Friday, March 30, 2012

Free Speech Friday

WASHINGTON -- Ryan Miner remembers watching a fat piece of sausage splatter with a thud against a picture of Sen. Rick Santorum adorning the side of the senator’s campaign RV.

It was fall 2006, and Miner, then a Santorum intern, was helping feed a group of Pittsburgh Steelers fans tailgating outside of Heinz Field. But it was a tough sell -- especially because the Santorum volunteers were peddling snacks and campaign literature to rowdy, buzzed hordes. The crowd eventually turned on the volunteers, and a weapon of choice was Polish.

"Fuck you, Rick Santorum!" Miner recalls the sausage-tosser shouting.

In short order, the tailgaters assailed the Santorum volunteers with whatever they could get their hands on: sausage, cookies, half-empty cups of beer, and beer cans.

"For the most part it was pretty unpleasant," recalls Bryan Nagy, who had joined his friend Miner for the event so he could get some free food. "A lot of booing. Some people would spit in the general direction of the bus."

The event was supposed to build camaraderie and sell Santorum as a beloved member of Steeler Nation. Yet, like much of that brutal 2006 campaign that ended Santorum's Senate career, it simply reinforced the impression that Santorum -- whom the electorate had come to regard as sanctimonious and out-of-touch -- played for the away team.
Ha ha, sanctimonious Rick.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

No Future?

Reminiscent of "God Save The Queen (Symphony)" on the Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle soundtrack? (Not easily available on the devil-box, & we could be nuts anyway.)

Waistband Reaching Up-Date

In "reaching for his waistband" events, in Pasadena if you make a bullshit 911 call, you will be arrested.
Police say a videotape from that night shows a 17-year-old suspect burglarizing the car while McDade acted as a lookout, the Star-News reports. The other suspect has been charged with grand theft, commercial burglary and failure to register as a gang member as a condition of probation.

But neither suspect was armed, and Carrillo later admitted that he lied in order to get a faster police response. He is being arrested on the theory that his false report led police to believe that McDade was armed and ultimately to the fatal shooting. Two police—one in a patrol car and the other on the ground—fired at McDade when they saw him reaching for his waistband. Officials say the officers believed he was reaching for a gun.

"The actions of the 9-1-1 caller set the minds of officers" Police Chief Phillip Sanchez told reporters at a press conference.

The District Attorney's office is reviewing the case as it does with all deadly officer-related shootings, and McDade's family and the ACLU is asking for an independent review into the case, according to the Times.

Not Us: We're Morally Superior (& Cheap)

Half of all U.S. households own at least one Apple product, according to CNBC’s All-America Economic survey.
None of that crap here. Not even iTunes on the devil-box. (OK, Quicktime. As soon as we uninstalled it we'd be directed to some antediluvian site that would require it, so why bother?)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No Parking

Japan Exceptional Too

We all know what sneaky & treacherous bastards they are, & apparently they were just taking it easy last yr.

The bloodthirsty needn't worry; they've picked up where they left off in 2010.
Japan hangs 3 in 1st executions since 2010
TOKYO (AP) — Three death row inmates in Japan were executed by hanging on Thursday, the country's first executions in more than a year and a half.

The men were reportedly hanged in three different prisons. One was convicted of ramming a car into a train station and then knifing people nearby, killing five, in 1999. The second killed two people in 2001 and the third killed three in 2002.

Justice Minister Toshio Ogawa confirmed the executions in a news conference, saying that the punishment is supported by the public. He did not provide details, and all major Japanese media quoted anonymous Justice Ministry officials for details on who was executed.

The executions were Japan's first since July 2010. Capital punishment is usually ordered only for inmates convicted of multiple murders. Japan has 132 death row convicts, which is near its highest level since World War II.

Japan, along with the United States, is one of the few industrialized countries that still has capital punishment. All executions in Japan are carried out by hanging. Inmates on death row do not know when they will be executed until the last minute, while family members and lawyers are only told afterward.

The lack of transparency in the system has been criticized by rights groups such as Amnesty International and the main Japanese bar association. But capital punishment is generally supported by the public, according to opinion polls.

Public broadcaster NHK said 2011 was the first full year without any executions in 19 years.

