FRI 31 MAY 1940
U.S. Ambassador to Argentina Norman Armour and U.S. Minister in Uruguay Edwin C. Wilson confer in Montevideo about the deteriorating situation in Uruguay, and jointly suggest (in telegram to Secretary of State Hull) that "if the situation in the Far East permits," sending a "large U.S. naval force, 40 or 50 the east coast of South America." A naval visit of that nature, the diplomats believe "would strengthen the position of those who desire to combat Nazism, as well as restore the confidence of those who are now wavering" and that the stationing of a U.S. naval squadron "more or less permanently in these waters would be an added assurance that we are prepared to give effective and immediate assistance if required."
In reply to U.S. Minister in Uruguay Wilson's telegram of the previous day, Secretary of State Hull informs the envoy in Montevideo that President Roosevelt has ordered heavy cruiser Quincy (CA-39) to proceed immediately to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and thence directly to Montevideo for "friendly visits of courtesy" (see 12 June).
Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Laurence Duggan) of the State Department suggests to Undersecretary of State Welles that President Roosevelt's decision "to detach two or three cruisers to go down the east coast [of South America]" be made public "in order to put a little iron in the veins of our friends in those countries."
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Send In The Fleet!
M. Bouffant
Germs Great Pat Smear, Fat & Happy
M. Bouffant
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Earlier. |
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) May 20, 2015
Blackie's was a fun dump (& w/in walking & staggering, if not crawling distance, of home); at one gig there (All a blur now; same one?) someone lit the dumpster in the alley on fire. No one ever did that in the alley behind the Troub.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Local WTF Action
M. Bouffant
Great job @LAFD rescuing woman stuck in chimney at a school in Koreatown. @JaneNews live update after NHL @nbcla
— Patrick Armijo (@patrickarmijo) May 31, 2015
Fleet To Stay In Pacific;
Uruguay Situation "Deteriorating"
M. Bouffant
THU 30 MAY 1940
President Roosevelt (through Secretary of State Hull) rejects Ambassador Bullitt's request of 28 May to send the fleet to the Mediterranean. "The presence of the fleet in the Pacific at this time," Hull reminds the ambassador, "is a very practical contribution to the maintenance of peace in the Pacific."
U.S. Minister in Uruguay Edwin C. Wilson reports "deteriorating" situation in Montevideo in telegram to Secretary of State Hull. Wilson describes the Uruguayan government as "well meaning but weak, undecided and confused," with things "drifting" and "people ... climbing on the Nazi bandwagon." Wilson also warns that an "armed movement is a possibility" (see 31 May).
Lest We Forget
M. Bouffant
If I might point out to these self-censoring sissies, the word you're looking for is "ASSHOLES". Don't be assholes yourselves by censoring things.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Today In Businesspeople
M. Bouffant
Watch this glibertarian witch/crazy person assault a news crew "investigating" the pile of rusted junk her business won't clean up. Waiting for a rant about "property rights" any fucking second now.
M. Bouffant
Hot damn, gonna be a wild wknd.!Twenty yrs. ago the "fee" was U.S.$5.00. Progress, sort of. Wasn't expecting mileage, which, like everything else in this world of shit & pain is sheer bullshit: Train fare to & from the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center would have been U.S.$3.50 if I'd paid retail. A little short from U.S.$1.36. Up yours, L.A. County!
Gold Fever!
M. Bouffant
WED 29 MAY 1940
French auxiliary cruiser Ville d'Oran loads 200 tons of gold (French reserve) for shipment to Casablanca (see 9-10 June).
Nice Jewish Lady Pamela Geller's
New Mooslim-Hatin' Friends
M. Bouffant
Guy w/ a Nazi "SS" shirt @ the "free speech rally" Also says: "Support Your Local White Boy"
— Imraan Siddiqi (@imraansiddiqi) May 30, 2015
M. Bouffant
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Broadbill (Xiphias gladius) Sadly, not the hero of our story. |
Confirmed: Man killed at Honokohau Harbor on Big Island after being impaled by broadbill swordfish that he first speared.— Andrew Pereira (@KITV_Reporter) May 29, 2015
Where The Hell Does One Sign Up
For This Anthrax Mailing List?
M. Bouffant
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Be glad I resisted the urge to show anthrax skin lesions. |
Pentagon: 24 laboratories in 11 states and 2 foreign countries received inadvertent shipments of live anthrax; 'no known risk to the general public and an extremely low risk to lab workers' - statementPlenty of envelopes & stamps ready, just need some live bacilli.
