Sunday, May 31, 2020
M. Bouffant
THU 31 MAY 1945
Four PBYs (three from FAW 1 and one from NAS Kodiak) dispatched to Fairbanks, via Anchorage, by Commander, Kodiak Sector, Alaskan Sea Frontier, return to Kodiak, their mission of providing assistance in evacuating citizenry threatened by rising Yukon River floodwaters having been completed.
Soviet merchantman Uzbekistan and U.S. freighter American Star are damaged in collision off Dutch Harbor, Alaska; big harbor tug YTB-191 provides assistance.
Mines laid by USAAF B-29s (20th Bomber Command) sink Japanese cargo ship Man Maru off Hesaki light, and damage gunboat Kazan Maru off Genka Jima Light, 33°40'N, 129°57'E, army cargo ships No.2 Yoro Maru southeast of Hesaki and Peking Maru off Onna Jima, and merchant cargo ship Jindai Maru northwest of Mutsure Jima. USAAF B-29-laid mine damages transport Tensho Maru at 34°35'N, 135°15'E, but Tensho Maru sinks after being towed into Osaka harbor.
Curfew Time!
M. Bouffant
9-1-1 is a joke. There are not enough police ossifers to contain or control the people when the people are angered & aroused. My advice is to help yourselves to anything you need or want. As soon as the sun's down this reporter will be wandering down the street & helping himself to more milk crates for the "benchwork" of his model railroad.*
*Or not. Best laid plans & all, & this is really more an impulse than a plan. ('Though I've been contemplating it for a while, & there'll probably never be a better opportunity, as long as the 'hood remains calm.)
Premature Board-Up. |
Welcome indeed. |
*Or not. Best laid plans & all, & this is really more an impulse than a plan. ('Though I've been contemplating it for a while, & there'll probably never be a better opportunity, as long as the 'hood remains calm.)
Curently Enjoying ...
M. Bouffant
... MelroseMAC having an involuntary Everything Must Go Sale, live on KNBC4. Also live on the telly, people grabbing armloads of crummy overpriced clothes from trendy stores.
When does the supermarket looting start?
When does the supermarket looting start?
Saturday, May 30, 2020
M. Bouffant
Let me know when the looting starts at the 3rd & Vermont Ralphs. I'm hungry & they owe me. #FreeFoodForLA
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) May 31, 2020
Curfew In Effect
M. Bouffant
I'd go out looting but there's really nothing I can carry easily that I want, except guns, which, alas, are not easily looted. Oh, and food, which I need. Went to Ralphs well before the curfew was imposed by Mayor Shithead & it was closed. Called the next closest Ralphs & it was closed too. How did Kroger know? The Vons across the street was open, but much too crowded. Looks like everything is falling apart.
Croaker Sinks Shuttle Boats
M. Bouffant
WED 30 MAY 1945
Planes (VC 82) from escort carrier Anzio (CVE-57) sink Japanese submarine I 361, 400 miles southeast of Okinawa, 22°22'N, 134°09'E.
Submarine Blenny (SS-324) sinks Japanese cargo ship Hokoku Maru 40 miles southwest of Bandjermasin, 04°09'S, 114°16'E.
Submarine Croaker (SS-246), despite proximity of escorting auxiliary submarine chaser Kenkai Maru, sinks No.154 Shuttle Boat and No.146 Shuttle Boat at 04°50'S, 113°10'E.
Mines laid by USAAF B-29s (20th Bomber Command) sink Japanese transport Hakuun Maru off Hakata, Japan, 33°36'N, 130°25'E, and merchant cargo ships Fujitama Maru off Wadanomisaki light, 34°30'N, 135°11'E, Kasumi Maru .8 kilometers off Mijizaki, and No.14 Takasago Maru northwest of Tadotsu, 35°15'N, 133°44'E, and damage army cargo ships Hyuga Maru 3.6 kilometers south-southeast of Genka Jima and Shinno Maru at mouth of Tsuruga Bay.