Criminal Past

Up Against The Universe, Mofo

Come the revolution most surviving reactionaries will simply be shot, we suppose, but a few will be shot into space, possibly w/o the assistance of a spacecraft. Jeff "Amazon Warehouse" Bezos is one of the latter.
NASA is one of the few institutions I know that can inspire five-year-olds. It sure inspired me, and with this endeavor, maybe we can inspire a few more youth to invent and explore.

We'll keep you posted.


Jeff Bezos
It might also be appropriate to push Mr. Bezos out of that Cameron guy's fucking submarine, several miles below the surface & along w/ Cameron, of course.

Old Coot Reminder

A Salon headline writer tops an item about the passing of another political fad thus:
The Times asks why the libertarian candidate turned out to be less beloved than the Internet made him seem
Not that we've given enough of a shit to bother bothering outsider/oldster "Dr." Ron Paul this go-round, but today's Internet Paultards didn't seem nearly as interested in showing up whenever the sad old toad was mentioned as they were last election cycle.

Chinese, Iranian, Saudi, Iraqi & American Exceptionalism

You have no rights, & don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.
Hey, not to forget those extra-exceptional extra-judicial executions! Lessee ... one for the Neighborhood Watch, 17 for Afghanistan Watch (Powered by the US Army!) & who can count in the amateur ranks.


No names, please.
I'm a writer. But there are zillions of writers. Here's some of my stuff.
Meatspace acquaintance "Brick" Wahl, jazz happenings compiler for the L.A. Weekly until he told them where to put their silly job, has acquired a domain name & everything, just as if it were 200X, & (despite prior protests & promises never to) jumped into web logging.

Hot Tires to Dull

Tl;dw:File under: "Irksome, tedious & banal."

Morans Assemble!

The cretinous got together in front of The Supreme Court to protest something, who can tell what.
Looks as if this obese gentleman, if not his family, hasn't exactly been starving lately. You don't suppose he's asked Americans for Prosperity about creating a job for him, do you? Maybe a high-paying job sewing AFP T-shirts somewhere in the Third World?

Still Lifes (Apple)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Crouching Dogs, (Not So) Hidden
Drag Queen

As usual, the lame-ass & pathetic media is days behind Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™ (& the Guardian) in covering the grifting & other criminal activity that (allegedly) goes on behind (doubtless gilded) First Amendment doors at the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Right Wing Watch looked at & linked to the entire complaint.


Day over half-done, not a post to show for it. Here's some recent building up:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Irwindale ... 2:30 In The Afternoon, Sunday

Last Drag from KPCC. Which we found here.
The Irwindale Drag Strip and Fontana's Auto Club Dragway both shut down within a week-and-a-half of each other in February due to noise complaints and bankruptcy.

Inverted Onion


The fortress THE TIMES built itself after the 1910 bombing.

Straight Outta Apia

Haven't watched yet, but thought we should share.If everyone in the band hadn't hated each other, it wouldn't have worked at all.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Morbid Music 'Round Midnight

Power ballad & bonus tracks: Haven't heard these versions before. Always better fast.

Friday, March 23, 2012

An Epitaph

At BTC News, Weldon Berger, who writes (rather than, say, types outlines for the Internet equivalent of a tedious Morning Zoo radio dealexcept it's on satellite/pay-radio so "fuck," if not fucking, is allowed) reviews David Corn's new, just-in-time-for-the-election review of the Obama admin., Showdown. Or uses it as an opening to rake them over some coals.
Meanwhile, over at the War Department, plans were well underway to dramatically escalate a war in Afghanistan that at least some of the president’s advisers must have known to be doomed, and that had never for a moment resembled the description of it he offered to the tuxedoed and gowned Nobel crowd.

The Crouch Family's Personal
Prosperity Gospel

None of this is surprising in the least. Sickening, sure. Although, on the bright side, once the Ryan budget is passed & the American people again have the freedom to die in the street after Social Security & Medicare are phased out, donations to these looting, mooching parasites may dry up.
Are you fucking kidding us?
McVeigh's lawsuit makes the most damning allegations, claiming "unlawful and unreported income distributions to Trinity Broadcasting's directors" with "multiple jet aircraft, including a $50m Global Express luxury jet aircraft purchased for the personal use of the Crouches through a sham loan … as well as an $8m Hawker jet aircraft purchased by Trinity Broadcasting for the personal use of director Janice Crouch".

It also describes the purchase of "multiple motor vehicles, including a $100,000 motor home purchased by Trinity Broadcasting as a mobile residence for director Janice Crouch's dogs".