And Today In Mental Illness
M. Bouffant
Or sheer stupidity, or perhaps merely a 12-yr. old's mind. Twelve or so being the approximate mental age of Junior Paul & most of his fanbois.
Whatever the explanation, we can be certain that Randy won't be running against Obama. But you wouldn't expect a 12-yr. old to know that.Comedy relief for the sane & post-pubesecent.
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Plus which: Homo-Erotic Subtext. (Not so "sub", really.) |
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Belgium Surrenders; U.S. Ambassador To France Goes Nuts: "a feared 'Communist uprising' as German forces near Paris and other industrial centers"
M. Bouffant
TUE 28 MAY 1940
National Defense Advisory Committee is established, which includes in its membership former automobile manufacturer William S. Knudsen, corporate executive Edward R. Stettinius, labor leader Sidney Hillman, and economist Leon Henderson. There is, however, no head to this group, that only serves to advise President Roosevelt on defense issues (see 7 January 1941).
Belgium surrenders to Germany.
Ambassador to France William C. Bullitt (through a telegram to Secretary of State Hull) urgently asks President Roosevelt to send a cruiser to Bordeaux, France (1) to bring arms and ammunition urgently required by the French police to quell a feared "Communist uprising" as German forces near Paris and other industrial centers and (2) to take away the French and Belgian gold reserves. "If you cannot send a cruiser of the San Francisco [CA 38] class to Bordeaux," Bullitt implores, "please order the Trenton (CL-11) at Lisbon [Squadron 40-T flagship] to take on fuel and supplies at once for a trip to America and order her today to Bordeaux." Consequently, heavy cruiser Vincennes (CA-44) departs Hampton Roads in company with destroyers Truxtun (DD-229) and Simpson (DD-221), bound for the Azores on the first leg of the voyage undertaken in response to the ambassador's second concern (see 9 June).
Ambassador Bullitt also urges that the Atlantic Fleet be sent to the Mediterranean as "one of the surest ways" to obtain British and French cooperation in keeping German attacks away from the U.S. (see 30 May).
Today In Mental Illness
M. Bouffant
Believe it or shove it, this son-of-a-preacher-man (See also: Ted Cruz.) believes Gawd talks directly to him.
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Had he graduated, he would've had a bachelor's degree in derpitude. |
Apparently Gawd is one helluva campaign manager:On abortion and “life issues,” there isn’t a more conservative elected statewide official in the country. Walker not only believes abortion should be banned even in cases of rape and incest, but that conventional birth control pills should be banned as well.
After Mark Green outflanked Walker with the religious right in the 2006 gubernatorial race, Walker left his neighborhood Baptist church, where he was a deacon and his retired Baptist preacher father was (and remains) a member, and moved to a church that bills itself as non-denominational but has beliefs that closely mirror those found in conservative Pentecostal congregations.
If Walker prevails in the Republican primaries, he will be the first presidential candidate to come from a church whose members believe the Apocalypse is “imminent,” do not allow women to serve on congregational boards of elders, practice “speaking in tongues,” and do not believe someone is a real Christian unless he has been “born again.”
Walker has also said, “there is no separation of church and state in the Constitution.” In social media, he has suggested that God works through him and literally speaks to him. For example, according to Walker, God spoke to him and instructed him to marry Tonette—after one date.
[Salon]Then after only five months of dating, he proposed to Tonette Schleker, a widow 12 years his senior, and suggested they get married three months later—on Feb. 6, 1993 (Ronald Reagan’s birthday). He would run for office with a wife as a political asset.
In June 1993, Walker won the special election for a seat in the Wisconsin State Assembly with 57 percent of the vote and the slenderest of résumés—at 25, he was a college dropout whose longest stint then (as now) in the private sector had been a job at McDonald’s during high school.
Worst State In The Union Today
M. Bouffant
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Many other reasons to hate from the source of this image. |
And do not forget it's the same shithole from which the Clintons oozed.Months after the rehoming of their adopted daughters was made public, Justin and Marsha Harris have yet to face consequences
Despite public outrage, Justin Harris' status as legislator remains unchanged.
Today In Blackmail
M. Bouffant
Wow. I wonder what ol' Denny Hastert did to someone that he agreed to pay that someone U.S.$3,500,000.00.
A-ha! A clue, perhaps (Our emphasis: Need we type more?):
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Hard to tell, really, because all Republicans look like sick old perverts. |
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, once a teacher and wrestling coach at Yorkville High School, is an Illinoisan through and through—born in Aurora, reared in Oswego, lived and worked in Plano and Yorkville. His wife, Jean, a retired teacher, remains in Plano, and “The Speaker,” as his staff calls him, spends most weeks in Washington, where he is a lobbyist for the law firm Dickstein Shapiro and lives in a luxury hotel. (He won’t say which.)It would be irresponsible not to speculate!
