Fucking NWS interrupting SoCal telebision for bullshit that never comes w/in 20 miles of my bunker.Hey you fucking nanny-state morons, how would you react if I went to your fucking house, shouted at you at the top of my voice (which will be digitally garbled like the NWS moron's who makes the announcement) & waved a stupid card w/ useless information on it in front of your tee vee? Same damn thing, but I wouldn't get away w/ it, while you fucking jerks do.
Also, people w/o the sense to come in from the rain should not be given advice or information that will prolong their empty existences.
What in the hell is the matter w/ humans? All they do is act like morons & spew bullshit calculated to piss me off.
It seems pretty clear they hate you. Did you know you can make chemical weapons out of EZ Off oven cleaner?
Not that I'm trying to encourage anything, but check out the ingredients on the label online and you should be able to figure out the next step.
There's at least a chance something bad will happen...
Yeah, It's All Personal Editor:
If the NWS weren't in Oxnard, all the way in the next county ...
I suppose the EAS deal is DHS-administered now. Which doesn't mean the NWS should abuse their privilege. Tsunami warning's are perfectly acceptable, 'though I'm not sure I'm in real danger here.
No oven in the bunker. (Meaning more explosive impact 'cause I won't waste any of it "cleaning.") Does this involve fertilizer?
All studies made here indicate that there's no chance anything good will happen ...
What show was pre-empted by this warning to the non-shutins?
Tee Vee Guide Editor:
A recording of the previous night's Olbermann. Extra irksome, 'cause one must press several buttons to return to DVR playback.
My suffering is infinite.
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