NSFW (No Shit it's unsafe for your shitty fucking Fascist Workplace):
Very pleased by the use of "shitheel," one of our favorites. Although the cowardly hypocrisy of a site that calls itself "Raw Story" using
in its headline is repellent; the hypocrisy is only worsened by Cooked (Nothing "raw" about asterisks.) Story using the uncensored* versions of shitheel & several other of our favorite words in the body of the story. Think they're all fucking bad-asses do they? Nothing but liberal weaklings in pseudo-radical clothing. Fuck 'em. *Just how fucking stupid is using one asterisk to "clean up" a "dirty" word? Is anyone fooled?
Now we suppose it's just a matter of time before eviction on some trumped-up bullshit so a larger profit can be made by a fucking leech. Fire's usually a good way to force leeches to let go of you, isn't it?
Echo Park got hit with a bunch of tagging over the weekend. But how seriously are you going to take a gang member who goes by the name of “Pee”? That name appeared on an ExP tag on Echo Park Avenue. There was also “Termite” on Scott Avenue. Perhaps all the good names have been taken.
(We've always been partial to "Puppet" & "Sleepy" as far as gang monikers.)
Copped straight from the pages of theEastsiderLA
It's over. Everything's over. Forever. Why, in the name of hell, does anyone ever bother?
We've been on this very important problem for some time. Now Slate catches on, six mos. later. (Why even bother, Slate? Can't compete w/ us!)
The sleeveless sheath dress, now ubiquitous on cable and local news, and especially beloved by morning news programs, is as much a uniform for TV newswomen as androgyny was in the mid-’90s, when boxy blazers and short hair reigned.
We wonder why male news readers can't show as much flesh as sheath-sporting female anchors? Course the equivalent amount of flesh for men would require wife-beaters paired w/ cargo shorts.
Nonetheless, men on the tube must keep themselves fully covered except for the hands & face. (Which, aside from hair concealment, seems to be the criterion for female dress in many Islamic countries. Odd, innit?)
It's hard for us to believe, 'cause boy do we suffer, but some people do have it worse:
Published on Apr 29, 2013
First tune up in a long time.
For anyone wondering where i have been the title of the tune should give you a little clue.
I have spent the last two years in prison, my crime, growing copious amounts of fine ganja.
Big up.
Crap, we might as well give the hell up. Missed the Doo-Dah Parade yesterday, & there've been two reported tremors (albeit tiny ones) around Marina del Rey (which would be as good an area as any to fall into the Pacific) which we haven't felt.
#BREAKING A 2.8 quake just struck Marina del Rey. It is not known if this is an aftershock of Friday's 3.2. Story developing.
Crikey, speaking of keeling over on stage (as we did two items down; for once we won't self-link) Bob Weir (65-y.o. & counting) goes down for the count on stage.Our immediate off-the-cuff diagnosis would be a (Sudden?) drop in blood pressure, but we are not a medical doctor. Found here.
Oy gevalt, it's that crazy person again. It must be awful to live in fear of death 24/7, but all the spells in the world won't help this witch, no matter how many she casts.
Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch w Christ, & asleep, rest in his peace, alleluia.
The band is set to perform Saturday night at the Echoplex before a sold-out crowd that will be miniscule compared to the thousands who are set to see them launch their tour May 3 at the Staples Center.
Tickets were sold for $20 each — a fraction of what tickets to the tour will cost.
Yes, we'd've paid US$20 to see these wretches before the next one dies.
Too late! The one on the right is already dead.
What if one of them keels over onstage right there at the Echo? We'd really be kicking ourself then.
And are they scared of something? Judging from the Nuremberg rally level of security they must be.
Buyers were limited to one ticket, and were required to show a government-issued ID, pay with cash, wear a wristband with their name on it and be photographed. Their names will be verified at the venue, which has a capacity of about 700. Cameras and smartphones will not be allowed inside.
Nagonna happen:
The lowest price for tickets to the show at the Staples Center, which has a capacity of about 20,000, is $250.
Good list of drooling loonsdelusional paranoia from the right (yet incorrect) side of the aisle, but let's not go crazy crediting typist John Avlon (possibly the last Rockefeller Republican) who makes some foolish statements even as he notes the lunacy.
