Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One Step Beyond Parody

Stealing again from David Weigel (we're going to have to list him as a co-editor) as he follows up on the story we stole yesterday.
“In college you have this culture of drinking all the time, and he kicked it cold,” said Kevin DeAnna, a friend of Epstein and the founder of Youth for Western Civilization, a student group founded in 2008 of which Tancredo is the honorary chairman. “It’s unfortunate that he’s getting hit from this now, years after he stopped doing this kind of thing.”
No, Epstein's getting hit "from" this now because he's about to be sentenced, following his bogus plea bargain. And one might ask, "Youth for Western Civilization?" One would be entirely correct to ask. Believe it or shove it.
Jim Pinkerton, pundit, had this to say on the "Sotomayor's a racist" talking point that Epstein's friends are promulgating. 
“The ‘R’ word is a tough word,” said Pinkerton. “My immediate reaction to Sotomayor’s ‘wise Latina’ comment was ‘tell that to the people whose faces are on Mount Rushmore. They were pretty wise and they weren’t Latina females.’ That being the case, we all are blessed with the vocabularies to choose different words. In our culture, ‘racist’ is really up there in the Richter scale of words.”
++ secret racism? ++ secret reverse racism? Dead white men are more sculpturally represented across America, therefore ... um, therefore ...? Government by monument? (The redundancy "Latina female" is hard-wired into the ignorant & proud thereof mind. Why even bother?) And stop applying "racist" to them, especially if it's true. It's an earthquake of free speech suppression under Mt. Rushmore!!
Curt Levey, the executive director of the Committee of Justice*, has been optimistic about the right’s fight against Sotomayor, but he admitted to TWI that he “underestimated the degree to which a few conservatives would say a few extreme things, and that would be characterized as what all conservatives think.”
Even insincere denials (See: Tiller, George) aren't convincing every one now. Not that many conservatives have denied the pathetic charges of racism against Judge Sotomayor from other conservatives.
Last paragraph of the item (Oh, almost over.):
For Epstein’s friends, this aspect of the Supreme Court debate has simply been surprising and sad. “I hope he can live it down,” said Taylor of American Renaissance. “I would have thought Dick Morris would never live down his $150 an hour hooker. I would never have thought Bill Clinton would live down what happened between him and Monica Lewinsky. In the end, those people were welcomed back into the fold. It’s just that liberals tend to be very unforgiving about things of this kind.”
Let's really think about this, & strive for the "moral clarity" that is so popular w/ the right. So. Consensual sex (or toe-fetishism) between consenting (or at least remunerated) adults, compared to "things of this kind" that liberals are so unforgiving about. And let's be clear on what "things of this kind" means. (Odd that he didn't give the slightest description, as compared to his other two examples.) It means being drunk @ 1915 & slapping a woman while calling her "nigger." Violence & hate, compared to sexual activity. Morally equivalent, aren't they? Had Clinton sponsored, say, a bill removing adulterous sex as a reason for divorce, or Morris lobbied for the legalization of prostitution, there might be some equivalence here. Someone neck deep in anti-Latin American immigration commits physical violence against a woman of different minority group, while getting down w/ the racial slurs, might indicate an actual connection between policy, racism, & extremist, eliminationist violence. How's that for "moral clarity?"
It must drive these people absolutely nuts that some citizens of these United States are not of 100% European descent, & that said inferiors can't just be deported w/ the other swarthy types.
*Not related or affiliated w/ the Justice League of America.

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