Directors of the network are also accused of misusing funds to cover up sex scandals, including the alleged "cover-up and destruction of evidence concerning a bloody sexual assault involving Trinity Broadcasting and affiliated Holy Land Experience employees; the cover-up of director Janice Crouch's affair with a staff member at the Holy Land Experience; the cover-up of director Paul Crouch's use of Trinity Broadcasting funds to pay for a legal settlement with Enoch Lonnie Ford (a former TBN employee who said he had a homosexual affair with [founder] Paul Crouch)".*

Brittany Koper, the network's former finance director, claims she was fired after she discovered the extent of the financial wrongdoing.

Her lawsuit follows one by the church against her – later dismissed – which alleged that Koper and her husband used forged documents to embezzle funds to buy cars, jewellery and a fishing boat.

"She blew the whistle and got terminated," Koper's lawyer, Tymothy MacLeod, told the Los Angeles Times. "Brittany has done the right thing. It's admirable that someone on the inside of TBN has come forward and is revealing to the world exactly what is going on behind those closed doors."
Look, Nana brought one of her precious dogs to our wedding!
Brittany Koper with her grandparents Janice Crouch (far left)
and Paul Crouch Sr (far right) at her wedding. Photograph: AP
The network's lawyer has denied allegations accusing McVeigh and the Kopers of working together to steal from the ministry. He said the Crouches travel by private jet because they have had "scores of death threats, more than the president of the United States".
One can only hope.
*Odd they can afford US$100,000.00 for a canine mobile home but can't afford to defend the married-to-a-drag-queen founder of their scam from such heinous charges. It's almost as if they were trying to hide something.

Where Are They Now Dep't.

Who knew?

"Hey, That's No Calypso!"

From The Mail Bag

This had no invitation to visit stuff like
picking-up-a-nude-model-for-your-next-shoot/] [As fucking if! — M.B.]
We'll therefore assume it's absolutely sincere.
I recently came across your article and have been reading along. I want to express my admiration of your writing skill and ability to make readers read from the beginning to the end. I would like to read newer posts and to share my thoughts with you .
So, dear reader, did you reach the end?

Stab From The Past

Crap. Had we been living in this zone in the 1940s, we could have wandered to Third & Vermont & bought a used fucking airplane where we now consume America's bounty at Ralphs.
At least the city's managed to get the power lines underground since then.

Not-So-Lame Couplet/Chorus

Bend down look at the curse
I'm not of this Earth!Source material (Dig the American night opening. The owl lets you know it's night.):I'LL PUT YOUR HEAD IN A MILK BOTTLE!!!

Dear Friends

Younger &/or foreigner-than-we people who aren't fully hepped to America's Funny Guys, The Firesign Theatre, might use this as an intro to their oeuvre. Memory no longer serves, but we don't think any of the cuts are over five mins.That said, their long-form (Entire albums, both sides, could be as much as 50 mins.) works are pretty dense & may require more or longer-term attention.

Lame C(o)uplets

Two cups of coffee but we still don't care
Went to see America but nothing was there.

Bent over, doubled up:
Did the vom in a blind guy's cup.

Astute Observation

If you don't think these "(White) Castle Doctrine" laws prove Critical Race Theory, what the hell would prove it to you?

Also posted.

Why The Right Likes States' Rights

These legislators are pushovers for campaign contributors. What’s a pittance for a super PAC can buy a state senator, beginning with financing a campaign and continuing support into the statehouse. These campaigns to take over state governments will grow as business sees the possibilities.

Think about what’s happening with abortion, contraception, voters’ rights and immigration. Do you want these people in charge of medical care for the poor?
Tenth Amendment, bit-chezz!!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Funniest Line Of The Day

Sullivan typed it:
The core identity of the Atlantic is intellectual honesty.
And we laughed (Megan McArdle) & laughed (Megan McArdle) & laughed (Megan McArdle).

Say, we hear he's in town to appear on Bill Maher's show Friday. Wonder if we could get off our ass, drag it over to Television City & punch him in his stupidly blind nose. No jury, &c. Yeah, it's a threat, if not a promise.

Or maybe we can have him deported for enraging a decent American. Or enraging us.

Race Report Continues

Noted yesterday.

