Friday, July 26, 2024

You Damn Right
"We Destroy The Family"

Sen. Vance seems convinced that the Democratic Party is a satirical punk ditty, because he's a fucking moron who's swallowed the entire right-wing mythology whole in a pathetic effort to "show Mommy something", as Dr. Freud so aptly put it.
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
 Hannah Demissie / ABC News:
Vance responds to ‘childless cat ladies’ backlash, claims Democrats are ‘anti-family’
People are often lonely because they're fucking assholes.
Let's all suffer together.
Only one possible conclusion to this wallowing in self-pity:
Ladies & germs, the Master Race!!

Friday Finger

Today's finger model is America's Sweetheart®, talented & lovely Jennifer Aniston, who has something else to add.
Bonnie McLaren / BBC:
Do not for a minute think Vance's crap went unnoticed here, three yrs. ago.

Every Four Yrs. We Get Leap Yr., A Presidential Election, & The Olympics. Make It All Stop!!

All human activity is waste. Trash. Garbage. Pollution. Disgusting filth. Yet the masses eat it, raw.
And the Olympics. Nasty corrupt old aristocrats still running things, goofy stupid uninteresting "sports", & little more than another excuse for nationalism in a world that doesn't need any more. But siddown on the couch & attach your idiot eyeballs to the shitstream, sheep.

Friday Freak Out

Shit is serious when Scientific American weighs in.
Andrea Pitzer /
Trump's Massive Deportation Plan Echoes Concentration Camp History  —  Trump's language about immigrants “poisoning” the U.S. repeats past rhetoric that led to civilian detention camps, with horrific, tragic results  —  The Republican National Convention hit rock bottom on its third day in Milwaukee …

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Screw These Lying Bastards
Into The Ground

Absolute sacks of shit who'll type anything, won't retract it, get their bitch asses sued, are found liable for their defamation & lies & then try to lie their way out of it by claiming bankruptcy.
Sam Levine / The Guardian:
A bankruptcy judge throws out The Gateway Pundit's case, saying the company is solvent; the outlet faces significant defamation cases over false election claims  —  Bankruptcy judge dismisses case filed by Gateway Pundit, which faces defamation cases over false election claims

Naked City Theme

Ahmad Jamal, piano; Jamil Sulieman, bass; Chuck Lampkin, drums. Cut just over sixty yrs. ago, 26–28 June, 1964, at the Jazz Workshop in North Beach.

There are eight billion stories on the naked planet, & all eight billion of them are irksome, tedious & banal, except for the actually disgusting ones. You people make me sick!

I understand full well no one reads this shit, but you'd think some idiot Earthling would make an attempt to defend his, her or its species. Just proves the truth is not up for debate.

More Monsoon

Why is this a world of shit & pain? Because every humanoid in it is a piece of shit & a pain in the ass.

And fuck your stoplights, Hitler!!

Monsoonal Clouds

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Lock Netanyahu Up Too!

Another incompetent criminal Republicans love. How dare they invite him to address Congress? Who's next, Putin?

Lock Him Up & Let Him Die

Fred C. Trump III / TIME: 
My Uncle Donald Trump Told Me Disabled Americans Like My Son ‘Should Just Die’  —  When my uncle was elected President, I recognized what a highly privileged position I would be in.  I would have some access to the White House.  And as long as that was true, I wanted to make sure I used that access for something positive. 
Julia Métraux / Mother Jones:

Weds. Warning

You Are Hot

And it's getting worse.
Monday was the hottest day ever measured by humans, beating a record set the day before, as countries across the globe continue to feel the heat, according to the European climate change service.

Provisional satellite data published by Copernicus early Wednesday showed that Monday broke Sunday's mark by 0.1 degree Fahrenheit.

Climate scientists say the world is now as warm as it was 125,000 years ago because of human-caused climate change. While scientists can't be certain that Monday was the hottest day throughout that period, average temperatures haven't been this high since long before humans developed agriculture.

The temperature rise in recent decades is in line with what climate scientists projected would happen if humans kept burning fossil fuels at an increasing rate.

"We are in an age where weather and climate records are frequently stretched beyond our tolerance levels, resulting in insurmountable loss of lives and livelihoods," said Roxy Mathew Koll, a climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.

Copernicus' preliminary data shows the global average temperature Monday was 62.87 degrees Fahrenheit.

The previous mark before this week was set just a year ago.

Before last year, the previous recorded hottest day was in 2016, when average temperatures were 62.24 degrees.

While 2024 has been extremely warm, what kicked Sunday into new territory was a way [sic] toastier than usual Antarctic winter, according to Copernicus. The same thing was happening on the southern continent last year when the record was set in early July.

But it wasn't just a warmer Antarctica on Sunday. Interior California baked with triple digit heat, complicating the fighting of more than two dozen wildfires in the West. At the same time, Europe sweltered through its own deadly heat wave.