Tremblay is part of a disturbing trend of conservative state legislators and even Congressmen [sic] entertaining conspiracy theories that are creepy and unseemly coming from average citizens, but a sign of civic rot when they start getting parroted by elected officials.
"Congressmen?" There's a link on the very same Daily Beast page to a video entitled "Michele Bachmann's Most Outrageous Comments." Drooling idiocy does not sexually discriminate.
Then sexist pig Avlon must throw in "both sides do it" by mentioning Cynthia McKinney.
Of course, craziness is a bipartisan issue, with Republicans frequently pointing to [Oh, here it's "Congresswoman." — Ed.] Cynthia McKinney as a Democratic example – but the right has been particularly prone to paranoia since Bush Derangement Syndrome on the left gave way to an epic case of Obama Derangement Syndrome from the other side.
Please. More like "the" Democratic example. Perhaps someone should note to Avlon that former Represenative McKinney, as a woman & an American of more recent African heritage has many more reasons to believe conspiracies (Tuskeegee syphilis "experiment," anyone?) than the usual group of inane white Xians (All of them freely elected to public office; there's a conspiracy!) pretending they are a persecuted minority in this country & convinced the United Nations is out to steal American sovereignty through Agenda 21 or whatever. Also Obama's Muslim Brotherhood (M.B.!!) advisers.
And there's no comparison between what Bush actually did (See all the fucking stories, articles & posts concerning the Bush Lie-Berry this wk.) & what Obama is (not does or did) in the fevered imaginations of low-information fantasists.
We're not a bird & we want no worms, so we will just turn over & return to snoring, having missed Hanoi Jane ("Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh! NLF is gonna win!" Those who chanted that were right, weren't they?) twice already, although we've no desire to see On Golden Pond. & a Bugs Bunny celebration. (Not sure we'd want to know what Leonard fucking Maltin has to say about the Bunny.)
And what could be more appropriate for the capital of bullshit than a bit of security theater?
Turner takes the safety and security of our guests seriously. TCM security team members will occasionally, throughout the Festival [sic: Should be a comma after "Festival" if there's one after "occasionally."] conduct "Bag Checks" [Are these not actual "Bag Checks?" Why the quotation marks? Why the upper-case? We hate you for being so ignorant/dense or whatever your problem is, grade school drop-out typist. — Ed.] at selected venues and events. This measure is to take the appropriate precautions necessary to keep our events safe. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
We hope you Yankee fucks are all very, very proud that your country is such a piece of shit that people from all over the world want to blow it up, & none of you are safe anywhere. And how about that educational system?
It's tonight, not tomorrow; either way this applies:
Tomorrow evening, the cream of our nation's mainstream media celebrities, political celebrities, and celebrity celebrities will put on tuxedos and evening gowns and gather in a ballroom in Washington, DC to mutually give one another handjobs ...
and those people deserve to be blown from the face of the earth. At the very least every last one of them should be rounded up & made to perform physical labor or work for minimum wage in a job so miserable they will beg for the sweet release of death.*We're not doctrinaire on this. They're in an enclosed space; chaining the exits shut & lighting the dump on fire/sending poison gas through the air conditioning (or both) works for us. (Waiters &c. out first, of course.)
Golly, one may ask, where does a nice fellow like ourself get all these violent ideas? It's as if we lived in a society of vicious killer apes who wallow in violence 24 hrs. a day. But that's just silly. This is, after all, the best of all possible worlds. (If that were true it would be the best pro-suicide argument ever!)
Going on about band names (All the good ones are already taken, twice at least.) a guy hits the naildrum on the head:
Which leads me to wonder if the angst over band names might be a manifestation of a deeper set of frustrations about creativity and music. No matter what you play, it’s hard to distinguish yourself and it’s hard to get people to listen. Doing new things with the same old notes is hard, too—they’re not making any more of those, either.
Especially that last sentence. Give it up, pluckers, it's been done already, & probably much better than you could do it.
Spinner.com, a rock-music news site under the AOL Music banner, announced suddenly on Thursday afternoon that it was shutting down. Minutes later, it said in a tweet that the entire music editorial division of the media giant, which owns The Huffington Post, was closing, too.