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Three white men, including a teenager who pleaded guilty to murder and hate crime charges in Mississippi state court for running over a black man with his truck, have been charged with federal hate crimes.

Two people with direct knowledge of the case told The Associated Press on Thursday that John Aaron Rice, Dylan Butler and Deryl Dedmon were charged in documents sealed in U.S. District Court in Jackson. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the charges had not been unsealed.

The U.S. Justice Department has called a news conference for Thursday afternoon. A statement says it will focus on a hate crime case.

The 19-year-old Dedmon received two life sentences on state charges Wednesday for the June 2011 death of 47-year-old James Craig Anderson.

Idle Thoughts

If gawd were as opposed to abortion as the millions who bother gawd believe, wouldn't gawd have made the hymen (Hey, why not a steel one, even?) grow back when a woman becomes pregnant? Answer that!

We Don't Need The English

Especially reactionary Limey fools.
Monckton, the 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, hinted about his position on the issue in April 2010 at a tea party rally on the National Mall near the White House. But on Miller’s show, he said the birth certificate issue was far more important that combatting so-called anthropogenic global warming.

“I mean, hey you got a president who has a false birth certificate on the Internet, on the White House website,” Monckton said. “It’s not even clear where he was born. You’ve got a
national debt which is rising into the stratosphere. You’ve got unemployment certainly here in California at 11 percent, 50 percent in the construction industry. These are real problems. You’ve got real environmental problems — overfishing, deforestation, pollution, not so much in the west but certainly in other countries. These are real problems which ought to be addressed. You’ve got poverty. You’ve got disease. These are again serious problems in Africa for instance, that we could be helping with. But no, we’re obsessed with making the rich even richer and making the absolute bankers richer still by going for global warming and cap-and-trade and other nonsenses of this kind.”
Really? He's worried that bankers will get richer? Not bloody likely. (That he's worried, not that bankers won't continue to rob us blind.)Nor do we need Dennis Miller, either.

Bow-Tie Daddy Returns To The Airwaves

We've seen pathetic pants-piddling paranoid Alan Gottlieb before.

Attention, Les Français!

Those under the jurisdiction of Censor Sarkozy may want to avoid visiting here until the bastard chills out.
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has begun calling for criminal penalties for citizens who visit web sites that advocate for terror or hate. "From now on, any person who habitually consults Web sites that advocate terrorism or that call for hatred and violence will be criminally punished," Sarkozy was reported as saying.
Because we will not back away from our calls for terror & violence against our oppressors!

New Day, Ancient Music

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Marco Rubio, Bapto-Catholic,
Condemns Catholic Church In Cuba [VIDEO UP-DATED]

Sweet Blood of Jesus, is there anything actual for which sad Senatorial sack Marco Rubio might denounce the Roman Catholic Church? Anything at all?
Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said Wednesday that he is “deeply concerned” that the leadership of the Catholic Church has “negotiated themselves a space of operation” in Cuba “in exchange for looking the other way,” and expressed concern that Pope Benedict XVI’s upcoming trip to the island may “reinforce that arrangement.”

Rubio, a Catholic, said during a discussion at The Heritage Foundation that the Catholic Church has “negotiated a political space for themselves in exchange for their moral imperative.”

Volunteering an example, Rubio said, “last week… the church invited — the cardinal invited — Castro thugs to come into the church and remove people.”

Rubio also denounced the church for “actively participating in exiling dissidents,” sarcastically adding, “somehow exiling someone to Spain is a humanitarian measure.” (SEE ALSO: Marco Rubio was a Mormon once)

During the event, Rubio discussed Cuban oil exploration and expressed concern that the Communist government may in the future find a new source of revenue in oil exports. He said that a greater concern, however, is the potentially devastating effect of a Cuban oil spill on his state’s environment.
Will not be arsed to see what Sen. Rubio's position on BP oil spills might be, but why would one expect him to be any less hypocritical? Speaking of, from the Wiki:
Rubio attends Catholic Mass as well as a Southern Baptist church in West Kendall, Florida.[34][9][35].
Apparently some of us can have it both ways.

Watch & weep:Posted elsewhere also.

UPDATE (18 December 2014): Working video. (Possibly. It certainly doesn't preview.) Oh, it plays alright. Autoplays, even. So bugger it & THEDC.

More Gov't. NOW!!

