The "problem", apparently, is that the top secretCheryl Teh / Insider:
A photo shared by the DOJ shows Trump kept a framed copy of an unflattering Time-magazine [sic] cover at his Mar-a-Lago homeDavid Edwards / Raw Story: Trump lawyer objects to DOJ investigating ‘mundane’ crimes like ‘espionage’ at Mar-a-Lago
One other problem. We note that young Kyle has fully bought into the "one weird trick" school of iNternet clickbaiting, to wit: "Then People Instantly Spot the Problem with It". Cretin. Or Russian. Anyway, once in a while you just can't resist, so I left this golden nugget, preserved for eternity here, as I suspect it may not live long there.The Biden DOJ Attaches Photo of 'Top Secret' Mar-a-Lago Docs — Then People Instantly Spot the Problem with It
You cultists are so deliberately dense. Do you not remember typing "white cover sheets neatly layed [sic] on top of them"? No one can see anything that risks national security. You quote Turley, "It is curious that the DOJ would release this particular picture. The point is to state a fact that hardly needs an optical confirmation: the possession of documents with classified cover sheets", yet your opening sentence calls them "alleged 'top secret' documents". You'll all be crying "fake" & "planted" no matter the evidence. And the point of the TIME cover is that the alleged documents were in the same box as the magazine covers, not that that cover of TIME is a "veiled threat". How could it be a "threat" if Trump had it framed?I could go on, but your minds are made up & none of you want to be confused w/ facts or logic.