Example: After several smoke-free wks. the smell from the ground cow we were frying last night made us nauseous. Not to mention the odors of the outside world. Always knew we were too fucking sensitive to live in this ugly world of shit & pain, but never realized all the ways it is awful. (Figures a pig society would reek.) P. fuckin' U.!
Lie down w/ dogs & you'll get fleas, which will in turn give you the bubonic plague. The Heritage Fdn. must be covered in flea bites & buboes. Look at this:
ORLANDO—The Heritage Foundation and Franklin Center for Government & Public Integritypresented the second annual Breitbart Award to Michelle Malkin, syndicated columnist and Fox News Channel contributor. Malkin was honored at tonight’s Krieble Dinner at Heritage’s Resource Bank. The award was presented by Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint and Franklin Center President Jason Stverak.
The Breitbart Award honors those who advocate for the truth — a quality that Malkin exemplifies. As the founder of three successful conservative blogs — michellemalkin.com, Hot Air (now owned by Salem Communications), and Twitchy — has changed the way Americans consume media. Malkin dedicates her life to tackling the issues others often shy away from.
There might be a reason others "shy away" from Malkin's issues. We wonder what it might be.
Erik Telford, vice president of strategic initiatives and communications at the Franklin Center, noted these traits:
Michelle Malkin is a champion in the pursuit of truth and accountability who has tirelessly worked to expose corruption and waste in government*. She never hesitates to speak truth to power, debate issues that the mainstream media and political insiders would prefer to sweep under the rug, and empower citizens to join in her cause. Her work exemplifies Andrew Breitbart’s fiery spirit and advances his legacy.
The late Andrew Breitbart pioneered a new-media revolution that transformed journalism and the political landscape: a tradition that carries at Breitbart News Network. The company’s president and CEO, Larry Solov, was in attendance along with Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.
So pathetic it really isn't even amusing. We're almost ashamed of ourself for laughing.
Also worth noting: Press release typist Rob Bluey was already a joke.*This tireless work mostly involved typing/skreeing the word "porkulus."
Ha fucking ha. Stupid jerks, how long until all of Texas looks like the surface of the moon?
The fact that the plant was able to store such high volumes of hazardous chemicals without regular safety inspections or, reportedly, having sprinklers or fire walls has led many environmental groups to argue for more and stronger regulations. Yet a spokesperson for an industry group, The Fertilizer Institute, has already stated that there is “a very rigorous regulatory structure in place right now” and worried that “someone may react quickly and perhaps try to change things or impose new regulation on top of existing regulation that’s already effective.”
If we are gentrified out of this dump we will beat the living fuck (Because we don't [at this time] have any weapons. Also, physical contact is much more satisfying, & makes it very clear to the punished the nature of his/her crime.) out of the new owner, because we'd have nothing to lose, & would get some justice.
Seriously. If the new owner of this dump fucks w/ me I will kill him, her, or them w/ my bare hands. (NB: No first person plural here. I fucking mean it.) Not that I'm above using a blunt instrument. A piece of granite countertop would be extra-funny, wouldn't it? And on reflection, permanent paralysis would be better. Death is too easy for rent-seeking scum who deserve to suffer for all eternity.
At some point shortly after the end of the Second World War, democracy reached its apex in countries such as Britain and the US. According to Crouch, it has been declining ever since. Places such as Italy had more ambiguous histories of rise and decline, while others still, including Spain, Portugal and Greece, began the ascent much later, having only emerged from dictatorship in the 1970s. Nevertheless, all of these countries have reached the downward slope of the arc. The formal structures of democracy remain intact. People still vote. Political parties vie with each other in elections, and circulate in and out of government. Yet these acts of apparent choice have had their meaning hollowed out. The real decisions are taken elsewhere. We have become squatters in the ruins of the great democratic societies of the past.
There's more, but why fucking bother? Longer excerpt at our source.
Appearing in an interview from Dallas on NBC's "Today" show, Mrs. Bush was asked if she thought that Jeb, the former governor of Florida, should seek the presidency.
"He's by far the best qualified man," Mrs. Bush said, "but no."
"We've had enough Bushes," she said, saying "it's not just four families*, or whatever."
