Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Questions, Questions, Questions ...

Any technological geniuses who are always telling us what to put in our devil-box have any suggestions about wireless mouses? As a power-user*, we seem to run through about one a yr. Are we fated to blow approx. US$20.00 on a new mouse every yr. from now until the sweet release of death?
*By which we mean we sit on our lardy ass all day & all night & all afternoon pressing our lead-finger on the damn thing.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I put wireless meese in the same box as sell phones.

AKA, don't gots one. The ones with tails last forever.

Weird Dave said...

You did try changing the battery, didn't you?

Long ago I had a wireless keyboard and mouse. Then I realized what a wide open security risk it was (not that I'm paranoid or anything. (Big brother loves me.)).

Other than that my advice is to go with a 'name' brand like Logitech or Microsoft.

M. Bouffant said...

Irritated Editor;
Naw, mechanical problems. Doesn't seem to have anything to do w/ wirelessness.

"Name" branding: First the Microsoft one's scroll wheel stopped working after a couple of yrs. Now we have a yr.-or-so-old Logitech whose scroll wheel is wonky & it was double-clicking like crazy. As of this afternoon, it's either not clicking or double-clicking.

Yes, we opened both, blew them out w/ canned air & looked for long blonde hairs effing up the wheel. S'pose we'll give that one more try before getting yet another.

Also (like we need the worry) How is wireless typing & mousing a security risk, beyond next-door neighbors having the same unit?

Weird Dave said...

The keyboard was more of a risk than the mouse. Basically broadcasting my passwords (and everything else) to anyone with the ability to listen (which is not very difficult if you want to).

In any case, if the 'good' stuff doesn't last for you maybe buying the cheapest ones and just treating them as disposable is the way to go.

Or as Thunder mentioned get one with a wire. Mine has lasted at least 3-4 years with no problems.

M. Bouffant said...

Insecure Editor:
Ah. Like any of our passwords do anything except let us post pointless comments. The current mouse does have at least a 15-ft. range.

We'll assume that we just use the eff outta mouses. Why don't all you people out there quit your jobs, drop out & spend all day on the Internet so we'll have a larger sample group?

You know you want to.

Substance McGravitas said...

I have never ever worn out a mouse. Am I just not watching enough porn?

M. Bouffant said...

Non-Judgemental Editor:
Am I just not watching enough porn?
Not for us to determine. Does "adult" material require more clicking than non-smut?

As mentioned, one mouse, in use 16 hrs./day, scrolling the reader non-stop, yada. We can only assume we could crush steel cans bare-handed, if we could find any steel cans.