Decoration Day 2020
M. Bouffant
I Piss On Your Grave!
Dying for an old white man's country is a sucker's game.Friday, May 29, 2020
M. Bouffant
TUE 29 MAY 1945
Off Okinawa, kamikazes crash destroyer Shubrick (DD-639), 26°38'N, 127°05'E, and high speed transport Tatum (APD-81), 26°40'N, 127°50'E; groundings account for damage to motor minesweeper YMS-81, 26°16'N, 127°52'E, and tank landing ship LST-844, 26°17'N, 127°51'E.
Mine laid by USAAF B-29 (20th Air Force) sinks Japanese cargo vessel Umatsu Maru off Mutsure Jima, 34°00'N, 130°50'E, and damage army cargo ship No.6 Unyo Maru 3.6 miles off Hesaki light, 31°41'N, 129°45'E, and merchant cargo ship No.5 Nissen Maru off Mutsure Jima.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Etsunan Maru is sunk by RAF-laid mine at 10°30'N, 99°24'E; later that day, submarine Hawkbill (SS-366) torpedoes Kamiyama Maru as she picks up Etsunan Maru survivors, and forces the rescuing ship to take refuge at Cape Khokwang.
Submarine Sterlet (SS-392), despite proximity of escorting Coast Defense Ship No.65, sinks Japanese army cargo ships Kuretake Maru and Tenryo Maru, 46°46'N, 144°16'E.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Blueback & Lamprey In
Surface Gunnery Action
M. Bouffant
MON 28 MAY 1945
Off Okinawa, kamikazes sink destroyer Drexler (DD-741), 27°06'N, 127°38'E, and damage attack transport Sandoval (APA-194), 26°15'N, 127°51'E, and large support landing craft LCS(L)-119. A suicider crashes and damages U.S. freighter Mary A. Livermore in Buckner Bay, 26°12'N, 127°46'E; the 27 Armed Guards and 75 Construction Battalion sailors on board contribute men to firefighting efforts (four Armed Guard sailors, as well as seven merchant seamen, die in the explosion and fires). Another kamikaze crashes and damages U.S. freighter Brown Victory off Ie Shima; two of the 27 Armed Guards are killed instantly, and 18 injured (one merchant sailor and an Armed Guard sailor die of their wounds later). Still another suicider crashes U.S. freighter Josiah Snelling off Okinawa; Armed Guard gunfire manages to deflect the Japanese plane from its suicidal course toward the amidships deckhouse and into a less vulnerable part, saving the ship from worse damage. There are no fatalities on board.
Submarines Blueback (SS-326) and Lamprey (SS-372) battle Japanese submarine chaser Ch.1 in a surface gunnery action off Japara, N.E.I., 06°28'S, 110°37'E, and damage the enemy escort vessel.
Submarine Ray (SS-271) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Biko Maru northwest of Changshan, 38°21'N, 123°58'E.
Commander, Kodiak Sector, Alaskan Sea Frontier, dispatches four PBYs (three from FAW 1 and one from NAS Kodiak) to Fairbanks, via Anchorage, Alaska, to provide assistance in evacuating citizens threatened by rising Yukon River floodwaters (see 31 May).
USAAF B-29-laid mines sink Japanese transport Akitsu Maru south of Kure, and damage Coast Defense Vessel No.29 off Kyushu, 33°07'N, 129°44'E, merchant cargo ships Mishimasan Maru three kilometers off Tateishikzaki and Annette Fritzen Go at 33°53'N, 130°05'E; and fishing boat No.3 Genei Maru outside Sasebo Bay.
Today In Free Speech
M. Bouffant
It was a gift from you, you obese orange obscenity. The American blood is on your tiny hands. Stop lying, too.
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) May 28, 2020
Is It Blursday Yet?
M. Bouffant
Previously noted: "Don't believe this '#AloneTogether' bullshit. Every one of us is alone."
