Sunday, June 24, 2012

Early To Bed ...

Meh: Had we risen at an absurd hr., not only might we have made it to the big dumb rock opening (ignored below) we could have witnessed big dumb rock Pamela Geller wigging out just down the street:
If you're in LA, come to the Jewish Federation at 6505 Wilshire Boulevard at 11AM. We will be protesting this craven capitulation of the Jewish Federation to Islamic supremacist Jew-haters.

In a jaw-dropping act of cowardice and submission, LA Federation is not allowing ZOA (Zionist Organization of America) to hold the event where I was scheduled to speak this morning.


Proud Jews and lovers and free speech will be protesting outside the LA Jewish Federation building at 11 am, and another venue will be announced shortly.
[Via TBogg's Twitfeedstream.]
Good thing we aren't in this for the money.


Weird Dave said...

I would like to meet Ms. Geller while carrying a sign that said, "What would Anders Breivik do?"

Only, probably not alone.

mikey said...

Hmmm, lessee here.

Stupid, bigoted, angry, hateful, violent, tribal, loud, thoughtless, self-involved, psychopathic...

Yep, you sure can't say Pam's not a red blooded American...

M. Bouffant said...

Int'l. Editor:
Which is why Israel's the 51st State, 'cause about a third of them are American like that.

Waiting for the big rescheduling. Hope it hasn't cost P.G. any money.