And Today In Fuck The Police
M. Bouffant
You cannot trust the police to do anything correctly. Or even to do anything humane.
Imagine the care & concern this pig shows for people he's arrested.Thursday, May 28, 2015, 4:54 PM - Florida Police Officer Nelson Enriquez has been suspended with pay after two K-9 dogs were found dead inside his SUV amid hot temperatures, the Hialeah Police Department announced Thursday.
The dogs, a 7-year-old bloodhound named Jimmy and a 4-year-old Belgian malinois named Hector were assigned to Enriquez, who has worked for the police department for 13 years, seven of which have been spent as a K-9 officer.
After completing an overnight shift that ended at 7 a.m. Wednesday, Enriquez assisted in a missing persons case before returning home around 10 a.m. and neglected to remove the dogs from the cargo compartment of his police SUV.
Today In Eat The Rich
M. Bouffant
Also, Today In America Eats Its Young:
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) —Gigi Jordan, a former pharmaceuticals executive and socialite convicted in the death of her autistic 8-year-old son, was sentenced Thursday to 18 years in prison.Apparently another mentally ill rich person who managed to avoid treatment because she was a socialite.
Despite that Jude was nonverbal, Jordan testified that the boy learned to communicate with her by typing on a laptop computer and BlackBerry. That was how, she said, he told her about the repeated abuse he endured, which had bizarre satanic elements – from being forced to drink blood and kill animals to being zapped with electricity.America: If you aren't raping your children, you're outright killing them.
A Waste Of Time & Effort
M. Bouffant
Hey "activists": You'll never accomplish anything w/ bullshit like this:
Spend your time, money & energy acquiring weapons, ammunition & explosives & then kill Big Money & all who have it, you stupid lazy hippie losers. It's too damn late for anything else to work.
Spend your time, money & energy acquiring weapons, ammunition & explosives & then kill Big Money & all who have it, you stupid lazy hippie losers. It's too damn late for anything else to work.
Oh, This Should Be Fun!
M. Bouffant
Pin-dick bikers plan to pose like bad-asses in front of mosque:Real "men" would stand up for freedom, the Second Amendment & White Power & go in w/ guns blazing, rather than prance around outside w/ their great big guns hanging out, if you know what I mean.
Ms. Geller's rampant paranoia certainly has her in bed w/ some interesting companions:
Ms. Geller's rampant paranoia certainly has her in bed w/ some interesting companions:
Now, however, bikers and white supremacists are commingling with increasing frequency in a number of different ways. All five of the major white supremacist movements in the United States—neo-Nazis, racist skinheads, Ku Klux Klan groups, racist prison gangs, and Christian Identity groups—have developed noteworthy ties to the biker subculture. There is a significant overlap between elements of the biker subculture and elements of white supremacist subcultures, including shared symbology, shared slang and language, and in some cases shared dress. These cultural connections make encounters between the different movements easier.One of these days that snake you're handling will bite you & your Zionist Occupation Government, Pam!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Rah! Rah! Rah! Fight! Fight! Fight!
M. Bouffant
Rick Santorum: "Today is the day we're going to begin to fight back"— msnbc (@msnbc) May 27, 2015
Compare & contrast the above w/ November 2006, a little less than nine yrs. ago.:This time around he'll announce his withdrawal from the race via social media.
Freeway Close
M. Bouffant
1958 Telecopter PresentationLooking thru the archives and found this video of the original KTLA Telecopter.
Posted by National Helicopter Service on Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Total M. Buffoonery
M. Bouffant
Wasted mins. (& complained loudly about it) looking for the image in the item below in order to beat Facebook at its idiotic game. Meaning I'd already forgotten I'd planned this image:Now I'm regretting not getting that sweet U.S.$15.00/day mileage fee for another nine days. And irked the first day is a pass. The director of the jury services division is going to get one nasty letter.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Civic Duty: ✔
M. Bouffant
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Clichéd image because unrelated images from elsewhere on this log show on sucky Facebook when I link crap there. Why do I bovver? |
I suspect that despite my suppressed desire to tell the judge that I did indeed hold him & the entire system in contempt, neener neener, my admitting to being a diagnosed (also by an employee of the County of Los Angeles, coincidentally) crazy person was the determining factor in the A.D.A. dropping me as if I were hot (general non-bourgeois [toothless] appearance may have added to the crazy effect); the case involved finding (or not finding) that the respondent is a "Sexually Violent Predator" (as legally defined) & will therefore receive three hots & a cot at a State Hospital until a cure is achieved, hell freezes over or the stars fall from the sky, whichever may happen first, & the A.D.A. might have assumed I'd be opposed to that sort of thing on principle.† (Oddly enough, I have few principles either, beyond the usual "don't get caught". And imagine the reaction had The People of The State of Calif. known I'd been 5150'd myself.)
