Friday, May 31, 2013

A Message To You, Okie

We're confused: If real Americans live in "the heartland" (which we fake coastal Americans rightly denigrate as a shithole of cretinous idjits) why has the gawd as what founded America & wrote its Constitution for it designated flyover country to be Tornado Alley? Explain that, reactionary theocrats & right-wing haters. Why has your gawd forsaken you? Get back down on your knees (interesting image, that) & pray harder!!

Perhaps it's Gawd's punishment for inflicting colossal douchebags Sens. Inhofe & Coburn on decent people. Or punishment for the OK legislature's war on women.

About fucking time you fucking hicks wise the fuck up, isn't it? You know, while there are still buildings standing & you aren't in the hell in which you all deserve to suffer for eternity?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Tornadoes don't come to downtown Columbus, you know. I think they're attracted to mobile homes.

mikey said...


Much more comfortable with earthquakes. Death from the skies is downright commie...

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Did Pat Robertson opine on why his Sky Tyrant is getting all smitey in Jesusland?

M. Bouffant said...

Meteorology Editor:
Odd that gawd only punishes for violation of Old Testament laws.