Only a short moment of clarity before the old bat disappeared back into the fog: "By far the best qualified man," when said w/ a straight face about "Jeb" Bush is the sort of statement that should instantly make one eligible to be committed for one's own safety.
And those disappointed in Barack Obama because he's not the radical or whatever they convinced themselves he was should start looking for someone other than Hillary Clinton to run in 2016. If Obama was not who was expected, Hillary C. will be just who we expect, & we know who that is: A triangulating turkey. No compromises in 2016!!*We'd expect the matriarch of a criminal enterprise to remember it's five families, not four. Senility?
Handing out credit left & right; we'll continue being meek & humble* long enough to acknowledge Internet acquaintance Substance McGravitas, who knows & shares what makes the computing experience (by which we mean dicking around on the Internet) easier & faster.
AdBlock, for example. One forgets such things as banner ads & pop-ups until one encounters a sad little box on some website asking that you turn AdBlock off because how can they make a living otherwise? (Warms the black & shriveled cockles of our little heart to see that.) Even blocks adverts on most streaming video services. (Not on hulu.com where they won't play until you turn it off, but CBS.com doesn't seem to notice & doesn't play the adverts.)
And while we've barely examined the other doo-dads mentioned here where McGravitas recently sent us, One Tab was exactly what we needed. We had 37 tabs open & memory use was at 68%. After adding OT, memory use is hovering near 30%. Can't beat that w/ a stick, 'though there's one bad concept: Sharing.
You can also create a web page from your list of tabs, so that you can easily share your tabs with other people, other computers, or with your smartphone or tablet.
No thank you. As they said in grade school: MYOFB.*.
If you wanted to terminate w/ extreme prejudice several anti-American terrorists in one fell swoop, here's your chance. Don't blow it this time.
Another elite group is typically in attendance, and that would be the President's Club. President Obama and all of the living ex-presidents — Bush's father, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton — will be on hand for the ceremony.
Kill for peace!
The ceremony's tomorrow. In Dallas. Almost 50 yrs. after Hoover had Kennedy killed there. Do not let these criminals see Friday morning's sun!
We're always interested in how & where these United States are divided & what divides them but have no insights beyond noting how sadly 20th century this one is w/ its meaningful state borders.
Mark Steyn has somehow, somewhere come to the realization that "Liberty for Fatties!" may be a little silly, 'though his sudden awareness is in w/ the usual idiotic bull:
He’s not wrong on the problem. If you fly in from overseas, as often as he does, you can’t help noticing America is extremely obese: It’s the first thing foreigners remark on, and, if they then prod a little deeper and notice the trillions of dollars of debt, there’s a general sense that a population this unhealthy-looking is not what prudent lenders would airily assume to be a good credit risk. The decline of America’s human capital is not pretty. And, indeed, there is something sad about a crusade for individual liberty over the right to waddle down the street slurping sickly sweet children’s drinks out of giant plastic cups with oversized straws, as poignant an image of societal infantilization as anything.
Goodness. We doubt NRO readers would appreciate Mr. Steyn's dissing the very personification of Lady Liberty.
"Give me your high fructose corn syrup, yearning to breathe free."
"I lift my Big Gulp® by the golden door."
And there is no end to the horror. We don't know who died (Dennis Miller, maybe?) & left Adam Carolla in charge of stuff that FOXNews producers think is of interest to those under 50 (Because youth vote!!) but the ungracefully aging frat boy-type (actually a J.C. drop-out) & foreign affairs expert has managed to out-stupid George W. Bush by coming up w/ an even more ignorant version of "They hate us for our freedom."
They hate our culture. They hate our way of life. They hate the fact that our women’s boobies get bigger, our cars get longer, our swimming pools get deeper and we’re building skyscrapers and bridges.
What's that about skyscrapers? "We" build 'em; all the 'Abs live in tents & mud huts, right? Here's proof. And bridges? Can't even get Carolla's libertarian soul-mates in Congress to appropriate money to repair the old ones.
Delusional fucking idiot. Born in 1963 yet convinced it is always 1953 in an imagined America where the Interstate Highway System will always be under construction, cars (unlike his pin-dick) will grow & grow, adding chrome & tailfins until they can no longer turn in the streets & breast implants are about to be invented.
