Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Housekeeping Warning:

Let the cable bill go unpaid too effing long* & had to shell out serious money to remain connected, so expect posting around here to be more vicious than usual (DIE, YOU FUCKING PIGS, JUST FUCKING DIE!!!) for the next wk., until our gummint money gets here & we can afford cigarettes & meat again. (WE WILL KILL YOU FOR MEAT IF WE HAVE TO!)

*Why should we pay them one red cent? IT SHOULD BE FREE!!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Our airwaves, beaches!

Anonymous said...

Come to my house, I'll feed you. No cigarettes, not much meat, but EXCELLENT fruit. Jenny in the SFV

mikey said...

Gotta respect your priorities, man.

Only thing I value above the Intert00bz is Rum.

But it sounds like this could be my favorite weblog for the next week or so. Let'er rip...

M. Bouffant said...

Free TV! Editor:
The corollary to little meat & rolling one's old butts into new butts is that we won't have the energy to go on & on & on. (Apparently not even the strength to be outraged much, but we'll find something.)

Bananas & canteloupe are about all we can handle from the produce section. At least you didn't offer vegetables.

Weird Dave said...

Yeah, charging us for the hook-up and charging the advertisers for us watching their shit.

Nice scam.

M. Bouffant said...

151 Proof Editor:
Fuck, you're telling us! TWC's robot just called advising us we're past due again.

$10.00/mo. or so for the DVR does let us skip adverts. W/ the the Internertz via the cable, & a land-line, it's almost worth it.

And if they do cut us off we can piggyback on a neighboring ninnie's non-secure (Password & name of network the same, thanks pal!) Wi-Fi.