Going beneath the headlines we see that merely having the rotten bastards on your mind will make you dead sooner. (So, w/ the patented M. Bouffant now-orphaned only child who can't be bovvered to bovver w/ anyone in meatspace life-style going, I should outlive all irritations!)
Note that men are again the victims here. Now where are your lectures on misanthropy, stressors?Even when fights didn’t break out into the open, simply worrying about friends or loved ones or stewing over their demands could be enough to shorten one’s life. People who “always” or “often” fretted about their spouse were almost twice as likely to die during the course of the study compared to those who seldom fretted. In addition, those who expended lots of negative mental energy on their children were 55% more likely to die prematurely compared to those who didn’t worry about their kids very often.
All of these associations between stressful social relations and the risk of early death were stronger for men than for women, the researchers found. They were also stronger for people who were not working outside the home.
As usual/always, virtually everything can be reduced to two words: Why bother?
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