This should clearly explain why there are few conservatives in Hollywood; the fantasy world they inhabit where Sarah Palin making jokes about her "rack" leads directly to terror attacks is too bizarre & stupid even for Hollywood.
Today's Exemplar of Evil is the Nestlé Corp. & its CEO, Adolph Hilter cloneGenetically Modified Organism Peter Brabeck. We're sure Nestlé can't wait until the water wars begin, when they hire whatever Blackwater calls itself these days to stake out some property rights.
Brabeck then goes on to offer his view of water, calling it the “most important raw material” in the world. Brabeck disagrees with unnamed non-governmental organizations (NGOs) about water being a human right instead saying he agrees with those who want water to be assigned a market value and therefore managed by private interests. It’s worth noting that if his plan were adopted his company would have even more opportunities in the water market.
We vote to return Brabeck's water to the earth. Immediately.
How many glaciers & how much of the ice cap would have to melt to form a new North American Inland Sea? The map suggests we'll need even more free water to resubmerge benighted hellholes like Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas & Arkansas completely. Especially Oklahoma:
Last week, Oklahoma’s Republican state House Majority Leader Dennis Johnson spoke on the house floor about his experiences as a small business owner, when his speech suddenly veered into anti-semitism:
That’s what you do as a small business, and then you get the reward of success. People come back to you. They like what you do. They like the service they get, and they don’t ask me — they might try to Jew me down on a price, that’s fine. You know what, that’s free market as well.
After uttering this anti-semitic remark, Johnson continues talking for about 15 seconds until an off camera individual gets his attention. After a brief exchange with this individual, Johnson announces to the assembled body “I apologize to the Jews. They’re good small businessmen as well.”
Like rats in a cage: Fucking idiotic humanoids are going to murder each other for the chance to be the last to boil to death in their own waste, an all too appropriate end to a horridly foolish species.
By all accounts, resource-driven potential conflicts like these will only multiply in the years ahead as demand rises, supplies dwindle, and more of what remains will be found in disputed areas. In a 2012 study titled Resources Futures, the respected British think-tank Chatham House expressed particular concern about possible resource wars over water, especially in areas like the Nile and Jordan River basins where several groups or countries must share the same river for the majority of their water supplies and few possess the wherewithal to develop alternatives. “Against this backdrop of tight supplies and competition, issues related to water rights, prices, and pollution are becoming contentious,” the report noted. “In areas with limited capacity to govern shared resources, balance competing demands, and mobilize new investments, tensions over water may erupt into more open confrontations.”
Your pop-guns are useless.Resistance is not only futile, it won't even be noticed.Son of beetch, this one should have happened at 1936 yesterday. What in hell were we up to that both these polished gems were sitting in the cloud? (Like precious little souls in limbo waiting to be born, n'est-ce pas?)
Miles beyond parody, satire or lampooning.*This item was scheduled to appear around 1600 yesterday, but we just noticed "Draft" next to it. Better late than never.
Which expression is more likely to make pig-ignorant Americans surrender the few rights they have (as long as they're not dumb enough to actually try them) "home-made bomb" or IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE?Also: WMD? A mere couple of hundred casualties is "mass destruction?" ("Mass. destruction" would be another thing entirely, we grant you.)
Correct again: Now half an hr. past halfway through Monday & as we knew & predicted, still no hot water/no hot water yet.
Lawyers will be the second or third thing we do. First we'll dispatch each & every landlord (You cannot get more feudal than "landlord," can you?) & their families.
We have a list. (One landlord on that list is also an att'y. Boy howdy, is she in for it!)
President Obama will be at the dedication, continuing to legitimize Mr. Bush, as he did from the outset by announcing in 2009 there would be no investigations or prosecutions of the Bush officials for their crimes.
In an interview with the New York Times, Mr. Bush continued to say he has no regrets about his Presidency. “I’m comfortable with what I did,” he said, “I’m comfortable with who I am.” He added, “Much of my presidency was defined by things that you didn’t necessarily want to have happen.”
