Image allegedly from 1933.
Should obviously be run in its 60th anniv. yr., but we didn't see it until long after Passover Easter. However, reactionary stick-in-the-mud OrthodoXians don't get around to their spring celebration until today, so we've an excuse. And an excuse for this,
The cross & the antenna. |
demonstrating that we're just about out of stuff to shoot. (We ran out of
ideas some time ago.)
Bonus bunny:
Frightening, innit?
I love Orthodox Easter- lamb is usually on sale for half the usual price, and it's the best red meat besides goat. I stocked up on leg-o-lamb over the last couple of weeks.
Bonus bunny: Frightening, innit?
Only insofar as it makes one question one's disdain for furries.
ask me about my antenna/le'd. er , and ber ber ' ..some day .. . / now off to ask bald a quest ion about gloria ..( can never get enough of all of the scenes in that film, thank you mister cas' , /and the interior of the flat of the biggg est boys .. said the daughter of a.. arch... no tec' ..draft , and des.g' by... . smalls .. tow 'er .. g girl )
that was 'er .. of i am , to mak'e clearer
and the mak'e is a ..way of saying address. g something of the orient now shifting in my hood
Man, the babes back in the '30s & '40s, skeletal chicken-legs were NOT on the menu, and with the curves and gams like that they were HOT.
There was a dancer in old musicals name of Ann Miller who had the nicest wheels you ever saw - she could flat out make my motor run...
of mikeys to each his own.. ,/ and odd timing on his comment here as well.. , i was coming in to ask you bouff. earlier but got dis tracted , ask about someth. ..that i'm guessing from my looking around a bit over the last few months that you are the one to ask .. -q- there is a film , i think a ..terence stamp in ie , made in the eighties i'm guessing , he is standing in a bar front of a stage ..and there is a wom. dancing behind him on the stage .. ,she is the only wom. that i have ever seen that moves like me in some way this type of not doc. doc 'film . what comes to mind ? / the only other , is one in a clip that a man that i know and call moby d' ,that is now on a job in new z., that he showed me a clip of on line trying to say something to me ..about the extreme ..of the way that i move , about seven years ago, south american ,
Image allegedly from 1933.
Because cheesecake never goes out of style.
And Annie. I really wish I knew what film that was.
dave, i dance/move as i do well ..because i was born missing the suggest of a stem that should be holding my small intestine in place , the men in meth dale ,of meth ,but also with tour ettes ,something of their born with , ..south of here , call me swan , said fe extrem' ,ann'e
morning .. , sh' is now wondering if bouf ' is off ..getting all haunted in having a look back at terence stamp .. films ,/ thoughts of nick cave , peter murphy ..of eyes ..and of the tindersticks /staples ,traveling light , with that haunted by terence as well / and of some' of bulgaria coming soon /
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