Saturday, May 10, 2014

As We Have The Label Already ...

... you might as well read at least this part:
Now, as defenses of George W. Bush go, Bai’s is not only exceptionally weak but also quite strange. At no point does he directly mention any of Bush’s policies or decisions; the focus is entirely on the ex-president’s increasingly cuddly public image, which Bai insists is not the consequence of sympathetic media coverage but “has more to do, really, with how we distort the present.” Instead of judging the man by the wars he started, the torture regime he implemented, the city he left for dead or the economy he helped crater, Bai would have us see Bush as the man wants to be seen, as someone who “really does care deeply about the men and women he sent to war” and “really did want to do good for the country.”

Tens of thousands of people are dead today because of George W. Bush’s choices, but he’s quick to get misty-eyed when thinking of the maimed bodies and shattered lives he left in his wake. Isn’t that what really matters?


What matters more, the fact that George Wallace stoked racial resentment at a time when it was a force powerful and dangerous enough to murder innocent children; or the fact that, while he did so, he went to bed every night knowing that he was not only a beneficiary of hatred but a charlatan to boot? What matters more, the time George W. Bush wrote Ron Fournier a nice thank you card, or the millions of lives that would be better if he had not decided more than 10 years ago to destabilize the world with a war of choice? If we were talking about people whose professional decisions weren’t literally matters of life and death, Bai’s focus on people skills would be defensible. But we’re not, and it isn’t.
So there. Vegetarian Hitler liked his dog, & really believed he was helping Germany & White People everywhere, so that Nazi shit's all O.K. now.

Fuck civility, to coin a phrase. I have a "thank you card" for any & all members of the Bush famiglia right here.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

...but I get the gist of Bai’s piece, and I think it’s terribly mistaken.

Nothing mistaken about it. Suck up to TPTB, reap your rewards.

Bai is as calculating as they come.

mikey said...

Whatsamatter, Bouffant? Didn't you get the memo?

Obama is EVEN WORSE!!!