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Yukon Floods
M. Bouffant
SUN 27 MAY 1945
Admiral William F. Halsey Jr., Commander Third Fleet, relieves Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, Commander Fifth Fleet, of operational control at Okinawa. TF 58 thus becomes TF 38.
Off Okinawa, two kamikazes damage destroyer Braine (DD-630), 26°25'N, 128°30'E; kamikazes also damage destroyer Anthony (DD-515), 26°25'N, 128°30'E, high speed minesweeper Southard (DMS-10), 26°00'N, 127°00'E, high speed transports Loy (APD-56), 26°30'N, 127°30'E, and Rednour (APD-102), 26°29'N, 127°21'E, surveying ship Dutton (AGS-8), 26°15'N, 127°59'E, submarine chaser PCS-1396 and degaussing vessel YDG-10, 26°00'N, 128°00'E; destroyer escort Gilligan (DE-508) is damaged by dud torpedo fired by kaiten from Japanese submarine I 367, 26°47'N, 127°47'E; minesweeper Gayety (AM-239) is damaged by near-miss of bomb, 26°00'N, 128°00'E; large support landing craft LCS-52 is damaged by near-miss of kamikaze; fleet tug Pakana (ATF-108) is damaged by strafing, 26°22'N, 127°44'E.
In the final mine-laying operation of Phase III of Operation STARVATION, eleven USAAF B-29s (20th Bomber Command) mine Shimonoseki Straits and the waters off Moji, Japan. USAAF B-29-laid mines sink cargo vessels Chizan Maru off Wadanomisaki light, 33°30'N, 130°30'E, and Kongo Maru in Shimonoseki Strait off Hakata, 33°41'N, 130°15'E, and merchant tanker Hojo Maru off south coast of Yoshimi Island and damage merchant cargo ship Kifune Maru 1.4 kilometers north of Niigata light.
Submarine Tench (SS-417) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Kinei Maru off Kushiro light, 42°54'N, 144°18'E.
Submarine Tigrone (SS-419) sinks Japanese guardboat No.3 Yawata Maru off Tori Jima, 29°24'N, 141°01'E.
Japanese auxiliary minesweeper No.3 Misago Maru is sunk by U.S. aircraft at entrance to Ise Wan, Japan, 34°37'N, 137°19'E.
Japanese naval vessel Shinho Maru is sunk by aircraft off Sosa, Chiba prefecture.
Japanese merchant cargo ship No.2 Daito Maru is sunk by aircraft off Yosu.
Commanding General, Alaskan Department, requests Navy assistance in evacuating local citizens endangered as Yukon River floods (see 28 and 31 May).
U.S. freighter John Woolman, in convoy ATM 167, is damaged by mine 16 miles off Dunkirk, France; there are no fatalities among the ship's complement.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
More, Same
M. Bouffant
SAT 26 MAY 1945
Thirty USAAF B-29s (20th Bomber Command) mine Shimonoseki Straits and the waters off Fukuoka, Karatsu, and Fushiki, Japan. Mines sink Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 172 at entrance to Fushiki harbor, Honshu, 36°48'N, 137°05'E, and merchant cargo ships Mogi Maru south of Hime Jima, 33°43'N, 131°38'E, Shiokubi Maru off Motoyamazakiand 9 Kaishin Maru at 34°00'N, 130°50'E, and No.6 Miyakawa Maru 3.5 kilometers south of Hesaki, 33°55'N, 131°02'E, and damage Japanese gunboat Hirota Maru, 34°18'N, 133°32'E, transport Akeshima Maru near Moji, 34°47'N, 131°35'E, and transport Inari Maru off Motoyamamisaki, and army cargo ships Ginzan Maru off Takenoko signal station and Igasa Maru 2.2 kilometers south of Hesaki, and merchant cargo ships Kunugi Maru outside Kobe harbor, 34°39'N, 135°11'E, Shozan Maru off Tokuyama, Shimonoseki Strait, 33°57'N, 131°46'E, and Mitsukisan Maru at 33°52'N, 131°02'E.
