Thursday, December 20, 2012

Local Action Story

Yikes! People here really are shits, aren't they?
Now, I live in Los Angeles. I moved here from New Mexico 10 years ago. Can you tell me what is wrong with everyone here? Where are the nice people? When I try to be nice they look at me like a hopeless simpleton. When they try to “act” nice it never feels sincere. Like part of a show.

Like dinner parties where everyone has to leave at 8 because the host is going out later with “other people.” Or people invite you out with them to a play and then they spend the whole time on their cellphone texting someone and making plans to meet them “as soon as the play is over.” And then asking you to drop them off at this other person’s house. Is this normal behavior?


Do I sound mopey and self-pitying? But I’m not! It’s just that it’s Christmas and I send out cards and I don’t get any back! Only from my dentist! What’s wrong with everyone!?!

Why is everyone such a bad tipper? Why do people yell at each other in church parking lots!?! Why do people take you out to lunch one day and then the next day complain to your boss that you talk too much?!

Why does someone say her wedding reception was “ruined” because her mother-in-law wore the wrong color dress? That’s crazy, right? That’s L.A., right? L.A. is making me crazy, right?

In L.A., at a wedding I went to, the only decorations were pictures of the bride — that’s not right, is it? Giant posters of the bride? A website of the bride? A video of the bride on an endless loop? Party favors with teeny-tiny pictures of the bride? And she doesn’t greet her guests because she’s too busy getting more pictures taken! Is it me? That’s crazy, right? Or do I just not appreciate how exciting it is to be young and beautiful? Should I hang out with the old and deformed? Would they like me better after plastic surgery?
Depends on just how curable your ugly is.

Wish she'd revealed whether she worked in show bidness or something even worse like real estate.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

really are shits

Send her one of your postcards, M.B.