Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Sign Of Civic Rot: Both Sides Do It Because Cynthia McKinney

Good list of drooling loonsdelusional paranoia from the right (yet incorrect) side of the aisle, but let's not go crazy crediting typist John Avlon (possibly the last Rockefeller Republican) who makes some foolish statements even as he notes the lunacy.
Tremblay is part of a disturbing trend of conservative state legislators and even Congressmen [sic] entertaining conspiracy theories that are creepy and unseemly coming from average citizens, but a sign of civic rot when they start getting parroted by elected officials.
"Congressmen?" There's a link on the very same Daily Beast page to a video entitled "Michele Bachmann's Most Outrageous Comments." Drooling idiocy does not sexually discriminate.

Then sexist pig Avlon must throw in "both sides do it" by mentioning Cynthia McKinney.
Of course, craziness is a bipartisan issue, with Republicans frequently pointing to [Oh, here it's "Congresswoman." — Ed.] Cynthia McKinney as a Democratic example – but the right has been particularly prone to paranoia since Bush Derangement Syndrome on the left gave way to an epic case of Obama Derangement Syndrome from the other side.
Please. More like "the" Democratic example. Perhaps someone should note to Avlon that former Represenative McKinney, as a woman & an American of more recent African heritage has many more reasons to believe conspiracies (Tuskeegee syphilis "experiment," anyone?) than the usual group of inane white Xians (All of them freely elected to public office; there's a conspiracy!) pretending they are a persecuted minority in this country & convinced the United Nations is out to steal American sovereignty through Agenda 21 or whatever. Also Obama's Muslim Brotherhood (M.B.!!) advisers.

And there's no comparison between what Bush actually did (See all the fucking stories, articles & posts concerning the Bush Lie-Berry this wk.) & what Obama is (not does or did) in the fevered imaginations of low-information fantasists.


Weird Dave said...

...(possibly the last Rockefeller Republican)...

Obama is a Rockefeller Republican.

Weird Dave said...

Everything is Better with a Bag of Cash.

Weird Dave said...

Here try


M. Bouffant said...

Hand-Out Editor:
Uh, the last registered-as-a-Republican Rockefeller Republican?

Waste, fraud & abuse again. We'll gladly harbor some Taliban types if the gummint will give us more money after we pretend to throw them out.