Monday, June 18, 2012

Too Schaden-Laden To Ignore

Big Mike Huckabee Hound reads the riot act to the oldest & least sufferable of the Palin Princesses, Bristol. ('Though we've a suspicion that youngest princess Piper will be the real story. Hell, she might even do something positive, just to show her family. One can only hope.)And lest we forget some of the challenges Huck's own children have faced, a reminder from a time so long ago that Huckabilly was a possibly viable Republican presidential nominee.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

One is tempted to leap to conclusions.

For instance, this is an awful country full of awful people.

bbkf said...

yipes, it's almost like they are starting to eat their young!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Huckabee's just as bad as Palin is, he's another goddamn "celebrity" with a gig he doesn't really deserve.