A.D.A.'s mistake, however: If forced to serve (It was figured to take until 5 June!) I was already prejudiced toward throwing away the key to the hospital after the respondent was locked in. The sickening pervert (probably an abuse victim himself) didn't look as if anything good would happen to him were he to be released from custody, even if he could control his violent urges.
*A young (to me now "young" is anyone under 40-ish; this sovereign citizen was in the audience on the other side of the bulletproof [let's hope] glass & fence arrangement, while I, as a cool person, was in the jury box, so it wasn't easy to be more specific) person (of Asian extraction, speaking American-accented English, for the sociologists out there) mentioned jury nullification, which, the judge noted, was a'gin th' law. Hizzoner also dragged out the old
†All. One. Sentence: Tremble before my logorrhea!
M. Bouffant
SUN 26 MAY 1940
U.S. Minister in Uruguay Edwin C. Wilson, in telegram to Secretary of State Hull, reports tension between the Uruguayan and German governments over the former's searching homes and businesses of Germans and charges by the latter that the Uruguayan police were employing "rough methods" in their investigations (see 30 May).
Operation Dynamo: Evacuation of British, French, and Belgian troops from Dunkirk, France, begins, aided by poor flying weather that limits German aerial operations (see 4 June).
Police Beat
M. Bouffant
It's just exactly & also precisely like Veet-Nam 'round here.
Previous police terror events w/in bicycling distance of the bunker.
Damn Yankees w/ their choppers everywhere. Here is one that was orbiting the area a couple of hrs. ago:Fugitive Holed Up in LA Home
Previous police terror events w/in bicycling distance of the bunker.
Don't Mess W/ Texas!
M. Bouffant
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't higher atmospheric temperatures lead to more evaporation, & therefore more moisture in the atmosphere, which can't stay there forever, becausedue to gravity? What did the lunatics populating the Lone Star State expect? Or is Gawd telling Texans to knock off the drooling reactionary lunacy & paranoia & fossil-fuel burning on permanent display in their vast wasteland before it's too late?
#houstonflood #flooding #floods #Lightning
— Victoria Donnell (@VickyGuzman02) May 26, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
A Little Exercise
M. Bouffant
SAT 25 MAY 1940
Minor Landing and Base Defense Exercise begins at San Clemente Island, California (see 1 June).
"Real" Americans Show
Northeastern Elites
M. Bouffant
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Real American name: Kintpuash (Strikes the water brashly) |
Speaking of, while you're Bar-B-Q-ing today remember all the real "real" (as in original residents of the continent) Americans who died so bloated oafs could live in fear & gamble at their descendents' casinos.West is finally best:
Denver wins NCAA men's lacrosse title
Oh My
M. Bouffant
Apparently not hockey news.
Suicide bomber blew himself during Rangers operation at Pareshan chowk Orangi town #Karachi— Karachi_Post (@Karachi_Post) May 25, 2015
Corporate Droning From A Triangulating Turkey
M. Bouffant
Have this woman & her husband Cletus been the most successful self-enrichers in all of American politics ever? She was a stupid middle-class pig ("I won't let animals like that near me!") he was a lower-class pig & neither of them had anything when they started. Scholarship students, right?9) However, Walmart does care about rich people
In 2013, the Walton family received $8 billion in tax breaks, $6.2 billion of which came from federal taxpayer subsidies handed to them because employee wages are so low. Currently, the company is also hosting $21.4 billion in offshore accounts, which remain untaxed by the U.S. government. And in 2014, as Walmart failed to meet shareholder expectations, the company somehow managed to dig up enough money to give its CEO a $1.5 million bonus for performing poorly at his job.
Walmart isn’t just greedy. The company is the epitome of greed. As its overworked and underpaid employees struggle to make ends meet, Walmart's top brass make billions, even as stock is dropping. Everything about the company is capitalism at its worst.
10) The chain has a deceptive public image
Walmart’s universal reputation as the "bad guys" stings that much more as the company keeps trying to remind us how good it is.
