Thursday, May 29, 2014

Man Up Yourself, John Kerry.
Why Are Bush & Cheney Still Free?
It's Not As If They're Hiding In Russia.*

When did John Kerry revert to Naziism, when he whored himself to that woman who married her first husband for his catsup/ketchup money? Death to the aristocracy of every nation.
To demonstrate the moral superiority Secretary Kerry does not hold, & apparently hasn't for some fucking time, here he & his wife the money-grubber are seen dining w/ murderer Assad of Syria & his wife. Nice.
Just a guess, but no one in that photograph (including the flunkies & the other diners) should be allowed to continue taking oxygen from human beings. Or plants, for that matter. ZERO-TOLERANCE FOR MURDERING SCUM!

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That is an awesome cartoon.