Friday, June 29, 2012

Someone Didn't Like Nora Ephron

Lotsa "wasn't she swell" yada 'bout Nora Ephron following her death, let's look at a counterpoint in the interest of even-handedness:
Am I missing something? Did Nora Ephron do something great once in her seventy-odd years that I never heard about? She cure cancer and I was never told? She make an uncharacteristically watchable movie and hide it in a vault for posterity and we’re just discovering it now?
Ha ha. You sucked & now you're dead. (We really are awful. And don't care one way or the other about Nora Ephron & her workanything, really.)


mikey said...

I have to admit I had to look her up on the WikiWacky. Turns out she made a whole bunch of movies I've never seen, including a couple of stupid ones I wasn't interested in and some others I never heard of.

Whatevs n shit, y'know?

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I left a comment.

M. Bouffant said...

Everybody's Taste Is in Their Mouths Editor:
Did some research & discovered we'd seen (paid money in a cinema seen, yet) & enjoyed most of Julie & Julia (except the parts about the 20-nothing blogger).

Other than that ...

Good short & sweet comment 'though, vac.