Take their OUR Walmart initiative, which attempts to silence dissenters with positive representations of the company, even as workers flood the Internet with their personal horror stories. Or the Walmart Foundation’s initiative to "fight hunger," while their own employees go hungry, spending $300 million in taxpayer money on food stamps. Or how about its campaign telling you to "buy American," even while the company's new uniforms were made in Jordan.
This is just a friendly reminder that Walmart is terrible. Call it a public service announcement: Don’t shop there. Don’t work there if you can help it. And if you do have to work there, don’t expect to be treated well. Get out while you can, before Walmart takes your spirit, your health, and your dignity.
If Walmart's ugly practices are a cycle of power and abuse, there's only one way to break it. And that starts with you.
[And explosives. M.B.]
So how'd they get all the money? Not even by deluding America's already-impoverished morons w/ fear-mongering, Sarah Palin-yada yada style. Nope, all Bill & Hill had to do was set up under the corporate trough & wallow.
Do you smell bacon? And toast?
One Min. Round
M. Bouffant
The heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali stands over the fallen challenger Sonny Liston, shouting and gesturing shortly after dropping Liston with a short hard right to the jaw on May 25, 1965, in Lewiston, Maine. The bout lasted only one minute into the first round. John Rooney/AP
4 June 2015: Cheating again; forgot to polish & schedule this. We blame Memorial Day.
4 June 2015: Cheating again; forgot to polish & schedule this. We blame Memorial Day.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Allies Bug Out Of Norway
M. Bouffant
FRI 24 MAY 1940
President of Panama addresses diplomatic notes to the government of the Dominican Republic, supporting its position in the Hannover incident of 8 March, to the British and German governments, calling attention to their violation of the Pan-American Neutrality Zone, and to the Chairman of the Inter-American Neutrality Committee in Rio de Janeiro, directing that body's attention to the case.
Allied Supreme Command decides to evacuate its forces from Norway.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
Cowboy Up!
M. Bouffant
Texas State Senate approves bill allowing open carry of handguns; proposal now heads to House - @abc13houston
Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West
Three Day Morbidity & Memory Wknd.!
M. Bouffant
D for the dead. All the dead.
According to an officer on the scene, this suicide was "the weirdest in Hollywood history."More morbid pix from the L.A.P.D. files from the yr. of my birth:
Initially, Martin's scope was anywhere from the 1920s to the 1950s, meaning he went through thousands of photos before 1953, a seemingly ill-fated year, emerged. "It just seemed like that cases from that year were unique and substantial," Martin said.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Krauts Reach Channel
M. Bouffant
TUE 21 MAY 1940
German troops reach the English Channel west of Abbeville, France, splitting the Allied armies and encircling their northern remnant.
Three Sick Fucks
M. Bouffant
Via the Bezos Post, the Grossly Obscene Perverts love (L-U-V!) Josh "Touchy-Feely" Duggar.
When does this trio of sick old men stand up for sister sex for Jesus?
Minutes later: TBogg has even more sickening Republican perverts. Quite the rogue's gallery.
And another classic:
Great meeting today w @SenTedCruz. He always conveys passion for America & the importance of faith, family & freedom!— Josh Duggar (@joshduggar) May 6, 2015
Great to visit w/ my friend @GovMikeHuckabee this morning in DC. Thankful to have his voice on the #2016 stage!— Josh Duggar (@joshduggar) May 16, 2015
Great meeting today w/ @ScottWalker! He has a very passionate vision for America. #OurAmericanRevival #2016— Josh Duggar (@joshduggar) May 19, 2015
Minutes later: TBogg has even more sickening Republican perverts. Quite the rogue's gallery.
And another classic:
9 Times Josh Duggar Lectured People On Family Values Before He Admitted He Was A Child Molester
Family Values
M. Bouffant
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S-E-X party about to start!! |
Photo from People Magazine:
Apparently they forgot the incest rule.The Duggars Have (At Least!)
5 Rules for Relationships
Next sack of hypocritical shit who invokes "family values" gets a foot in their genitalia.
Who Doesn't?
M. Bouffant
Why, I never! The whole police dep't.? Someone better send her more ammo & weapons.
"I was able to open up my kitchen door and hear her, and the things she was saying, you know you knew, she wasn't well," McCauley said. "She wanted to kill the police department.Good for her. Fucking filth. Why don't they leave people alone?
When deputies sent in a crisis negotiation robot, she fired shots at it, hit the robot with a broom, threw a cover over it and pointed an object that appeared to be a drill at it.