One more thing (of millions) these United Snakes need: Police agencies to keep track of every pin-dicked loser who wants to be a fucking pig but (no surprise) can't pass the tests.

Race Report

As we all know, the only racism in America would be if someone were to accuse this fine specimen of White Southern Manhood of being a racist or something.
Authorities say seven white teens were partying in the early morning hours on June 26, 2011, when Dedmon suggested they find a black man to harass. Police say Anderson was beaten before Dedmon ran him down before dawn.

Another teenager, John Aaron Rice, is charged with simple assault in the case. Authorities said he left the scene before Anderson was killed.

The FBI also investigated the case.

The case received widespread attention after a video of Anderson's death was obtained by news organizations, including The Associated Press.

The video, taken by a hotel surveillance camera, shows a white Jeep Cherokee in which Rice was allegedly a passenger leaving a hotel parking lot at 5:05 a.m. Less than 20 seconds later, a Ford truck backs up and then lunges forward. Anderson's shirt is illuminated in the headlights before he disappears under the vehicle next to the curb. Police say Dedmon was driving the truck and later bragged that he ran over Anderson, using a racial slur to describe him.

Drooling Cretin Of The Day

Don't worry, there'll be another one along by tomorrow.

Just How Far Up Romney's Ass
Does That Stick Go?

Via Political Wire, rigid Romney:
Reading the original mid-2007 Boston Globe story, it seems clear that one of the sources was Romney's eldest son, Tagg. The anecdote presumably was proffered as an amusing childhood reminiscence (Tagg was 13 in 1983) to portray Romney's approach to raising five rambunctious sons. There was probably a secondary motivation as well—to illustrate Romney's love for his wife, Ann. While Seamus and the Romney sons were allowed to go to the bathroom only when the Chevrolet station wagon (nicknamed the "white whale") needed gas, Ann Romney could halt the journey at will. As Tagg put it, "As soon as my mom says, 'I think I need to go to the bathroom,' he pulls over instantly, and doesn't complain. 'Anything for you, Ann.'"


What gives the Seamus story legs (four) is the inadvertent glimpse it offers of Romney's rigidity. For all the natural parental annoyance with the constant are-we-there-yet demands and the bodily needs of five boys on the trek to Canada, it is a rare father who would so zealously limit bathroom and food stops. Remember: The Romneys were not exactly desperate refugees racing to get across the Canadian border before they were stopped by the authorities. They were an affluent American family on vacation, but with all the spontaneous joy of an automotive assembly line. Seamus was collateral damage. What matters is the suck-it-up discipline that Mitt Romney tried to impose on his family.

People are not cyborgs—they have human needs, including a propensity for rest stops and, in politics, healthy egos. But an awareness of these personal factors does not seem to be part of the Romney repertoire. "The Real Romney" by Michael Kranish and Scott Helman, pointedly notes, "He is not fed by and does not crave, casual social interaction, often displaying little desire to know who people are and what makes them tick."
Oh, wait, here's the "both sides do it" false equivalency bullshit (Fuck you in every hole w/ a splintered broomstick, Walter Shapiro.):
Although Romney's aloof style has different roots than Barack Obama's cerebral detachment, the similarity suggests that we may be headed for a presidential year when both candidates view voters primarily as abstractions. After covering the 2008 campaign, I regretted that I missed an important clue about Obama's loner personality that was hiding in plain sight on the opening page of his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father." Describing his time as an undergraduate at Columbia University, Obama writes, "I was impatient in those days, busy with work and unrealized plans, and prone to see other people as unnecessary distractions." Unlike virtually every other man who has run for the White House in modern history, Mitt Romney undoubtedly would understand what the youthful Obama meant.
Because a Columbia undergraduate will remain exactly the same person forever. ("Obama writes, 'I was impatient in those days ...'") Mittens, meanwhile, has kept that stick firmly lodged up there since forever.

Your Tax Dollars At Work (& Play)


Male Gaze

Above is for "All time" (2009 May - 2012 March) which cuts two yrs. off all the time we've wasted here.

