsuits that will decide ownership of Iron Man, Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. A new copyright termination battle between “Superman” vets Dan Petrocelli and Marc Toberoff. ...Adi Robertson / The Verge: Disney sues to keep its Avengers copyrights assembled
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Twit Of The Day
Israel, can't you pay for your own weapons? I don't want the blood you spill on my hands.
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) September 23, 2021
House passes $1B for Israel's Iron Dome after progressive dustup (@desideriodc / Politico)
Thursday Throwaway
Can't Handle The Truth Dep't.
Oh, were Snowflake's precious feelings hurt? Quel dommage! This reporter's heart pumps piss for these cretins.Chauncey DeVega / Salon:
Hillary Clinton tried to warn us — and paid the price. Let's at least call Republicans what they are — Still, America's political class is unwilling to call the fascist, white supremacist Republicans what they are.
Ron Dicker / HuffPost: Hillary Clinton's ‘Deplorables’ Warning Is Coming True, Salon Writer Says
Brian Flood / Fox News: Atlantic writer slams GOP, Trump voters as obese drug users: ‘Go for a walk and order the salmon’
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
It's Over!
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
That Boy's Crazy!!
Gone 'Round The Bend, I Say
The best part, of course, is that Bow-Tie Daddy no doubt imagines himself to be the epitome of a free-thinking (yet Xian), high-testosterone dude. Sad, innit?Fox News host Tucker Carlson continued his relentless anti-vaccine crusade on Monday by bizarrely claiming that the military’s new vaccination mandate was an effort by the Biden administration to weed out Christians and “men with high testosterone.”Following the Food and Drug Administration’s full approval of Pfizer’s coronavirus shot last month, the Pentagon ordered all active-duty military members to be fully vaccinated. According to Carlson, though, the vaccine requirement was a “new political purity test” by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
“This was specifically designed to separate the obedient from the free,” the Fox host grumbled on Monday night. “Can’t have any of the latter category.”
Carlson, who has repeatedly sowed doubt about COVID-19 vaccines’ efficacy and safety, went on to say there was “zero scientific basis” behind requiring soldiers to be vaccinated against the virus that’s killed nearly 700,000 Americans. Never mind that service members have long been subjected to various immunizations, and a surge in the virus could negatively impact troop readiness.
Insisting that “virtually all” of the military is “at extremely low risk of dying from COVID” because they’re mostly young and healthy, the conservative primetime host went on to compare military suicides to coronavirus deaths.
Having thoroughly dismissed COVID-19 as a concern for the military, Carlson alleged that the vaccine mandate was actually a conspiracy to purge the military of virile, God-fearing men with minds of their own.
“The point of mandatory vaccination is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the free thinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who doesn't love Joe Biden and make them leave immediately,” he exclaimed. “It's a takeover of the U.S. military!”
Carlson then claimed he obtained a U.S. Army PowerPoint presentation that was meant to address service member concerns about vaccines, including a slide that sarcastically read: “How many children were sacrificed to Satan because of the vaccine?”
“Then the presentation proceeds to list the so-called tenets of Satanism which are taken from the Temple of Satanism website. So here you have the United States Army doing p.r. for Satanists,” Carlson fumed, framing the slide as proof the military was rooting out Christians.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Maybe BoJo should get the wax out of his ears. Maybe this was essentially an excuse to bring out this moldy piece of cheese, which certainly doesn't sound any better (even remastered) almost 53 yrs. after it was recorded. Effin' Limeys.“Boris Johnson told reporters on his way to the U.N. General Assembly on Sunday night he didn’t believe it was likely that the U.S. would agree to lift its ban on vaccinated foreign travelers this week. Hours later, the White House did exactly that,” Axios reports.“For the second time in less than a week, a major U.S. foreign policy decision by the Biden administration appears to have caught one of its closest allies by surprise. And neither was the first time, either.”
