Saturday, June 9, 2012

They're Just Fucking W/ Us, Right?

Previously on ...
Also, what the hell have they done to New Zealand?
Rearranging the continents w/ a certain three-nationed continent in the center of the new constellation we can see (Africans & South Americans may be a little colder than they're used to in this particular scheme 'though.) but it seems wasteful to cover both islands in junk like that. They left Ireland right there, f'r crissakes! (Let's just pretend we don't even see what's going on w/ Jutland.)
The usual about microwaves & one's head exploding by accident.
Horned tower in center is atop the bldg. in pix 2-4,
& frying our fillings as we type.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The crack Riddled crew will lettuce know.

Glennis said...


Weird Dave said...

Yes. Yes they are.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Heh heh heh. Thats currently how I feel about them.

Substance McGravitas said...

I say the microwaves are good for us. Also for pizza pockets.

M. Bouffant said...

Big Head Ed.:
We agree; cosmic rays aren't producing nearly enough mutations for satisfactory evolution.

Soon our heads will be hot, undifferentiated cheese & meat product.

Weird Dave said...

"...cosmic rays aren't producing nearly enough mutations for satisfactory evolution."

Hey, don't sell dioxin and bisphenol-A short.