Off Okinawa, kamikazes damage high speed minesweeper Forrest (DMS-24), 26°00'N, 128°00'E, and submarine chaser PC-1603, 26°25'N, 127°53'E.
Submarine Billfish (SS-286) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship No.7 Kotobuki Maru off Nagasaki, Japan, 33°19'N, 129°31'E.
Japanese guardboat Kaishin Maru is damaged by stranding at north end of Paramushiro Island Kurils.
Fuck Your Lying Ass, Gov. Newsom,
You Sack Of Shit
M. Bouffant
I knew this was lying bullshit; too good to be true, as noted earlier.
Of course, I'm used to being abandoned by so-called friends in times of trouble. Don't believe this "#AloneTogether" bullshit. Every one of us is alone. "In time of trouble when I need you most, you walked out of me."
That's why I had to sleep under playground equipment during the summer of 2008. Thank you so gawddam much, you rancid shits. As soon as things really fall apart, I will burn down your fucking houses so you get a taste of what you let me suffer.
Fuck every last one of these incompetent buffoons. I'd like to beat Newsom over his greasy, slicked-back head w/ a plate for a few minutes.When Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the start of an initiative last month to deliver free meals to California seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic, he declared that “the universe of those eligible is certainly in the millions.”
“Even if it’s hundreds of thousands that take advantage of this, just in weeks you’ll see millions and millions of meals as part of this program,” the governor said at his April 24 news conference.
But nearly a month later, the Great Plates Delivered program has served only 16,377 seniors. Local leaders say delayed information from the state, the duplication of existing services to provide meals to seniors and questions about the government reimbursement have hampered the ability to quickly ramp up the program.
Federal funding for the program was also originally slated to end May 10, just two weeks after Newsom announced it — a possible deterrent for restaurants and municipalities to participate in what might have initially appeared to be a short-term effort.
The coronavirus outbreak has left millions of elderly Californians and those with pre-existing conditions fearful of visiting grocery stores. Newsom initially said the goal of the program was to provide generous government reimbursements — up to $66 per day for three daily meals — to restaurants that prepare the food, employ workers in the industry and allow California’s most vulnerable residents to receive healthy meals in the safety of their homes.
As of Wednesday, 168,163 meals had been delivered from 249 restaurants, according to Brian Ferguson, a spokesman for the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. The state’s COVID-19 website lists nearly 50 participating cities and counties.
Ferguson defended Great Plates Delivered in response to questions about why the state hasn’t dispatched millions of meals as Newsom projected.
“Sixteen thousand seniors who are hungry are getting meals that they wouldn’t have gotten and 250 restaurants are getting business that they wouldn’t have gotten,” Ferguson said.
Ferguson added that dozens of other cities, counties and organizations have submitted letters of intent to join the program and said it is on track to provide 1 million meals once all of those entities start participating.
Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey said his city has been slow to participate in the program, noting it already relies on nonprofits such as Meals on Wheels and the Janet Goeske Center to deliver food to seniors.Guidance documents from the state say local jurisdictions are responsible for funding the program and must apply to receive a 75% reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The state would pay up to 18.75% of the cost, with the remaining 6.25% ultimately falling on local governments.
“They’ve been doing senior meal programs for forever,” Bailey said. “They have their routes already programmed and plugged in.”
Bailey said he asked the local Meals on Wheels program to facilitate the governor’s initiative in the city, but the rules bar seniors from participating if they receive assistance from other government-funded nutrition programs. The mayor said the city is now working to find additional seniors in need and directing them to Riverside County’s Great Plates program.
“There was some bureaucratic mumbo jumbo going on for a little while and we just kind of watched that happen before we connected the dots with the county,” Bailey said of the lack of clarity about the details of the program.