Zuck You, Fuckerberg, You Dentist-Spawned Glibertarian Douchebag
Also Vampire Sociopath Thiel
Don't lie, Zucky. We still remember this, it was only a wk. ago.Max Chafkin / New York Magazine:
Peter Thiel's Origin Story: His ideology dominates Silicon Valley. It began to form when he was an angry young man. — Sometime around the spring of 1988, several members of the Stanford University chess team traveled to a tournament in Monterey, California, in an old Volkswagen Rabbit.Travis Gettys / Raw Story: Mark Zuckerberg agreed not to fact check political posts as part of deal with Trump: New bookAlan Ryland / POLITICUSUSA: New Book Alleges Zuckerberg Agreed Not to Fact Check Trump's Political Posts As Part of Deal with Trump AdministrationDanika Fears / The Daily Beast:Peter Thiel Claimed Zuckerberg Agreed to Push ‘State-Sanctioned Conservatism’ Under Trump Deal, Book Says — SCRATCH MY BACK — During a meeting in Washington, D.C. in 2019, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg agreed to not fact-check political posts if the Trump administration would steer clear of any “heavy-handed regulations,” venture capitalist Peter Thiel told an associate, according to a new book. The associate alleged that at the meeting—which was also attended by Thiel, former President Trump, Jared Kushner, and their spouses—Zuckerberg essentially promised to champion “state-sanctioned conservatism,” The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power says. Zuckerberg denied the existence of a deal, saying that was “pretty ridiculous.”
Now can we take all their money & sentence them to hard labor & a diet of gruel until they fucking drop dead?Facebook Says Its Rules Apply to All. Company Documents Reveal a Secret Elite That’s Exempt.
A program known as XCheck has given millions of celebrities, politicians and other high-profile users special treatment, a privilege many abuse
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Garfield Dies, Bouffant Birthed
Yes, I am the Lindbergh baby.A pivotal battle in the American Revolution, President James Garfield dies, Bruno Hauptmann arrested in the Lindbergh baby case, Unabomber's manifesto published, Mary Tyler Moore Show premieres.
Birthday Telebision
Just Wrap It Up, I'll Take It W/ Me
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Sad Saturday Schadenfreude Fest
Welcome to, a repository of stories of anti-vaxxers who died or came close to dying of COVID needlessly from their own scientifically un-sound and stubborn beliefs.
Fcuking realtors are the worst, but they're all morons.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Are There No Guardrails?
In the 21st century, the lemmings drive off the cliffs.Woman Killed in Plunge from 4th Floor of Parking Structure in Orange
A woman in her 70s died Friday when she drove her car off the fourth floor of a parking garage at the St. Joseph Outpatient Pavilion medical offices in Orange.The woman, whose name was not immediately released, apparently accidentally drove off the parking structure at 1140 W. La Veta Ave. about 9:20 a.m., with the car landing on its roof, Sgt. Phil McMullin of the Orange Police Department said.
No one else was injured. She was the sole occupant of the car, McMullin said.
Bystanders and witnesses helped flip the car over, but the woman was pronounced dead at the scene, McMullin said.
Friday Freak Out:
Blues Rock From The Bronx
Friday Funeral Fun: Crikey, You Rotter!
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Stairway To The Stars
SpaceX Launches Tourists Into Unknown
Is there a "return to earth" surcharge the passengers don't hear about until they're in orbit?Ripped From The Pages Of The DSM
Also known as megalomania.Sonam Sheth / Insider:
RareFewer than 200,000 US cases per yearTreatment can help, but this condition can't be curedRequires a medical diagnosisLab tests or imaging not requiredChronic: can last for years or be lifelongFor informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.Sources: Mayo Clinic and others. Learn more
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Today In (New) Idioms
Ouch.I quickly shifted to Low Power Mode and summoned a Lyft. The car arrived just as the phone went deader than a right-wing anti-vaxx radio talk show host.
Effin' Blow Us, Other States
You pathetic fucking losers. Don't for one moment think there's any room for you & your filthy viruses here, either.Aidin Vaziri / San Francisco Chronicle: California now the only state to exit CDC's ‘high’ COVID transmission category — California no longer has “high” community levels of coronavirus transmission, according to data published Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an achievement a top state health official credited to broad vaccination uptake and public compliance with restrictions such as mask-wearing.
'60s Flashback?
