Sunday, May 25, 2014

AP Caught Lying About Father Of Gun Victim

The Associated Press, in the person of California News Editor Frank Baker, has just blatantly lied & mis- or non-quoted the father of one of the recent victims of gun violence in this nation.
Beyond fucking belief. Watch the video:Do you see Mr. Martinez "dissolving" into tears? Or "falling to his knees?" I certainly don't.

UPDATE (1556PDT, 25 May 2014): A slightly longer version of the video (now embedded) does show Mr. Martinez overwhelmed w/ grief, though not as he "stepped from the podium." It's still lousy reporting. [End UPDATE.]

And did Mr. Martinez mention "gun laws" & "lobbyists?" No, he called out "craven, irresponsible politicians & the N.R.A."

More liberal media bias, I guess. I urge anyone w/ any kind of platform to bring this right-wing bullshit to the attention of their audience. #APLies!

P.S. (1621PDT, 25 May 2014): In such a rush I forgot credit: purplehead at M,P,S led me to the Seattle Times/AP story (literally) where I caught the contradictions! And Tengrain of M,P,S kindly took my suggestion & ran therew/! Probably 'cause he knows a good story when he sees one, rather than due to any suggestions.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

That Tengrain is a good egg, the goodest of eggs.

He's always been unfailingly supportive of other bloggers.

M. Bouffant said...

Support Hose* Editor:
Supportive hell, he beat me on-line (on my suggestion) by two mins. (Damn typists!) I'm supporting him.

*I actually am sporting a pair.