Sunday, May 11, 2014

Stop It, Sick Freudian Fucks!

You fucking consumer sheep, would you knock off all the Mother's Day crap making the iNternet worse than usual today?

I am not touched or amused by your sad Freudianisms (it's the 21st century, get some new, original mental problems & leave "Mom" alone, you sick fucks) & I'm ashamed of & disgusted by alleged leftists buying into pathetic bourgeois sentiment & perfume company commerciality, as well as just plain buying Hallmark's pre-expressed bourgeois sentiment & varying awful smelling crap that was invented to cover the stench when people were so stupid they were afraid to bathe. (You know, the height of European "civilization?") Seriously, if your mother stinks, make her take a shower, don't enable her w/ scent. What's wrong w/ you people?

Here's the news & facts: Every mammal has a mother & it doesn't mean shit to a tree. Don't credit the old bat for raising you when she had no choice. Birth is not a miracle!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


/ note to all the moms reading M.B.'s blog

M. Bouffant said...

Motherless S.O.B. Editor:
The title of your post is deceptive; I would've clicked sooner to see Her Majesty's real children working out.

Weird Dave said...

I agree:

...doesn't mean shit to a tree...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I could have gone with "I LIKE TURTLES!", but maybe I've already used that one.

M. Bouffant said...

Redwoods Editor:
Been so long I didn't remember which song it was, but it was a line worth stealing.

There are plenty of titles I've used at least twice, & not always on purpose.