Saturday, November 23, 2013

Christmas Is A-Comin'

(One of) Today's (many) proof(s) of the non-existence of Gawd is that this version is not-to-be-embedded. (How many times must we scream "Intellectual [Ha ha.] property is theft!!" before it sinks in? Fuck, it's like trying to get chimpanzees to think. "Use those brains for once!!")

Compare & contrast, also the composer himself:Answer song:Marlboro Red in a box. Gawd bless AmeriKKKa.


Weird Dave said...

Marlboro Red in a box.

Wimps. Should be Camel straights.

M. Bouffant said...

Cooking & Smoking Editor:
So true. Made the move from Marlboros to Camels myself before quitting. (It's the shit in the filter that kills you.)

Weird Dave said...

Truth be told, for years and years I, well, I'll use the word enjoyed Drum™ cigarette tobacco.

M. Bouffant said...

Enjoyment Editor:
"Enjoyed?" Smoke it, or eat it?

That's one of the reasons I liked Camel straights: 0300 & you don't feel like walking to the 7-Eleven® or going to sleep, you can roll up the Camel butts.