Monday, April 22, 2013

Celsius 100+

Like rats in a cage: Fucking idiotic humanoids are going to murder each other for the chance to be the last to boil to death in their own waste, an all too appropriate end to a horridly foolish species.
By all accounts, resource-driven potential conflicts like these will only multiply in the years ahead as demand rises, supplies dwindle, and more of what remains will be found in disputed areas. In a 2012 study titled Resources Futures, the respected British think-tank Chatham House expressed particular concern about possible resource wars over water, especially in areas like the Nile and Jordan River basins where several groups or countries must share the same river for the majority of their water supplies and few possess the wherewithal to develop alternatives. “Against this backdrop of tight supplies and competition, issues related to water rights, prices, and pollution are becoming contentious,” the report noted. “In areas with limited capacity to govern shared resources, balance competing demands, and mobilize new investments, tensions over water may erupt into more open confrontations.”
Read it & weep (or laugh, like we did).


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

53 degrees and dry in our Nation's Capital of nice sleeping weather.

Weird Dave said...

Air, water, food.

Which will we run out of first?

Substance McGravitas said...

Use the fucking birth control, idiots.