Jury Duty
M. Bouffant
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Where the rat bastards are attempting to impose their will on me. |
Put enough stuff in the juror questionnaire that I doubt I'll serve (If the judge says it's the law & I know it's bullshit, I will continue to think that & jure accordingly.) but If I have to point out to the judge that he couldn't get the respondent's last name right & he's an incompetent buffoon I fucking will.
Hell of a fucking country where the justice system cowers in such fear of its citizens it must x-ray everyone's belongings & send everyone through a metal detector before they can get non-justice. Not to mention a justice system where the fucking judge makes a big deal of how important a correct transcript of the proceedings is, yet there are no recording devices, merely a court stenographer. And many cheesy signs screaming about not using cameras in the court room. Fuck them. Is there no more transparency? Since when are the people kept from making records of the shit done & the lies told in their name?
After seeing my fellow jurors, I realize none of them have any interest in anything beyond playing w/ their stupid 'phones, let alone any rights they may have or any interest in justice. They could be marched all over the fucking bkdg. like the sheep they are, told to sit down, wait, stand up, go over there, stand & wait, yada yada, but as long as they have their fucking 'phones they couldn't care less how they are treated or what they're asked to do. Scum, every last one.
Even the judges agree it's anti-justice.
If I only had a bomb ...
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Nazi Worries
M. Bouffant
MON 20 MAY 1940
British Prime Minister Churchill, in telegram to President Roosevelt concerning the recent meeting of Lord Lothian (British Ambassador to the U.S.) with the Chief Executive, acknowledges U.S. difficulties but expresses continuing interest in destroyers. "If they were here in 6 weeks," Churchill states, "they would play an invaluable part."
President Roosevelt, in memorandum to Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles, expresses concern over the situation in Uruguay as reported by U.S. Minister Edwin C. Wilson, on 15 May. "Is there some way," Roosevelt asks Welles, "in which the Minister of Uruguay in Washington and Mr. Wilson in Montevideo can get word to the Uruguayan Government that the United States is concerned ...?" Undersecretary Welles, in his response to the President that same day reports that the Uruguayan government has taken steps to investigate Nazi activities in Montevideo (see 26 May).
Today In History,
Un-American Activities,
M. Bouffant
Yeah, we're taking pictures of the tee vee & advising you of our channel line-up. And? |
Oh, also in telebision I hear this David Letterman goober is off the air after (30-some yrs. &) tonight. Whatever. While I once was a dedicated, video-taping viewer of the show, let's face it: Telebision programming, like fish, visitors & musical combos, begins to stink after about 10, 15 yrs. (Which means this web-log is on its last legs, if not already a hideous un-dead abomination.)
America In Marco Rubio's
"New American Century":
Policeman Of The World,
Or Corporate Rent-A-Cop?
M. Bouffant
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Go ahead & get one of these sunk saving a shipload of plastic crap, Marco. |
Sending young Americans to die for a corporation's bottom line? That's not national security, it's the theocracy of Mammon. Young Sen. Rubio's "New American Century" sounds much like forward-thinking early 20th century President Coolidge's "the chief business of the American people is business." Although we're pretty sure Silent Cal didn't mean dying for stockholder value. Except United Fruit stockholder value.More to the point: Rubio’s own foreign policy is, like Bush’s, centered around the notion that America must expose itself to more risk and danger around the world. He said as much in last week’s speech laying out the “Rubio Doctrine,” which calls for aggressive interventionism:As president, I will use American power to oppose any violations of international waters, airspace, cyberspace, or outer space. This includes the economic disruption caused when one country invades another, as well as the chaos caused by disruptions in chokepoints such as the South China Sea or the Strait of Hormuz.
Russia, China, Iran, or any other nation that attempts to block global commerce will know to expect a response from my administration. Gone will be the days of debating where a ship is flagged or whether it is our place to criticize territorial expansionism. In this century, businesses must have the freedom to operate around the world with confidence.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Customer Service: IT'S A COOKBOOK!!
M. Bouffant
Who are these three (apparent) straw-stealing assholes, & why don't they fuck off & die w/ their clichéd "customer is always right" idiocy? The customer is inevitably an entitled asshole about 10 secs. from getting a well-deserved pop in the mouth; don't any of you forget that the next time you walk into a retail establishment. Retail rage is always just below the boiling point.
Nice Work If You Can ...
M. Bouffant
L.A. City Council approves increase in minimum wage to $15 by 2020U.S.$15.00/an hr.? Maybe I'll ...