Any Minute Now

Well, yesterday was a pretty crummy effort. No indication today will be any better, either, although we expect to hit 600,000 visits (Per sitemeter, at least, & of which no more than 100,000 are from ourself.) sometime today. Thanks, sickening perverts & weirdos w/ your disgusting searches for our innocent material & images.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

More Meat

The corned beef was so good we & the sexual associate got some more (still on sale) & boiled it on Sunday.
Leftovers shot Monday.
And to be clear, the Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™ Test Kitchen:

AHEM Of The Day

Blowing our own horn: Beat Andy's flunkies by five days. You really have to start working those slackers, Sully.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Eats Recap

Following our vain attempt to incite a war among the Catholics, we ended up eating corned beef Saturday.
Dinner, naked. And dee-licious!

Classic Country Classic

Posted Because ...

... who hasn't wanted to melt the fuck down?There is no more privacy. Ten yrs. ago this would have been grainy b&w footage from the dashboard of a police car* if it existed at all, & it wasn't available for jerks like us to run gleefully. Now there's coverage from every civilian in the area.

Previously on TMZ.Also: Doesn't count if you don't run in traffic. Still on the sidewalk, still in command of your faculties.
*Not to forget George Holliday, who recorded Rodney King being beaten by police in 1991 (Twentieth anniv. of the riots any month now.) but video cameras weren't in everybody's damn cellPad in those simpler times.

Yank/Limebag Poseurs Fuck Off

Those for whom the electric guitar is the sound of liberation.
The last few months, however, have brought news from abroad suggesting that in many places, punk's combination of splenetic dissent, loud guitars and outre attire can cause as much disquiet and outrage as ever. The stories concerned take in Indonesia, Burma, Iraq and Russia – and most highlight one big difference between the hoo-hah kicked up by punk in the US and Britain of the late 70s, and the reactions it now stirs thousands of miles from its places of birth. Back then, being a punk rocker might invite occasional attacks in the street, a ban on your records, and the odd difficulty finding somewhere to play. Now, if you pursue a love of punk in the wrong political circumstances, you may well experience oppression at its most brutal: torture, imprisonment, what one regime calls "moral rehabilitation" and even death.

Scab Of A Nation, Driven Insane

These exceptional United Snakes, personified by a victim at home (Trayvon Martin) & a killer abroad (Robert Bales).If you fucking Yankee sheep haven't figured it out, you're already in a concentration camp, a disproportionate percentage of the planet's crazy people having been concentrated here.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Comment Housekeeping

If you imagined we've been on a St. Patrick's Day binge & haven't been interested in the Internet (or anything beyond the next drunken cliché) you'd be absolutely correct, & as usual you don't get a damn thing for being so.

Anyway, once we'd sobered up (Just kidding! Still drunk as two coots.) we noticed an e-mail from one Weird Dave (could be his real name) who had (& may still have) doubts that the comments were working correctly.

Gave it the old college try (That's funny. We're only one or two behind Sarah Palin in schools attended.) even going so far as to fire up Idiot Exploder 9.0.8112. 16421 64-bit Edition to try a couple of comments while not signed in to Bugger™. Worked for us.

We're inclined to blame Google. Why not? And, Blogger having apparently remedied the evil done w/ the new pastel gradualism design for full page comments, we're reverted. If there's any one (Anyone?) else out there who has noted any problems, well, don't blame us.

The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore

Friday, March 16, 2012

Double Danziger Burn

Just Like Jan & Dean

Demo tapes, we're guessing.

Local Art & Vandalism We Didn't Shoot

The rest of the story.

B. S., What Does It Stand For?

Brain Science!
I’m offering out a whole range of issues, from brain science to paying off the national debt to creating American energy programs so no American president ever again bows to a Saudi king to rethinking Social Security so young people can have a personal Social Security savings account,” added Gingrich. “You know, I think it’s important to have a Republican Party committed to big ideas. And unfortunately, I think much of this campaign has been driven by super PACs committed to negative tiny ideas and I don’t think that’s the way to govern the country or solve our problems.”
Newt's "offering out." Is that so we won't think he's offering "in?" Corporate speech moron.

Too much science:

Home Schooling: What Did You Expect?

Why on earth are we here? To live in pain & fear, natch.
Why did she stick with homeschooling for so long, despite her difficulties? “We were convinced that it would be better for our kids not to have an education than to be educated to become humanists or atheists and to reject God,” Garrison says. “We became so isolated because the Quiverfull lifestyle was so overwhelming we didn’t have time or energy for socialization. So the only people we knew were exactly like us. We were told that the whole point of public school was to dumb down the children and turn them into compliant workers – to brainwash them and indoctrinate them into this godless way of thinking.”

