Friday, June 29, 2012

English Only

When the fuck did "surgery" replace "operation?" Most often heard as, "Athletic figure so & so has had three knee surgeries?" although it's not limited to the world o' sports.


Anonymous said...

No medicine any more, no pills, it's all meds now. Jenny

M. Bouffant said...

English Editor:
Good catch. The replacement of "medicine/pills" hadn't really sunk into our skull, but now that you mention it ...

BadTux said...

"Operation" now means something military, e.g., "black ops" (which I understand is a popular shoot-em-up video game), and so to avoid confusion the word "surgery" is used instead.

Have you taken your meds today?

- Badtux the Medicated Penguin

M. Bouffant said...

Self-Med Ed.:
Oh, thanks, we'll get our aspirin right now.