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Pot Of Shit Calls Kettle Hot
M. Bouffant
Racist Tribble-pedestal Rand Paul, Republican Senator from KY, has conveniently forgotten his father's record of racism during the Clinton Admin. & before, but he remembers all about Bill Clinton (also forgetting which party has been the representative of "law & order" since disgraced Pres. Dickie "Silent But Racist Majority" Nixon) personally locking up all the Negroes:
“I’ll ask Hillary Clinton, what have you done for criminal justice? Your husband passed all the laws that put a generation of black men in prison. Her husband was responsible for that,” he said.Sen. Paul's solution? Three guesses:
“I’ll also ask her what she’s going to do for poor people in Philadelphia. I have a specific plan that would dramatically lower the taxes for people who live in zip codes of poverty and high unemployment. I would leave billions of dollars in Philadelphia over 10 years. What’s Hillary Clinton going to do?” he said.Apparently he's also forgotten that crap never works.
Today In Gullibility
M. Bouffant
No one believes any laws passed or not by Congress will have any actual effect on what the "intelligence" community does/collects, do they?
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) May 18, 2015
Prez On Twitter!
M. Bouffant
Once owned this disc. (How else could I have know about it?) No idea where I got it; the cover was tattered & literally moldy. Sadly, none of it seems to have made its way to the iNternet. |
We'll see how long it lasts. As we type, the previously-visible replies to B.O.'s one tweet have disappeared somewhere. (Maybe the whole deal is actually the Secret Service trolling for those so crazed they don't care any more & will type or do anything, including rudely replying to a tweet.)
Hello, Twitter! It's Barack. Really! Six years in, they're finally giving me my own account.— President Obama (@POTUS) May 18, 2015
Should've called himself TheRealBO, too.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Plans Announced
M. Bouffant
FRI 17 MAY 1940
President Roosevelt announces plans for recommissioning 35 more "flush deck" destroyers to meet the requirements of fleet expansion and the Neutrality Patrol.
Today In History,
Un-American Activities,
Saturday, May 16, 2015
F.D.R. Asks For Appropriations
M. Bouffant
THU 16 MAY 1940
President Roosevelt asks Congress to appropriate $546 million for the Army, $250 million for the Navy and Marine Corps, and $100 million for the President to provide for emergencies affecting the national security and defense. He also asks for authorizations for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps to make contract obligations in the further sum of $186 million, and to the President an additional authorization to make contract obligations for $100 million. He also suggests that 50,000 planes a year be built.
President Roosevelt responds noncommittally to Prime Minister Churchill's telegram of the previous day. Addressing the possible loan of destroyers, Churchill's first concern, the President informs the "Former Naval Person" that such a step cannot be taken without "specific authorization of the Congress" and that U.S. defense requirements assumed priority. He also informs Churchill that the U.S. Fleet would remain concentrated in Hawaiian waters, "at least for the time being."
Jinx Or Curse?
M. Bouffant
If there's a Sports Illustrated cover jinx, why wouldn't an entity calling itself Web of Evil curse anything it mentions? (Don't we fucking wish!)
The deaths of innocent cyclists under the wheels of murderous motorists are not what we had in mind, but no sooner had we published this photo essaythan this
NB: Guy napping in this Dec. 2014 Google representation of the cursed corner is not the corpse, which those as morbid & juvenile as this reporter may see in the LAist article.
The deaths of innocent cyclists under the wheels of murderous motorists are not what we had in mind, but no sooner had we published this photo essaythan this
Cyclist Killed Riding Through Hollywood Blvd. Crosswalk
happened at the very intersection where the chicken people are on pedestals.NB: Guy napping in this Dec. 2014 Google representation of the cursed corner is not the corpse, which those as morbid & juvenile as this reporter may see in the LAist article.
It All Started At A Little
100,000-Watt Radio Station In Texas
M. Bouffant
Where "it" is a "career" in radio. Volunteered at KPFT sometime in the spring of 1971, mere months after the station's 100,000-watt xmitter was blowed up real good by the Klan, twice, 45 yrs. ago.Something useful from Wikipedia! Dorothy ("Modern American Music") Shell(e)y there kept several hundred discs in the studio, all of them shelved behind pad-locked metal bars so none of the hippies could steal them.
And a so-belated-it's-posthumous shout-out to Larry Lee, KPFT's founder/G.M., also seen in the pixelated film above, whose suggestion I volunteer pretty much put me on the road to hell.
And a so-belated-it's-posthumous shout-out to Larry Lee, KPFT's founder/G.M., also seen in the pixelated film above, whose suggestion I volunteer pretty much put me on the road to hell.
