Saturday, August 31, 2024

Streets Of Los Angeles

When the Fire Dep't. goes into action you know someone, somewhere, is in trouble or in pain or is about to suffer. Makes this reporter feel better, if not actually good.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Streets Of Beverly Hills

Touch & Go

Friday Freak Out

Of course we need to hear take five.

Fire Friday: Fuck Fossil Fuels

Yemen's Houthi rebels released footage on Thursday showing their fighters boarded and placed explosives on a Greek-flagged tanker, setting off blasts that put the Red Sea at risk of a major oil spill.
Burn it all while the planet explodes!! And enjoy the Wage-Slave Day holiday. Be sure to buy something at a sale!

Sadly, the Krauts don't think there are leaks.Video credit: Houthi Military Media. 

LATER: Perhaps AP pooped out on the video, which was essentially the footage from Houthi Military Media in the Reuters piece, because they couldn't confirm it.

Friday Fire & Destruction

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Loot The Supermarkets!!

Remember, you do not need the Mark of The Bezos to buy & sell. Just fucking help yourselves. That shitheel leech Bezos won't starve if you do, but you might if you don't.
Jake Johnson / Common Dreams:
During Antitrust Trial, Exec Admits Kroger Jacked Up Milk and Egg Prices Above Inflation  —  A top Kroger executive admitted under questioning from a Federal Trade Commission attorney on Tuesday that the grocery chain raised its egg and milk prices above the rate of inflation … 
Of course they did. Fucking middlemen. Death to all grocery executives, before they bankrupt us & then starve us all.

Trump Provides Emotional Support

No one gave anyone permission, you lying sack of crap. There's no permission to be given."Innocent" isn't the word. This was not a "nice" suburban "mom" randomly carjacked on her way to yoga by an "other". A U.S. Army sergeant deployed to a war zone is in harm's way, & certainly a target for the people of the invaded country. That's why the infantry sports helmets & body armor, dipshit. And he's still lying about Gov. Walz "lying" about his service. Why do these people hate America so?

Starting to think J.D. was a white trash D.E.I. admission to Yale. How the hell did he graduate from Yale Law, or pass the bar?

Abbey Road? O.K. This might be appropriate.

"Incident" At Arlington:
Is Nothing Sacred?

Is Nothing sacred?
 Steve Benen / MSNBC:
Why Trump's ‘incident’ at Arlington National Cemetery matters  —  Donald Trump's appearance at Arlington National Cemetery this week was already controversial.  Then the public learned about an “incident.”  —  In modern American politics, the vast majority of officials in both parties …
 Associated Press:
Trump campaign was warned not to take photos at Arlington before altercation, defense official says  —  JD Vance, asked about a Trump campaign incident at Arlington National Cemetery, instead focused on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan calling Kamala Harris “disgraceful” for not firing anyone for service member's deaths.
 Colin McCullough / CNN:
Fresh controversy brews over Trump's Arlington National Cemetery visit
The fake news doesn't have much to say beyond hysterical smear/hoax accusations or "reports say", but one "Alana Goodman /" looks to be the raging loony winner, w/ "Crazed Kamala Supporters Attack Arlington National Cemetery Director for Allowing Trump To Lay Wreaths on Soldiers' Graves". Somehow Goodman missed the "no political photography" part.

Weaseldick Weds.: You-Know-What The You-Know-Who

Weaseldicked Motherfuckers, Every Last One

Sam Levin / The Guardian:
US police use force on 300,000 people a year, with numbers rising since George Floyd: ‘relentless violence’  —  Exclusive: groundbreaking Mapping Police Violence data estimates scale of physical force and civilian injuries  —  Police in the US use force on at least 300,000 people each year …
Concentration camps & police murder, predicted 50+ yrs. early. They'd murder every one of us if they thought they could. Are you ready to defend yourselves, or will you all be bodies piled up in mounds?

