Sunday, June 17, 2012

The R-Money Narrative

Michael Tomasky notes the emptiness of Willard Romney's no doubt many suits.
This is completely unprecedented. Every aspect of his life story is in some way compromised. It’s not that he’s led a dishonorable life. But he’s led a remote and rarefied life, a life lived behind heavy doors and conducted in “quiet rooms,” as he famously said of the place where inequality is best discussed. It’s precisely in those quiet rooms where most Americans are ritually screwed, where decisions were made up through September 2008 that nearly destroyed the economy. That’s his America, and as he has shown with his unintended but brusque insults of working people, the folks in those quiet rooms don’t want to know the rest of us, and most of us don’t want to know them. It’s very striking that his Bain compatriots all testify to what a great guy he is, while Massachusetts state legislators, for example, found him on the whole aloof and obnoxious.
Tomasky, however, is a fucking wimp. We'll happily type that Romney's life has been dishonorable. And that his "rescue" of the Mormon 2002 Winter Olympics was financed w/ over a billion in FEDERAL money.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

plus, he's a septic-skulled dickdwarf.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Imma get in trouble with david Brooks for not being obsequieous enough to my betters.

M. Bouffant said...

Love Thyself Editor:
There are none better than you, even in Brooksie's imagination.