But he and Dick Cheney made them happen, although Mr. Bush attributed some military events to Providence. One of the “things” he is comfortable with was his criminal, unconstitutional invasion and occupation of Iraq, which took over one million Iraqi lives – children, women and men – created 5 million refugees and committed overall sociocide on that country which posed no threat to the U.S. The carnage continues to this day by a militarized al-Qaeda-in-Iraq that didn’t exist before his invasion.
Remind us, Ralph. Who made Bush-Cheney happen, & why would Gore-Lieberman have been the same/as bad? (OK, "Lieberman" would be a good answer, but the dynamic there was not like Bush-Cheney.)
We as the Party have to stand up and say ‘no more – you were given a job, you campaigned on the promise to do this job, you had the ability to do this job, you had the votes each time to do this job, and yet for no legitimate reason you betrayed the trust put in you by the electorate and you are now completely and permanently politically finished.’ We need to let those who will come in the future to represent us that we are serious. The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives. It seems that we are unable to muster that belief in any of our representatives on a state or federal level, but we have to have something, something costly, something that they will fear that we will use if they step out of line. If we can’t shoot them, we have to at least be firm in our threat to take immediate action against them politically, socially, and civically if they screw up on something this big.
Why all the hub-bub? An Arkansas bill implementing portions of the Affordable Care Act was signed by the Democrat socialist Governor! Also telling: "The Party."
Political blowhard & disgraced former President William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton just opened his fat mouth & insulted a community of millions. What's his fucking problem, anyway?
"We can't tolerate … the kind of low turnout you all have in these mayors' races," Clinton said of the 20.8% of registered voters who cast ballots in the March primary. "It's ridiculous. There are too many people in Los Angeles, of all ages, that have a big stake in the future.
Really Bill? Because it seems to us that if people had a big stake in the future (A big headstone, sure, but let's face it: The "future" is a crock that holds nothing but death.) they might vote. If they don't vote it's pretty much definitional that they have no future, let alone a stake (or any interest at all) therein.
Sad (Pathetic, even.) that it takes such a shitheel to point out what a shithole L.A. is.
Maybe 75% of what soon-to-be-a-ghost* Andrew (#WAR!) Breitbart actually screeched on the video was transcribed; but the (visual) result of the transcription is more important than foolish consistency, let alone timeliness†. We think Andrew might have called it "Behave Yourselves!"
Behave yourselves! Behave yourselves!
Behave yourselves! Behave yourselves!
Behave yourselves! Behave yourselves!
Behave yourself! Behave yourself!
You are freaks and animals!
You are freaks and animals!
Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself!
Learn to behave yourselves!
Stop raping people! Stop raping people!
Stop raping people! Stop raping the people!
You freaks! You filthy, filthy, raping, murdering freaks!
Completely sane Andy's only been a ghost for a year, two mos. & change but his principled stands on important policies are sorely missed.
*Two wks., six days. Not long. Could happen to anyone at any min.
†If we haven't seen it, it's new (& news) to us.
Mushroom-smoking hippies & their four & 20 blackbirds be damned, today is all Hitler. No hot water in the bunker complex until Mon. (Not holding our breath; the new water pump is shipping from someplace called Chicago & the likelihood it'll be on this side of the Rockies in two days, let alone installed & working before late Mon. is "nagunna happen.")Thanks so much new landlordsbldg. owners, & so fucking much for plans to shower & do laundry before trad. wash day at the earliest.
Part II
20 days into April enough baseball's been played. Time to examine the standings, ferret out developing trends & wake up in time to see at least the final few innings of day games played in Eastern Time. Locally it's what the fuck, as the "A Whole New Blue" Dodgers can barely get players on base & refuse to bring them home if they do get on, the Angels suck too & yesterday there was "fire the manager" talk somewhere. The trend here? Pretend it's still early & look for something else w/ which to pass time this season.
Part III
Final proof: We have nothing to add. It is just that sucky a day.
Keep your guns in your pants!
Just say no to drugs & murder!
If Congress wants to stop these tragedies, then it has to address the government's own hostility to the institution of the family and organizations that can address the real problem: the human heart. As I've said before, America doesn't need gun control, it needs self-control. And a Congress that actively discourages it--through abortion, family breakdown, sexual liberalism, or religious hostility--is only compounding the problem.
