Saturday, November 23, 2013

Still Kicking Myself

I've neither a specific nor general recollection of what I was up to 15 December 1969, but even though I came & went from school every weekday (until I dropped out) at the same Metro as Salle Pleyel I really blew it when I wasn't there for this.Never jammed, smoked hash or anything else w/ fellow ex-pat Philly Joe Jones either. More time wasted in a wasted life.

Tunes from npr via hepcat/public broadcasting (Remember when it was called "educational" broadcasting?) fan "Pupi Max" at Sadly, No!

UPDATE (2051PST 23 November 2013): Screw these bastards. That fucking video plays just fine at nasty putrid radio, but here among actual people (not the buncha middle-class pigs slumming that is npr) we have to wait until the 26th? BULLSHIT. FUCK OFF TO NPR, VEVO & PROBABLY BLUE NOTE AS WELL!! GAAAHH!!


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Were you hep when you were fifteen?

M. Bouffant said...

Biographical Editor:
As Mothers of Invention/The Blues/Firesign Theatre/Motown & "soul"/William Burroughs-hep as any never-adequately socialized 15-yr. old Yankee of the time, sure, but didn't really catch onto jazz until the next summer when an Afro-American ex-pat literally walked up to me on a Parisian street, said, "I bet you'll like this," & played a cassette (NEW & HIGH-TECH!) of "The Creator Has a Master Plan" on a giant boom-box. And despite the theo-fascist lyrics he was right!

(So I have to figure I at least looked hep.)