Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Reader Writes

Oh, this has it all. Boomer nostalgia, Santa Monica (Assuming Sullivan's reader is more closely connected to the truth than Andrew is.) & a historical anniversary (more or less).
This photo is a family heirloom. Our family friend Ruth is the woman right of center with the glasses and hat, and the arm in the tan sweater behind the woman in the bikini is our recently lamented Aunt Dorothy. The picture was taken in Santa Monica after the 1960 election, before JFK’s term began. He’s just out for a swim at the beach. In the context of modern security, this scene is astounding.


Weird Dave said...

I have a picture of my dad with Truman.
Does that make it an heirloom?

M. Bouffant said...

Whadda We look Like, The Antiques Editor:
For sure it makes a family heirloom, I guess.

Truman? Commie stuff.

I used to have one of me shaking hands w/ Barry Goldwater at the Republican Convention in 1964. Stupid local paper that took it & ran it isn't available on this series of tubes.

Of course were that to get out, it'd reveal our legal identity & we'd have to kill everyone who knew.