Garrison believes that homeschooling has become so popular with fundamentalist Christians because, “there is an atmosphere of real terror among some evangelicals. They are horrified by the fact that Obama is president, and they see the New Atheist movement as a vocal, in-your-face threat. Plus, they are obsessed with the End Times, and believe that the Apocalypse could happen any day now...They see a demon on every corner.

“We homeschooled because we wanted to protect our children from what we viewed as the total secularization of America. We listened to people like Rush Limbaugh, who told us that America was in the clutches of evil liberal feminist atheists.”
And how do the public schools dumb the children down?
I don’t merely mean that they had received what I now view as an overly politicized education with huge gaps, for example, in American history, evolution or sexuality. Rather, what disturbed me were the many stories about homeschoolers who were barely literate when they graduated, or whose math and science education had never extended much past middle school.

Take Vyckie Garrison, an ex-Quiverfull mother of seven who, in 2008, enrolled her six school-age children in public school after 18 years of teaching them at home. Garrison, who started the No Longer Quivering blog, says her near-constant pregnancies – which tended to result either in miscarriages or life-threatening deliveries – took a toll on her body and depleted her energy. She wasn’t able to devote enough time and energy to homeschooling to ensure a quality education for each child.*


At the time, Garrison was taking parenting advice from Quiverfull leaders who deemphasized academic achievement in favor of family values. She remembers one Quiverfull leader saying, “If they can do mathematics perfectly but they have no morals, you have failed them.”

The implication, she says, was that, “if they’re not doing so well academically, well, then they can catch up on that later. It’s not such a big deal. It was a really convenient way of thinking for me because I wasn’t able to keep up anyway.”
No, wait, that's how home schooling dumbs 'em down.
*War on Women (& Children)? How could you ever think such a thing?

They Live Among Us

Cracker Patrol Continued:
Le’ Westmoreland, radiology tech student, Helena, Ala. Undecided.
“He won due to the color of his skin, without a doubt. A lot of people voted depending on their race, which I don’t think is right. It should depend on qualifications, but not everybody agrees with that. A majority of African-Americans are going to vote for the African-American.”
Slide show. (At least we were spared their awful, whiny, nasal, cracker voices.)

Friday Quite Contrary Boogie Down

Some type "Gee, the kids don't post many Led Zeppelin videos these days, do they?" (Having listened, this is why they don't. Jee-zis.)Sorry it's only (6:14) instead of (1:06:14).

Irish Sod Off!

You bog-monkeys can have your All-American green-vomit commercial holiday (Is that Paddy dude still even a "real" saint, or just another mythic figure?) but who has the Federal Holiday? Italian boy* Christopher Columbus, that's who!
*Or Polish royalty or whatever.

Lonely Heart

It was not there 15 mins. later.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Candidly, You're All Fucking Morons

And Grifters

Quick Note To The NYT

No one not in this bastard's district gives a sweet fuck that he's outta there.

FEAR: The History Of A Political Idea

Here are FEAR videos we would've posted in the item below, had we not been distracted by a shiny thing or ...Give guns to the queers!And on domestic issues:The Record: As (or more) thematically true today as when it was released 30 yrs. ago(!). One shrewd move to produce it so it remains listenable.

Found this Derf history while researching The Record's co-producer Gary Lubow, whose prior experience had included engineering REO Speedwagon sessions.

Keeping The Gov't. Out Of Your Bedroom Is Only Half The Battle

Now the fascists who run business in this shit-hole nation want to sniff your panties as much as religious & political leaders of a certain stripe in the non-stop effort to keep you sheep herded where you belong.

Smart guy Corey Robin has the details. (Also at Salon, which doesn't need any clicking, so don't!).
What I hadn’t predicted was that the GOP would be able to come up with a program, in the form of this anti-birth control employer legislation we’re now seeing everywhere, that would combine both agenda items at the same time.

I should have foreseen this fusion because, as I argued in my first book, “Fear: The History of a Political Idea,” in the United States it has historically fallen to employers rather than the state to police the political opinions and practices of citizens. Focused as we are on the state, we often miss the fact that some of the most intense programs of political indoctrination have not been conducted by the government but have instead been outsourced to the private sector. While fewer than 200 men and women went to jail for their political beliefs during the McCarthy years, as many as two out of every five American workers were monitored for their political beliefs.
It gets worse, so get a gun.