Blade Runner 2021
Monday, September 13, 2021
Voting By The Light Of The Moon
Posted 10 Yrs. Ago Today
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Fun W/ Photos
You Cannot Hide
In this satellite photo provided by Planet Labs Inc., an area of Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia shows Patriot missile batteries stationed with one advanced Terminal High Altitude Air Defense unit on Aug. 9, 2021. (Planet Labs Inc. via AP)
Bonus track:An area of Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia that once saw Patriot missile batteries stationed with one advanced Terminal High Altitude Air Defense unit stands empty Friday, Sept. 10, 2021. The U.S. has removed its most advanced missile defense system and Patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, even as the kingdom faced continued air attacks from Yemen's Houthi rebels, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show. (Planet Labs Inc. via AP)
Saturday Sage Burning
Friday, September 10, 2021
Friday Freak Out!
Actual "Cancel Culture"
More guns for the mentally ill who are too stupid to turn off their 'phones while committing murder, right?EL PASO, Texas (KWTX & CBS Newspath) -
Police in West Texas this week arrested Joseph Angel Alvarez, 38, who allegedly targeted a couple - killing the wife in the process - because they voted for Biden, and had a Biden flag and “a doll of Trump hanging” outside their home.
Alvarez, arrested September 8 nearly a year after the murder, is being held at the El Paso County Detention Center. He was jailed on a $2 million bond for the murder of Georgette Kaufmann, 50, and on a $500,000 bond for the aggravated assault of the woman’s husband, Daniel Kaufmann.
The couple was targeted on November 14, 2020, shortly after the U.S. presidential election, at their home in the 3000 block of Copper Avenue in Central El Paso.
A criminal complaint states police found Georgette Kauffman’s body inside her garage. After Alvarez shot and killed the woman, he allegedly made his way through the detached garage door and entered the backyard.
The court document obtained by KDBC-TV in El Paso states Alvarez walked up a flight of stairs to an outdoor patio deck. He attempted to enter the residence, but found the wrought iron door to be locked.
At that time, Daniel Kauffman heard a noise at the back door and walked in its direction because he believed it was his wife. Alvarez then allegedly fired several rounds through the closed wrought iron door, striking the husband, the court document states.
Kauffman told KDBC he was shot at five times, but was able to crawl out of his home and reach a neighbor’s house to ask for help.
Investigators obtained a Google geofence search warrant to examine all mobile devices within a particular geofence area of the victim’s home. The search warrant data provided by Google allegedly revealed Alvarez was present in the area on two occasions. Once on Nov. 10, 2020, and the other on the day of the murder.
During the investigation, investigators uncovered emails allegedly sent by Alvarez in which he stated his extremist religious beliefs and identified “pro-choice” advocates as the “Jewish Satanist Party” and claimed abortions were “Jewish child sacrifice.”
He identified Memorial Park, near the murdered woman’s home, as a “ritualistic satanic ground to conduct abortions by the manner of magic.”
An email allegedly sent by Alvarez to the 902D Military Intelligence group included photographs near the crime scene and the driveway that led to the Kauffmann’s residence. The photographs are suspected to have been taken in the area according to his geo-location history on Nov. 10, the criminal complaint states.
Furthermore, the email Alvarez allegedly wrote claims he targeted the Kaufmann’s home near Memorial Park because they voted for Biden and had a Biden “flag and a doll of Trump hanging.”
