Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Old Timer Religion

We're being generous if we think we'll be here another 30 yrs., so indications that the generation of little creeps who could be our grand-sprogs are wising up don't mean dirt to us.
Could they have made a crummier or harder to read graphic?
By the time the megachurches are turned into rave venues & the Catholic parishes have been demolished & the ground beneath them plowed under & salted (for obvious reasons) our corpse will have been dissected by a med student. Oh, also the planet will have become a slagheap, so what fucking difference does any of it make, really?


timer switch said...

Gloriously expert position. I merely bumbled upon your post and desired to articulate that I have really relished understanding your blog articles.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yes indeed, timer switch, M.B. puts a lot of mustard on his topics.

M. Bouffant said...

Mostly Mayo Editor:
Alright!! Little does timer switch know, but one of his products will be used to set off a bomb at/in [redacted] on [redacted] at approx. (depending on timer accuracy) [redacted].

Now let's see if the fucking fascists are watching this space. BOOOOOM, bit-chezz!!

Weird Dave said...

Needs more horseradish.