Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why Not To Exercise

There are many reasons (for one, diversion of oxygen from the brain to the muscles is not a good idea for most people, whose brains barely function no matter how much O2 they're getting) but this seems especially reasonable:
BBC presenter tells how he suffered stroke after tearing carotid artery with vigorous exercise session on rowing machine
Yes, this moron is all over the fookin' telly, while this reporter is a crazy person in a bunker somewhere. Go figure.
"I'd had two minor strokes, it turned out, in that year – which I hadn't noticed – and then I did the terrible thing of believing what I read in the newspapers, because the newspapers were saying what we must all do is take very intensive exercise, in short bursts, and that's the way to health.

"Well, I went on to a rowing machine and gave it everything I had, and had a strange feeling afterwards – a blinding headache, and flashes of light – served out the family meal, went to bed, woke up the next morning lying on the floor unable to move.

"And what I'd done, I'd torn the carotid artery, which takes blood into the brain, and had a stroke overnight – which basically wipes out a bit of your brain."
Such fools aren't allowed to reproduce are they? What's the point of a National Health Service if you can't keep imbeciles ("I read it in the newspaper.") from breeding? (Maybe we shouldn't be so nervous; it would be surprising if such a dimbulb's spawn survived to reproduce themselves, although the fact there's never as much evolutionary pressure on the monied as on people who work for a living is not encouraging.)

UPDATE (1943 PDT 14 April 2013): If you need more reasons, another from Britain.

Marathon runner, 23, dies after collapse during Brighton race

A London man has died after allegedly suffering a cardiac arrest close to the 16-mile mark of the Brighton marathon


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Also, Jim Fix dropped dead while running.

Weird Dave said...

Speaking as someone who likes to exercise, the killer exercise thing I like the best is the people who manage to drop dead from drinking too much water.

M. Bouffant said...

Moderation Editor:
Too much of a good thing is possible.