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Old Ways Are The Best

Seen on a light standard. Not made on a mimeograph machine, but the spirit is there.
No P.O. box, number to call for a recorded message or web-site/social media address. May well be an honest but pathetic delusion, rather than a scam of some sort.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Oh, There Ain't No Life Nowhere

No Fun Sunday

Today's theme seems to be mental problems. Is this anhedonia?
Clay Walker / The Daily Beast:
Joyless Lindsey Graham: Democrats' Joy 'Doesn't Exist in Real World'  —  GLASS HALF FULL  —  The Republican senator made the comments in response to the DNC “love fest” during an appearance on CNN's “State of the Union.”  —  Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said he isn't buying all that Democratic "joy" on display ...
You are correct. No one wants to feel good or anything resembling it.
Tom Boggioni / Raw Story:
Watch: Scott Jennings laughed at on CNN for claiming 'People don't want to feel joy'  —  It did not take long on Sunday morning for conservative CNN political commentator Scott Jennings to realize he had stepped in it when he claimed, “People don't want to feel joy” during his appearance on “State of the Union.”
Republican policy: Whatever it may be, if Democrats are for it, Republicans are against it. Joy? We'll have none of that!!
What's the phrase? "Don't threaten me w/ a good time"?

Therapy Is A Lie

Sunday Is A Suicidal Suckfest

Why It's So Hard to Find a Therapist Who Takes Insurance  —  America is in the midst of a mental health crisis.  —  But finding a therapist who takes insurance can feel impossible.  —  Insurers say that's because there aren't enough therapists.  —  That's not entirely true.
Here's why not to arse yourself w/ more of the gawddamned non-stop lying bullshit that depressed you in the first place: It's not you (no one decent & humane can long remain sane in this world of shit & pain) it's a pig society that, to give but one fucking example of just how fucked & hypocritical it is, makes it impossible to find a therapist that'll take insurance. Insurance is as much a lie as therapy. Figures the two would get together to fuck us all, good & hard.

And what exactly do these magical head-candlers do? Probably requires the least effort of any specialty. Suggest you conform, & then give you drugs to fuck w/ your brain & return you to being a happy, well-adjusted &, most important, productive member of society. "Hmmm. That's interesting. How did that make you feel?" "Well your fifty minutes are up, let's see what drug samples I can palm off on you from the batch the large-breasted pharmaceutical saleswoman left on her last visit." Only problem is, the only effects the medications will have are the side effects.

How about the time I had an appointment w/ my croaker, & arrived in such a state of rage (caused by the shitty transit system in this shithole county) & hypertension that he said I should be dead. He later suggested he could send me to a psychiatrist who'd get me so doped up I wouldn't feel anything. Nice. Just what Hitler & Stalin wanted. Fuck medical science along w/ everything else.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!

Will Yanks be able to stand up & fight? Or will they be the Nazi tyrants? How can it even be a chioce?

Saturday, August 24, 2024


A Saturday night then as well. Also on the bill: Alice Cooper. 14-yr. old M.B. didn't "get" them. (Does he now?)

A month prior. (A Tuesday.)

If It Bleeds, It Leads

Support Mental Health Or I'll Kill You!

O.C. trailer trash.Malpractice?Armenian Mafia?America: An exceptionally angry asshole w/ a gun. Th' fucking hell is wrong w/ you horrid people? And how much more of this am I supposed to take before I go off? You think my tolerance is infinite?

Youth Against Inflation

The youth liberating goods from Babylon warms my heart.
The latest in a series of similar crimes occurred at about 1:40 a.m. Saturday, when police received several calls of a possible street takeover and a disturbance inside a 7-Eleven in the area of Gaffey and First streets, a watch commander at the LAPD’s Harbor Station told City News Service.

When officers arrived at the scene they reported that the convenience store had been ransacked and several items had been stolen. The suspects had already fled the scene prior to officers’ arrival, according to the watch commander.

Police had no suspect information.

Spokeswoman Margaret Stewart of the Los Angeles Fire Department told CNS that paramedics were dispatched at 1:38 a.m. to the 700 block of West First Street regarding a shooting, but were canceled by the LAPD.

ABC7 reported that about 30-50 people trashed the store, knocking over shelves and stealing approximately $40,000 in merchandise, including cigarettes and thousands of dollars worth of lottery tickets.

“Last night’s incident at 1st and Gaffey, where a large group ransacked a 7-Eleven, is continuation of a pattern we’re seeing across Los Angeles,” said McOsker, whose 15th District includes San Pedro. “This isn’t just about property damage or items stolen — it is also about a victim, an employee, fearing for their safety, and a neighborhood that is both in fear and now without a convenience store on the corner,” he added.

“It’s deeply disturbing to me that incidents like these are becoming more common. We need more resources in our 911 operations and increased staffing in the LAPD. We could have stopped this at the street takeover before it escalated. That’s why we need to expedite hiring in the LAPD. Our officers must be able to respond quickly to prevent these incidents from happening,” McOsker continued. “If you have any information on last night’s event, you can submit a tip anonymously at [How to squeal redacted.]”

