Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pest Control

It's not entirely true that there's no nature in or around the bunker.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Did you hear maniacal laughter?

Was there a spider battle rap?

Substance McGravitas said...

Must be cold if they're coming in.

Or rich with food.

M. Bouffant said...

Entomology Ed. Sez:

Not even gift wrap, just the spider posing where we could see it.

Indoor spiders, though it is 55F outside somewhere as we type. Not as much food as there used to be (Kitchen arachs starved.) but still the occasional visitor in the men's room.

And what they suck from us as we sleep. (Very rich!)

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Could've been worse, could've been a tumescent turtle!

M. Bouffant said...

"Close Call!" Editor Thinks:

Could have been a duckie dickie too.