Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I'd Rather Drown In My Own Vomit ...

(or someone else's, even) ... than

Watch Journey’s Steve Perry perform
for the first time in about 20 years

I thought it was illegal to scream "Fire!" in a crowded theater. (Or even in a theater where something called "Eels" are pre-forming.)

But please, don't stop believing that everything's made of shit & we're all dying, of which the above is further evidence. How much more proof do you need before you give up? (And why link? It's from if you care. Which you shouldn't, except for being concerned w/ the general awfulness of a culture that's been in decline since I was born. Coincidence? I hope not.)

Speaking of a culture in decline (not that it was ever much to be excited over) is there anything publicly available more chalk-on-a-blackboard than the jingle to the inane Micro & Soft adverts for whatever shit they & Russell Wilson are trying to hump to you morons? Then I remember that the jingles on today's advertising aren't jingles, but allegedly real songs that are such putridly non-offensive suck-fests they can be used to sell crap to morons. Although the general squawkiness & impression that the singer is seriously constipated & doing her very best to force something out the way it came in not only offends me but hurts my ears.
File this one under: "We've established what you are, we're just negotiating price now."

And Sweet Blood of Jesus, here's the culprit: Just. Fucking. Awful. Lame. Good-Time. Music. An offense against humanity as is, but when it's PERFORMED AT THE MALL★WART SOUNDCHECK™, presented by Dove®, it reaches an entirely new level of what New York State law so colorfully expresses as depraved indifference.
Meteors & asteroids are not nearly enough. I DEMAND that the sun go nova & eliminate all evidence by reducing this solar system to sub-atomic particles. NOW!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It's simple.

Weird Dave said...

That's how you measure the depth of this problem: by our inability even to discuss it.

An equilibrium will be reached...

Weird Dave said...

Saw Journey open for Hot Tuna once.

Aynsley Dunbar was by far (by magnitudes) the best part of that show.

M. Bouffant said...

Entropy Editor:
Saw the Tuna a couple times on the streets of S.F. (free) in the summer of '71. (What's that smell like fish ...)

But this was a bill to top many.

Someone (possibly Zappa; it's been a while) once told me A.D. had the best foot in the biz, i.e., could play the kick drum like nobody's business. (Seems a little specialized to me, but what do I know?)

Weird Dave said...

Saw Mr. Dunbar play with Mr. Zappa once. That's a show I rank up there.