Dumb Broads
M. Bouffant
At least wear a sports jacket, dudes!
Shallow, surface-oriented Heather Robinson types at the New York Post:
Shallow, surface-oriented Heather Robinson types at the New York Post:
"Special but equal?"Is it possible that some of the wild enthusiasm for “Mad Men” among viewers stems from a yearning for the satisfaction and sexiness of traditional sex roles, including chivalry?
“When I watch ‘Mad Men,’ I think, ‘Wouldn’t it have been great to date a man who knows what he likes to drink, who pulls out the chair, who dresses up and is clean shaven and at least wears a sport jacket?’ It’s sexy,” said Notkin.
“Although in many ways he’s despicable, in certain ways many of us find Don Draper attractive,” Notkin said, adding that the character Joan — the office bombshell — resonates with some female viewers because “we are craving the power of our femininity.”
Ultimately most women want equality with men, and value the increased legal protection from sexual harassment in the workplace of the type dramatized in “Mad Men.”
After hours, though, some of us long for men who can treat us not only as equals to be respected, but as women to be desired — and cherished.
Have we become madwomen to consider anything less?
Friday, May 15, 2015
Churchill Begs Like A Dog; "Nazi Activities" Underway In Uruguay
M. Bouffant
WED 15 MAY 1940
British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill ("Former Naval Person") pleads for U.S. aid in a personal message to President Roosevelt. Churchill's request is six-fold. First, he requests the loan of 40 or 50 "older destroyers" to bridge the gap between what the Royal Navy has on hand and what is under construction; second, he asks for "several hundred" of the latest planes; third, he asks for antiaircraft "equipment and ammunition"; fourth, he asks that the U.S. continue to provide Britain with steel; fifth, he asks that a U.S. squadron visit Irish ports; and sixth, he intimates that the U.S. "keep that Japanese dog quiet in the Pacific, using Singapore in any way convenient" (see 16 May and 11 June).
U.S. Minister in Uruguay, Edwin C. Wilson, reports to Secretary of State Hull that there has been an increase in "Nazi activities" in Uruguay. He notes "indifference and apathy ... and in certain cases something worse evidenced by the Uruguayan government. The situation, Wilson warns, "has serious possibilities" (see 20 May).
Nice Work If You Can Get It
M. Bouffant
The Greatest Grift Of All
The marks don't even expect anything actual beyond an opportunity to be photographed w/ Mr. &/or Mrs. Goober-in-Chief.We doubt Al & Tipper are hurting for engagements either.Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton earned in excess of $25 million for delivering more than 100 speeches since the beginning of 2014, a huge infusion to their net worth as she was readying for a presidential bid.[Even the liberal Bezos Post]
After she left her post, Hillary Clinton herself commanded huge fees as a paid speaker. She was paid as much as $300,000 to speak at public universities, drawing backlash at times, though she generally donated those funds to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
Clinton continued to deliver paid speeches until just weeks before her presidential announcement. Within the last year, she spoke to a scrap metal conference in Las Vegas, a major bank in Canada and the American Camp Association [?] in Atlantic City.
M. Bouffant
BREAKING: Blue Bell to lay off a third of its workers after listeria concerns halt ice cream production.— The Associated Press (@AP) May 15, 2015
Been on it like microbes on an ice-cream maker.
Meanwhile, In The Civilized World ...
M. Bouffant
Next they'll be marrying their horses or dogs or something! (No one ever talks about marrying or bestiality-ing cats. Why is that?)EUROPE
Luxembourg Premier Is First E.U. Leader to Marry Same-Sex Partner
Last Dance
M. Bouffant
Knew it was over when this appeared two wks. ago,
I do believe I had/may still have this very single (Promo version, technically.) which I also believe was Ben E. King's last commercial success. 40 yrs., baby, 40 yrs.Remember disco mixes? More like an added funk mix, but they call it disco. Stick around, we'll post some B.B. King tunes in a couple wks. In the meantime, one I didn't know.
but didn't really want to type anything, esp. as Ben E. (No relation?) King had just become worm food.Blues legend B.B. King reports he's in hospice at Vegas home
I do believe I had/may still have this very single (Promo version, technically.) which I also believe was Ben E. King's last commercial success. 40 yrs., baby, 40 yrs.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Krauts Continue Blitzkreig Toward Channel; Dutch Quit
M. Bouffant
TUE 14 MAY 1940
German troops smash through French lines at Sedan, and move toward the English Channel.
Dutch Army capitulates to Germany.
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