Monday, April 22, 2013

On The Other Hand ...

How many glaciers & how much of the ice cap would have to melt to form a new North American Inland Sea? The map suggests we'll need even more free water to resubmerge benighted hellholes like Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas & Arkansas completely. Especially Oklahoma:
Last week, Oklahoma’s Republican state House Majority Leader Dennis Johnson spoke on the house floor about his experiences as a small business owner, when his speech suddenly veered into anti-semitism:
That’s what you do as a small business, and then you get the reward of success. People come back to you. They like what you do. They like the service they get, and they don’t ask me — they might try to Jew me down on a price, that’s fine. You know what, that’s free market as well.
After uttering this anti-semitic remark, Johnson continues talking for about 15 seconds until an off camera individual gets his attention. After a brief exchange with this individual, Johnson announces to the assembled body “I apologize to the Jews. They’re good small businessmen as well.”

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