Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's So Lonely Honey
In The State Of Maine

Recluse report:
It worked. He said he had not been sick in 27 years.

There was no one to get him sick.

"The only words that he’d spoken to another person in 27 years," Doug Rafferty, spokesman for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, told the Los Angeles Times, "was when he said ‘Hi, how are you’ to a guy on another trail that he was walking." That was in the 1990s.

That changed last week.

Christopher Knight, 47, was snatched from solitude and arrested last Thursday on suspicion of hundreds and hundreds of burglaries over the years -- quiet capers that officials believe he'd made so he could survive the woods near Rome, Maine.
Unless our calculator be illin', that's an average of 37ish jobs a yr., or roughly one every 10 days.

Whether or not law enforcement confirms the 1,000 burglaries, we're suspicious of the whole thing. He wore the same glasses for 27 yrs.? No, a nice cave somewhere or winters in Florida would not surprise us in the least.

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