A short & slippery slope from sexual liberalism to mass murder, & the line from one to the other is crystal clear.
Of course, some will say--and I agree--that transforming the culture is the church's job. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a place at the table for Christians in the gun debate. Not only did Jesus tolerate weapons, he instructed His disciples to buy them! In Luke 22:36, we read, "He said to them... if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Jesus did rebuke Peter for being too quick on the draw (John 18:11), recognizing that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal-but spiritual.
Will the blatantly hypocritical Perkins ever remove his head from his ass, wipe the shit from his eyelids & realize there's not a hair's breadth of daylight between his Jesus-oriented religious foolishness & that of someone who murders & maims in the name of Mohammedan values & self-control? Of course not; that would imply honesty & positive values on Preacher Perkins' part, but his concerns start & end w/ "If it works for the Taliban it'll work for the Family Research Council, right Jesus?"
Suspect 1 might as well have beeen a Tea Party member:
This crap sounds awfully familiar:
Tamerlan says he doesn't drink or smoke anymore. "God said no alcohol." A muslim, he says: "There are no values anymore," and worries that "people can't control themselves."
Substitute fundamentalist Christian wack-job murderer for "muslim" & there is no difference.
At this stage we'll take bets that Suspect No. 2 is either out of the search area or in a successful hiding place (where he may well have bled to death by now). Either way, we went to sleep hrs. ago & little has changed as we slept. More action, please!
Via M, P, S, Tony Perkins piles it high & deep:Last time you heard anyone speak of "respectability" (0:13)? Corporate elites & homosexual activists conflated (0:26)? Saw an actual moral compass (0:29)? All of the above in 30 secs.?
Our title has already happened in the U.K. (1:15) also Canada (1:01).
Left by "Top Commenter" - Mission, Texas at cbs.com. May autoplay, you've been warned, & why bother, really?
Legible version: Top Commenter · Mission, Texas
I am hearing the CBS was attempting to deny that it was a bomb which killed Americans in Boston; once CBS acknowledged that it was a bomb CBS attempted to report that it was a "right wing" extremist - the problem with that is that "right wing" extremist believe in the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution and the rule of law not in killing people HOWEVER, the weatherman underground, friends of obama, have in the past placed bombs to kill americans and muslim terrorist have for years killed Americans, after all muslim's kill their mothers, their sisters, their wives, their daughters for honor killings or placing a bomb on their children to kill others -- I have no idea who did this but if history repeats itself the news media will be wrong on who the news media believes committed this attack.
We'd very much like to know why the Federal Gov't. is involving itself in the investigation of the Pressure Cooker Murders. Local matter, Feds. Stay out of the sovereign states. Freedumb!!
Also, tee vee turkey Ari Melber (We believe; one drone in a jacket & tie looks like the next.): Three people dead is not "mass murder." (Arm us & we'll show you a mass fucking murder.)
Tee vee turkey two, Clint Van Zandt (Who, we hope, returns his F.B.I. pension to the gummint, considering that he's making a very comfortable living on having been an F.B.I. profiler.) there is no "r" in "Washington," you fucking leech. Have some respect for the father of your country; stop mispronouncing his name. And give that money back to the taxpayers, double dipper! While we're raking Clint over the coals, 1972 called & it wants him to return that dick duster he sports beneath his nose.
Fascist jerk (Here we are not joking about it.) Joe Miller (Most bogus "real" name ever?) has dipped his little toe in the freezing Alaska Senatorial waters w/ this load from his Restoring Liberty web site. (You know it's his, & all his, 'cause it sez: "Published by Joe Miller" right at the top, next to a picture of Joe Miller, who seems to be economizing on razors.)
Here is what should not be forgotten about Miller: He's a fascist jerk, if we didn't note that already.
Not this M.B, but another of many jerks who share our initials (Michele Bachmann being the worst offender) MSNBC plagiarist Mike Barnicle, who twice referred to children as a "commodity," as in "precious commodity." Like oil, or wheat? Fuck him.
Children are not anyone's property, they are not commodities, & they are not your or "our" future. Your future is as wormfood. (As is ours, but unlike Barnicle we have faced that fact & are not comforting ourself w/ bullshit about "our future".)
