Monday, May 5, 2014


At last I've ridden the wave of repetitive humanoid idiocy to a zen paradise of such numbness & torpor that it's an imposition even to note that yet another sad sack of viscera who will soon be dead ('though not, perhaps, soon enough) has flapped his gums & drooled on yet another law, Constitutional Amendment, human decency or common sense.

Barely able to handle embedding this, but the vermin hoping to put the disabled on the slippery slope of attacking the "undeserving" impoverished & the bottle-blond spinster repeating "In the context of ..." almost got my blood boiling.


OBS said...

There is no fucking way I'm watching a clip of Hairball. You have a stronger stomach than I.

M. Bouffant said...

Tee Vee Guide Ed.:
If the ballgame (in D.C.) hadn't been rain delayed (You need a really strong stomach to listen to interviews of ballplayers a second time.) I wouldn't have seen it, but Tweety (there to be laughed at, depending on individual gag reflex) asking the consultant over & over what the hell her side's candidate means was worth it.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

So the Jeb Bush-Turtleman candidate won.

Blah blah blah...Cynical evil triumphs over batshit evil!!1!