It was not immediately clear if any of the thieves who robbed the San Pedro store were also involved with the previous 7-Eleven robberies, which occurred in the Hollywood area. On Aug. 16, three robberies occurred within minutes of each other at Hollywood-area 7-Elevens. They involved a large number of youths who stole merchandise, vandalized the stores and got away on bicycles.

The previous Friday, on Aug. 9, around 50 young people vandalized a 7- Eleven in the 8500 block of Olympic Boulevard, near La Cienega Boulevard, just outside Beverly Hills and stole merchandise, including cigarettes, before riding away on bicycles.

No arrests have been reported in any of the robberies.

The Los Angeles Police Department has urged anyone with information regarding any of the robberies to call them at [How to squeal redacted.].

Please. The "victim" may be the franchisee who takes the price-gouging profits home. If not, the employee is usually an exploited relative of the boss. And why would more police be the answer? That's just throwing money at the problem. They can't handle people on bicycles as is; more ossifers will just be the Keystone Kops running around.Do they have any suspects? No. They seldom do unless someone squeals. Police "work", my ass.

Do you want fewer liberation events Mr. Councilmember? Make 7-Eleven stop price-gouging. And if they won't, tell the whole corporation to hire security from their obscene profits, & not to bug the LAPD any more. I.e., fuck off!

Friday, August 23, 2024

"Sad Ending To A Sad Story"

WASHINGTON — Multiple members of the Kennedy family denounced Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s decision to endorse former President Donald Trump, calling the move a "betrayal."

"We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride," said a statement signed by five of the former independent presidential candidate's siblings.

"We believe in Harris and Walz," the statement continued. "Our brother Bobby's decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story."

Still going on about assassinations? What, it wasn't Sirhan Sirhan? Looked pretty obvious to me. Once again:

"I shouted out
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me"

Since none of you sad-assed losers can shoot straight any more, we can only lock both of these fucking assholes in a mental institution forever. Until we criminalize assholery. Then it's life sentences for most of you stupid jerks.

Wknd. Already Spoiled

The nose knows: Border Patrol dog sniffs out 81 pounds of cocaine in Southern California bust

San Diego sector Border Patrol agents have seized 2,437 pounds of cocaine since the beginning of the fiscal year, according to the department.

The sector has also seized 3,627 pounds of methamphetamine, 31 pounds of heroin and 475 pounds of fentanyl. That includes 3.65 combined pounds of fentanyl and heroin found from Aug. 11 to Aug. 17.

Heroin not the hot item it used to be. The old ways truly are gone.
[L.A. Times]

Bobby Jr.'s Little Friend

I'd guess Bobby's worm was not actually funky.
And another stumble down Memory Lane.
Damn, the hits keep on coming!
This mostly because artist Nick Anderson shows Lumpy's bronzer line.

That Sound You Hear?

Fall Of The House Of Kennedy

Maybe that should be Houses of Kennedy: Kennedy Compound, Hyannis Port, Mass.
It's Robert Francis Kennedy, Senior, spinning in his grave as his junkie son croaks lies for the microphones & cameras.

No wonder he was a junkie. Irish Roman Catholicism leads to that sort of thing, not to mention the boozing.

And is Junior fucking deaf? The brain worm eat his auditory nerves? How can he not be aware his voice alone is disqualifying? No one wants to hear that for four mins., let alone four yrs. And he's old (70!) & so dense & delusional he thinks he'd have a chance if there's an Electoral College tie.

Just found out his mother Ethel is still alive. Stop torturing the poor woman w/ this incessant bullshit, Junior!! What is wrong w/ you?

Get Up! Stand Up!

Give my dick a bite!
Chorus: Give his dick a bite!

Bite Me!

You're fucking-A right I'm offended. Nauseated & disgusted as well. What is wrong w/ people?

Friday W/ Frankie

Seasonally appropriate.

Want To Be Free! Friday

Ben Beaumont-Thomas / The Guardian:
Trump campaign deletes Freedom video after Beyoncé blocks use of song  —  Freedom, the central song in the Kamala Harris campaign, appeared in a Trump campaign video but was contested by singer's label and publisher  —  Beyoncé has blocked Donald Trump from using her song Freedom … Thom Hartmann / The Hartmann Report:
Freedom Takes Center Stage: Harris and Walz's Secret Weapon Against the GOP