What's w/ Boston's public officials? Can they read? To us (a real American, w/ no accent at all) it's as if they think the word "saw" is spelled "sawr," for example, adding an "r" to the end, yet many of them seem unable to see/read/pronounce the "r" in "guard" (as in National Guard) or the final "r" in "year." What the hell? Someone teach them to read English & how it is pronounced, please.
They sound concerned for public safety, but some of us know better.
Beantown & Commonwealth of Mass. officials "suggest" that people stay in their homes & not congregate in public. How long before this becomes an emergency ordinance, possibly w/ a curfew? Not long after that any group of three or more people will be called an "illegal assembly" & the forces of repression will be given carte blanche to deal w/ "potential rioters" as they see fit. And most of the people will go right along w/ it. That's why they're called sheep.
While we've no idea what sites anyone else reads on the Internet, we have an idea of what some people read in those book things, or on their Kindles, so here's some Hewlett Packard Lovecraft theorizing in a book review that those who don't find themselves at the LARoB every so often may not have seen.
Uh-oh. Figured to share it eventually, but neither read beyond the first paragraph nor examined what was being reviewed. Here's where we stopped reading; your mileage may differ:
not just in universities but also among the unaffiliated continental philosophy junkies who troll the blogosphere
Also: Tiny type, several thousand words. This won't be on the test.
Since we lead you astray, literary fun at our expense: What it looks like before we make it sausage:
WHile we ha ve no idea what anyone else rferads on the INternet, we do ahve an idea of what somepoeople read in those book things oir their spindles, so here's sopme criticism of Hewlaett PAckerd Lovevraft that those who do'nt find themselves at the LARB evry once in a file mat not have seen.
Bad analogy; it's our fingers that are the sausages, & stubby little ones at that.*Why bother? Stop pretending. Surrender now!
The mystic McArdle shares an astounding & never before known fact (We bet you didn't know this!): Tax-payers can take more deductions on their W-2 or W-4 forms (Whichever one you fill out when you get a job; it's been so long we can't remember which is which.) & not let the U.S. gummint get an "interest-free loan" from wage-slaves via tax withholding! No shit Megan? When, where & how did you dig up this kernel of secret, if not esoteric knowledge to share w/ the unwashed masses?
We can only figure she knows her readership well, & realizes they are either so ignorant that this is a revelation to them, or they simply enjoy having an overgrown elf condescend to them. Not mutually exclusive conditions, obviously.
Of course, you don't want to be underwithheld either--pay too little in taxes, and you'll trigger the aforementioned interest and penalties. So start out by changing your withholding just a little bit. If you're still getting money back next year, you can raise your deductions a little more, until you have gotten to a point where you will "neither a borrower nor a lender be".
Ay! Does she not know any way one could, we dunno, research tax rates, deductions & so on to calculate (Ooops. Sorry.) just how many deductions to take, rather than this wait-til-next-yr. trial & error approach?
The condescension continues:
Luckily, I can tell you how to effectively replicate the tax refund experience, except in an interest-bearing account. First, go to your bank and open up a new savings account, one that isn't linked to your current checking or savings. Second, go to human resources or payroll and change your withholding. And third, while you're standing in human resources, ask the nice person there for a form to change your direct deposit. Set it up so that a fixed amount from every check goes into that new savings account. Depending on whether your pay cycle is monthly, bi-monthly, or bi-weekly, that amount should be, respectively, 1/12th, 1/24th, or 1/26th of the amount that you'd like to have at the end of the year.
Or, join the Christmas Club. Next wk., Megs will be informing all how to tie their shoes, instructing on napkin usage, or just being a jerk as usual.
I know, I know--what a pain! But you only have to do it once. And at the end of the year,every year, you'll have a nice big sum in your account. Best of all, it will have been earning interest. A sadly tiny amount of interest, to be sure. But whatever the amount, over a couple of years it will more than repay the hour that you spent setting all this up.
So, better some fucking banker gets your money & profits from it while paying you incredibly small interest? Of course. Bankers might divert some of those profits to wingnut welfare for our heroine; but she knows damn well she'll never get anything from the gov't. Except roads & shit, but none of that counts.