Saturday, June 30, 2012

Toughest Question Ever

Michael Medved looks at Republican Vice-Presidential candidates. Not a distinguished record in the last 50 yrs., & he admits it, but of course he still insists on keeping his silly looking dick-duster & the rest of his head up his ass while admitting it, especially when former half-term governor of Alaska Sarah Palin ("a strikingly attractive mother of five") is under his microscope.
But Sarah Palin endured the sort of questioning (“What newspapers do you read?”) never faced by more familiar candidates, while controversies about her qualifications and competence upstaged the campaign’s substantive messages and its attempted challenges to Barack Obama’s own limited experience.
Really, Medved? Still on about her reading habits? (More accurately, her lack of such habits.)

Then he goes on to call for multi-religioned liar & would-be Fulgencio Batista Sen. Marco Rubio (Jerk-Humid Hell) to be the GOP V-P nominee. Sure, fine, whatever. But what exactly are Sen. Rubio's qualifications to be President, should Romney be elected & then leave for his Mormon post-life planet? Apparently (But how can we be sure?) Rubio was born in these United Snakes, but his parents were not natchul-borned city-zens of these United Snakes, were they?


Hamish Mack said...

Medved is such a fucking idiot that it is a great mystery as to why he doesn't have a Teevee gig.

Glennis said...

endured the sort of questioning

Oh, holy christ!! Katie's "what newspapers do you read?" was a freaking softball, gently tossed. I'm sure Katie expected to get a generic answer, maybe as a bonus something faux intellectual like "The Economist," and she and are her fellow pundits were already writing in their heads some pithy comments about how that practical and brainy Sarah Palin reads The Economist or Discovery or Scientific American - and then was totally amazed to get the response that she ended up with.

M. Bouffant said...

Travel Editor:
Hey, stop wasting your time here, you're in Italia!

We've been enjoying your reports.