Sunday, June 17, 2012

Proof Positive

George F. Will debunks Jeb Bush:
Panelist George Will flatly contradicted Bush’s sentiment, explaining that the GOP does not have a history of nominating extremists for the presidency.

“Well, let’s look at the facts,” Will said. “Since Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party has given its presidential nomination four times to the Bush family. Other times, to Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney — where’s the extremist in that lot?”
Simple, isn't it? GOP nominees post-Nixon haven't included Ron Paul or an earlier equivalent, therefore the Republican Party is not extreme. The Grand Old senators, representatives, governors, state legislators, party officials, hacks, operatives & their Tea Party pals, financed by wretched billionaires & fascist corporations, wander in delusion, looting, shooting & wailing (& not in a good way) worsening the mess that also entirely non-extreme, nay, compassionate, conservative G.W. Bush made, only because their hierarchic tradition of handing the presidential nomination to the next amiable dunce/malleable tool in line is one of the few things they are conserving.*

Video so masochists needn't click The Caller. Didn't watch it ourself; we still don't advise playing it.
*Why they don't care about the presidency, quickly rendered by mikey.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

George Effin' Will's latest in the War Criminal Post is demanding judicial activism from the Right Wing Supremes.