Saturday, June 30, 2012

George WORST Bush

A book is excerpted in Salon. Besides pointing out what a complete piece of spoiled-child-of-the-pig-elites shit the much lesser Bush was, here's something you America-is-the-greatest-shitpile-ever chanting morons should take into consideration.
This was — there is no kinder word for it — delusional. It rested on the idea that America could foster world peace by spreading throughout the world its democratic ideals, viewed widely in the West as universal. But they aren’t universal. Particularly in the Middle East, many people consider American values to be an assault on their own cherished cultural sensibilities. And America’s political and economic models are losing force in the consciousness of other peoples around the world. China, for example, competes with America not just economically and increasingly in the military sphere, but also in its view of the best approach to government. The China model is stirring interest and enthusiasm around the globe. As Stefan Halper of the University of Cambridge in England writes, “Given a choice between market democracy and its freedoms and market authoritarianism and its high growth, stability, improved living standards, and limits on expression — a majority in the developing world and in many middle-sized, non-Western powers prefer the authoritarian model.”
That's right, world-wide & in North America, most humanoids are cretins who would have little or nothing to express beyond "Rah rah, go team," were they allowed to do so, so all they want is a decent standard of living, & then more fucking useless plastic crap. And if a few union organizers or human rights advocates get beaten to death along the way, so fucking what, right?


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

“Given a choice between market democracy and its freedoms and market authoritarianism and its high growth, stability, improved living standards, and limits on expression — a majority in the developing world and in many middle-sized, non-Western powers prefer the authoritarian model.”

Of course, this pundit makes the incorrect assumption that Dubya wasn't working within the authoritarian model himself. If you want to foster world peace by spreading throughout the world democratic ideals, you need to be interested in peace and to hold democratic ideals yourself.

Weird Dave said...

God damned Commies.