Thursday, May 29, 2014

Same Sad Story

Throwback Thurs.: One person expressing himself, six sheep posing ... plus ça change, hein?
No later than approx. 1978.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Let's 1978, I was busy not getting my term papers written in time.

But...hanging out with my fellow slacker friends was pretty damned awesome. I would go back!

Weird Dave said...

Was in Korea...

M. Bouffant said...

Alumni Magazine Editor:
Welp, those people had all graduated by then (not I though!!) the guy on the right might even have been out of law school. The big oaf on my immediate right wanted to go to med school & be an ophthalmologist so he could snort pharmaceutical coke like what he stole from his father the ophthalmologist. (Rand Paul?) Wonder what happened to him. Might not have turned out well.

Korea? Low draft no.? Just visiting?

Weird Dave said...

It was my choice..