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Cards On The Table
All [sic], by the way. Sad, innit?Today, with little near-term threat of a foreign war, there has never been a greater need for a war here at home. Americans were threatened by foreign powers in 1775 and 1941, and by the vicious domestic war of 1861-65. Each time, Americans responded by reducing their enmies to the dust of oblivion. Indeed, the defeat inflicted on the Confederacy in war and especially during reconstruction was far more savage than that suffered by the British, the Japanese, and Germans. Since the end of reconstruction, in fact, the Democrats have never stopped trying to destroy the southern states, and especially the traditional culture of those states, which is thoroughly informed by conservatism, patriotism, tradition, and Christianity, and which today exists as the most humane and admirable regional culture in North AmericaCurrently, average Americans are faced by an immediate and quite desperate need to reduce a domestic enemy to the same kind of dust. The Democratic Party, its black and white terrorists forces and legions of sexually depraved; many of the U.S. military’s flag officers and their highly ranked butt-boy underlings; most of the federal bureaucracy; any person employed by or associated with the United Nations; the media; all teachers/professors; Hollywood; pedophiles; the leaders and their staffs of major league sports; the leaders and their lieutenants of giant companies in the banking, medicine, pharmaceuticals, arms, technology, and social-media sectors; most Jewish-American leaders, journalists, and organizations, and their unending hatred for the American republic; and all Christian clerics who have abandoned their God, Bible, and flocks to side with the foregoing entities, can only be classified as the lethal enemies of Americans and their republic. They must be stopped and then scoured from the continent.
So here we are on the cusp of an absolutely necessary domestic war. We must be polite at all times, and in that the Democrats and their above-named allies started this war long ago, the favor must be returned. What is the offense that is causing the war that is now near to hand? Here, readers would expect a litany of crimes committed by our governments, along the lines of Jefferson’s indictment of George III and his Parliament in the Declaration. Of that kind of irrefutable evidence there is an overwhelming abundance, the most recent being a mother whose child was forcibly removed from her because she refused to be poisoned by the national government, the video of a U.S. soldier who expressed her eagerness for martial law and her willingness to shoot down Americans who defied her orders, Japan’s discovery of nearly 2 million doses of deliberately tainted vaccine, and new and definitive data showing the continuing and strengthening suppression of proven cures for the Wuhan Flu. Such a list, however, would be endless, and most items on it are already known by many Americans, and soon will be known by most.
[...]... American patriots are clearly the exact opposite of those described by Ferguson as “degenerate and cowardly”, while those words are the precise description of all who follow Biden, his party and regime, globalists, and the pride-filled sexually depraved in their war-by-mandate on loyal Americans and their kids. The cause of American patriots against them is the cause of the Founders, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the English language, the rule of law, equality before the law, Christianity, and eight-plus centuries of English liberties, which now are being destroyed by mandate in Canada, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia, and will die by the same instrument in America if the mandaters are not wiped out.
It is a cause whose victory can be won only by the hands of armed men who are, as Ferguson wrote, “spirited and resolute” and who know that participating in a war waged to rid the republic of its lawless, vermin-like, and genocidal enemies is truly to participate in doing God’s work, and that such work – win or lose, live or die — is its own reward.
And what, after all, could be more satisfying, necessary, respectable, and blessed than to help kill, in numbers as large as necessary, those who are using illegal and so legally meaningless “mandates” to impoverish, poison, starve, and ultimately kill you and your family; to sexually pervert your grammar-skilled kids and teach them to be Nazis; and to make the Chinese and other Third World trash the rulers of America. Clearly, the only real challenge here lies is picking which target to dispose of first
Reefer Madness
Fake News Weenies Have Fit After Eggs Thrown At Elder
Where was your gun, Larry? You're a big man when you're armed & confronting a woman, why not here you big sissy?Julia Wick / Los Angeles Times: Larry Elder cuts short Venice homeless encampment tour after hostile reception — Larry Elder's scheduled tour of homeless encampments in Venice ended shortly after it began Wednesday morning, with the leading Republican in the gubernatorial recall race hastily exiting in a Suburban …
Misty Severi / Washington Examiner: California recall candidate Larry Elder targeted by egg-throwing from hostile crowdEd Driscoll / Instapundit: THE L.A. TIMES KEEPS ROCKIN'! “A woman in a gorilla mask riding a bicycle threw …Alex Nitzberg / TheBlaze: Video shows person wearing a gorilla mask throwing an object at California gubernatorial recall candidate Larry ElderThomas McDonald / Independent Chronicle:
Egg-throwing agitators attack Larry Elder, campaign staff in Los AngelesBrittany Bernstein / National Review: Larry Elder and Team Targeted by Egg Throwing Attack in Los AngelesMadeline Dovi / The Daily Caller: Woman In A Gorilla Mask Misses Larry Elder's Head With An Egg From About 18 Inches Away