Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Kind Of Tree Would You Be?

Why aren't the two on the left dead yet? And if they are still breathing, why aren't they being tortured? And why were Cronkite & Chancellor allowed to live so long? What is the matter w/ the people of these United Snakes? What keeps them from recognizing their enemies on sight? Is it an allegedly liberal media that wants to weaken America?

This picture would take 1,000 words to say "uh-uh, no," but it's a picture.
Barbara Walters, Henry Kissinger, Walter Cronkite and John Chancellor
after being awarded the Hubert H. Humphrey Freedom Prize
for their roles in Mideast peace talks in 1977.
Alex Pareene specifies why Babs' head should be on a pike.
Let’s not forget one of her most recent Big Scoops, an exclusive interview with murderous Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad. How did she score that one? It probably helps that she was friends with Assad. Walters vacationed to Syria in 2008, and thought Assad and his wife, Asma, were “very charming and intelligent.” After the 2011 interview — while Assad’s military was killing demonstrators across the country — Walters wrote letters recommending the Assad aide who set up the interview for plum American media internships. (With Walters’ help, the aide was accepted to Columbia.)
Lovely couple. They're both so charming & intelligent.


mikey said...

I'm not sure what your problem with Uncle Walter is. He's the guy who went on teevee and told June and Wally Cleaver in Mainstreet USA that we were getting our ass handed to us in Vietnam for no good reason and it was time to call it a war.

You ask me, he could have spent his declining years disemboweling and eating babies and I'd still call him a hero.

M. Bouffant said...

Really Does Edit This Crap Editor Explains:
Because of his wake-up call to America (Yet there he is, smiling at Kissinger: Guilt-by-association.) we did hesitate before deciding to insult all four in the photo. We don't really have anything against Chancellor either, 'cept he was a square like the rest.