Monday, May 26, 2014

There Some Americans There?

Nope, they're all out wasting their slave wages on plastic slave-labor gewgaws & gimcracks to honor the noble dead.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Tried Chrome for the first time in a while.

Got s 27 second ad with a "you can choose to block these ads if you want by choosing this ap" thinghie.

Fuck google.

M. Bouffant said...

Advertising & Sales Dep't.:
Take McGravy's suggestion: AdBlock! It's a crap-free paradise. The worst thing you'll see is sites desperately begging you (in the space where an ad would be) to turn it off, they need the money!!

In other Google hatred, the pricks put this on the new tab page today. I don't follow what yellow ribbons have to do w/ dead suckers. (They ain't coming back, Goog!) The mouse-over is "Memorial Day 2014."