Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hitler's Birthday Alright

Mushroom-smoking hippies & their four & 20 blackbirds be damned, today is all Hitler. No hot water in the bunker complex until Mon. (Not holding our breath; the new water pump is shipping from someplace called Chicago & the likelihood it'll be on this side of the Rockies in two days, let alone installed & working before late Mon. is "nagunna happen.")Thanks so much new landlordsbldg. owners, & so fucking much for plans to shower & do laundry before trad. wash day at the earliest.

Part II

20 days into April enough baseball's been played. Time to examine the standings, ferret out developing trends & wake up in time to see at least the final few innings of day games played in Eastern Time. Locally it's what the fuck, as the "A Whole New Blue" Dodgers can barely get players on base & refuse to bring them home if they do get on, the Angels suck too & yesterday there was "fire the manager" talk somewhere. The trend here? Pretend it's still early & look for something else w/ which to pass time this season.

Part III

Final proof: We have nothing to add. It is just that sucky a day.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


(No decent youtuber to be found.)

M. Bouffant said...

Hoarding Editor:
Sheet, we do believe we have better audio of that on a cassette. But always appropriate/relevant. (Still no hot water.) Rent-seeking pricks.

Weird Dave said...
