Saturday, April 27, 2013

Know Your Rights

Whew. Good thing we don't live in Limeyland, where free speech really isn't free. Not that we're so stupid we'd post our not-so-idle threats on Facebook where morons might see it & get all excited.


mikey said...

So the idiot "admitted one count of making a threat to kill and eight of sending grossly offensive messages."

I suppose there are cases where making a threat ought to be a crime, although I think context is important too, but SRSLY, dood, "Grossly Offensive Messages?"

Yikes. I'm glad they have established some kind of objective standard for offensiveness in order to apply this law fairly across the population, but oddly, I can't find that standard, you know, PUBLISHED anywhere...

M. Bouffant said...

Hate Speech Editor:
You know how it is. When you see it you'll know it.

Substance McGravitas said...

Thank god Blogger is a dusty wasteland nobody ever visits.

M. Bouffant said...

May Up The Ante Editor:
Apparently no one who counts (In the big picture; no offense to our rabid fans.) or even cares comes by here.