Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Civic-Minded Stool Pigeon

Just made an anonymous complaint about the lazy pig asshole the shitheels who own the tenement next door hire to run a fucking gasoline-powered leaf blower every Tues. about this time. Having a vague memory/suspicion this is not a legal activity I quickly went to the iNternet, where the suspicion was confirmed:
Gas Powered Leaf Blower Enforcement

Gas powered leaf blowers increase the presence of airborne particles, which may cause problems for persons suffering from asthma, hay fever, or other upper respiratory ailments.

Los Angeles Municipal (LAMC) Section 112. 04 (c) bans the use of the gas powered leaf blower device to minimize the nuisance and health related problems attributed to this type of equipment.

112.04(c) LAMC
The following ordinance became effective on February 13, 1998:
"No gas powered blower shall be used within 500 feet of a residence at anytime. Both the user of such a blower as well as the individual who contracted for the services of the user if any, shall be subject to the requirements of and penalty provisions for this ordinance. Violation of the provisions of this subsection shall be punishable as an infraction in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Dollars($100)."
I have now registered a complaint, & a part of the City bureaucracy has promised to mail the assholes next door a warning or note or citation or threat.

Which is fucking bullshit, because I want the opportunity to shove that fucking leaf blower up someone's ass & to run it at full blast until he or she explodes~!!@!! Seriously you lazy asshole, get a fucking broom & learn how to push it, or you'll be buried face-down in a shallow grave w/ a broom sticking out of your lazy slob ass & into the sky. As a warning.

And the fine should be US$1,000.00, payable immediately to the injured complainant: MOI!!

Again no kidding: Why isn't the offending gas-powered equipment seized & destroyed? Why is the penalty a joke? The law is toothless bullshit. The people's justice must be applied firmly, & applied to the toothless lawmakers & the contributors who bribe them as well as the lazy slobs increasing the presence of airborne particles, & the rent-seeking parasites who hire them.

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