Copernicus records go back to 1940, but other global measurements by the United States and United Kingdom governments go back even further, to 1880. Many scientists, taking those into consideration along with tree rings and ice cores, say last year's record highs were the hottest the planet has been in about 120,000 years. Now the first six months of 2024 have broken even those.

Frequency of records being surpassed cited as worrisome

Without human-caused climate change, scientists say extreme temperature records wouldn't be broken nearly as frequently as in recent years.

"It's certainly a worrying sign coming on the heels of 13 straight record-setting months," said Berkeley Earth climate scientist Zeke Hausfather, who now estimates there's a 92% chance that 2024 will beat 2023 as the warmest year on record.  

The former head of U.N. climate negotiations, Christiana Figueres, said "We all (will) scorch and fry" if the world doesn't immediately change course. "One third of global electricity can be produced by solar and wind alone, but targeted national policies have to enable that transformation," she said.

"What is truly staggering is how large the difference is between the temperature of the last 13 months and the previous temperature records," Copernius Director Carlo Buontempo said in a statement. "We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years."

July is generally the hottest month of the year globally, mostly because there's more land in the Northern Hemisphere, so seasonal patterns there drive global temperatures.

Recent climate change contributors

Scientists blame the supercharged heat mostly on climate change from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas and on livestock agriculture. Other factors include a natural El Nino warming of the central Pacific Ocean, which has since ended. Reduced marine fuel pollution and possibly an undersea volcanic eruption are also causing some additional warmth, but those aren't as important as greenhouse gases trapping heat, they said.

Because El Nino is likely to be soon replaced by a cooling La Nina, Hausfather said he would be surprised if 2024 sees any more monthly records, but the hot start of the year is still probably enough to make it warmer than last year.

Sunday's mark was notable but "what really kind of makes your eyeballs jump out" is how the last few years have been so much hotter than previous marks, said Northern Illinois University climate scientist Victor Gensini, who wasn't part of the Copernicus team. "It's certainly a fingerprint of climate change."

University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann said the difference between the this year's and last year's high mark is so tiny and so preliminary that he is surprised the European climate agency is promoting it.

"We should really never be comparing absolute temperatures for individual days," Mann said in an email.

Yes, it's a small difference, Gensini said in an interview, but there have been more than 30,500 days since Copernicus data started in 1940, and this is the hottest of them all.

"What matters is this," said Texas A&M University climate scientist Andrew Dessler. "The warming will continue as long as we're dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. ... We have the technology to largely stop doing that today. What we lack is political will."

Don't bother, it's all above. See Bee Ess is one of those crummy websites that demands you turn off your ad blocker, yet even after it's paused the lying pop-up from a shitty outfit named VRM by Admiral still won't let you read anything. I hope it all turns to digital shit & then the planet catches fire before I'm a ghost.

Nothing To See Here ...

Sarah Kaplan / Washington Post:
Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth, scientists say  —  The historic day comes on the heels of 13 straight months of unprecedented temperatures and the hottest year scientists have ever seen.  —  Global temperatures hit the highest levels in recorded history on Sunday …

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Stop Polluting The Ocean,
Boat Owning Scum

Haven't listened yet, but I hope that boat's at the bottom.

Stupidest Senator Competition
Has New, Obvious Entrant

"Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again”, to coin a phrase.
Bryan Metzger / Business Insider:
GOP senator falls for sexually explicit Jimmy Carter death hoax  — For the second time in one month, Sen. Mike Lee has fallen for an online hoax.  — The Utah senator posted a fake letter announcing Jimmy Carter's death.  — The letter quoted Carter as calling his wife a “baddie” and the “original Brat.”
If you're enough of a chump-ass sucker to swallow Joe Smith's load of plagiarized/made-up 19th-century horsecrap you'll fucking believe anything, just as the residents of Utah will apparently vote for any cretinous moron.
Did not know/remember there was an answer song to "Mr. Lee", & by the same group.
I picked up my gun
And I went to his door
I picked up my gun
And I went to his door
Now Mr. Lee can tell me no more
He hollered help, help
Murder, police
The girl′s after me with a gun
Hollered help, help, murder, police 
The girl's after me with a gun
Six, seven, eight
Mr. Lee had a date
Nine, ten, eleven
Now he′s up in heaven
Shot him in the head
Boom boom, whoa oh
Shot him in the head
Boom boom, whoa oh
Shot him in the head
Boom boom, whoa oh
Shot him in the head
Boom boom, whoa oh
Shot him in the head
Boom boom, whoa oh
Shot him in the head
Boom boom
Writers: Reather Dixon, Helen Gathers, Emma Pought, Jannie Pought, Laura Webb
Don't write 'em like that anymore, do they?