When the governor announced the program in April, he described it as a replica of Meals on Wheels but at a “huge scale.” By contrast, Meals on Wheels serves about 18 million meals a year in the state, according to Jim Oswald of Meals on Wheels California.
Days after the governor announced the Great Plates program, the state Meals on Wheels association applauded his plans to feed seniors and encouraged him to develop the effort with groups that have served the elderly for decades. The governor’s office published some guidance on the program late last month that included recommendations from the association, but local Meals on Wheels programs have largely been coordinating with Area Agencies on Aging, local groups contracted to provide services for the elderly, in a patchwork approach.
Representatives for the association have argued that all seniors should be eligible to receive meals under the Great Plates program in addition to services from other nonprofits, noting that funding from many agencies supports only five meals per week. Others have shared their concerns about the program’s eligibility criteria.
Eunice Kwon, a service coordinator at a low-income senior apartment complex in Gardena, said many of the residents in the building are excluded from the program. CalFresh recipients, for example, cannot participate in Great Plates, but many are afraid to visit the grocery store during the pandemic to use their existing benefits.
“I was just confused because it doesn’t seem like California and government would have such narrow criteria for such a big program, and my clients were really excited about this because it would’ve provided the answer for them right now,” she said. “But they’re very disappointed.”
Ferguson acknowledged the gaps in coverage for the program and said federal rules ban the state from providing Great Plates meals to residents who receive benefits through any federally funded food assistance programs.
The program has been extended until June 10 and the state is expected to apply for another 30-day continuation.
Beyond the Great Plates program, Oswald said Meals on Wheels is concerned about seniors in the months ahead. The governor’s proposed budget cuts $8.5 million to senior nutrition programs.
“The biggest problem for us is what happens after COVID-19,” he said.
Of course, I'm used to being abandoned by so-called friends in times of trouble. Don't believe this "#AloneTogether" bullshit. Every one of us is alone. "In time of trouble when I need you most, you walked out of me."
Monday, May 25, 2020
HMS Thorough & HMS Trenchant
M. Bouffant
FRI 25 MAY 1945
Off Okinawa, kamikazes sink high speed transport Bates (APD-47), 26°41'N, 127°47'E, and medium landing ship LSM-135; and damage destroyers Guest (DD-472), 26°22'N, 127°44'E, and Stormes (DD-780), 27°06'N, 127°38'E; destroyer escort O'Neill (DE-188), 26°20'N, 127°43'E; high speed transports Barry (APD-29), 26°30'N, 127°00'E (see 21 and 22 June), and Roper (APD-20), 26°34'N, 127°36'E; high speed minesweeper Butler (DMS-29), 26°12'N, 127°50'E; and minesweeper Spectacle (AM-305), 26°40'N, 127°52'E. Friendly fire damages destroyer Cowell (DD-547), 26°41'N, 126°50'E. Japanese plane torpedoes U.S. freighter William B. Allison in Buckner Bay; six merchant sailors and a stevedore die in the explosion. The 34-man merchant complement, 28 Armed Guard sailors and 150 stevedores, however, unload the ship's cargo.*
Submarine Blenny (SS-324) sinks Japanese gunboat Kairyu Maru, 06°04'S, 107°27'E.
Submarine Ray (SS-271) sinks Japanese schooner Tsuki Maru 35 miles east of Kaiyo Island 39°04'N, 123°06'E.
British submarine HMS Thorough sinks Japanese cargo ship Nittei Maru off west coast of Borneo, 06°45'S, 112°31'E.
British submarine HMS Trenchant sinks Japanese auxiliary minesweeper Wa 105 east of Mandalike Island 06°23'S, 110°55'E.
Mines laid by USAAF B-29s (20th Air Force) sink Japanese cargo vessel Hikawa Maru at 33°58'N, 131°02'E, and merchant tanker No.3 Toyo Maru 3.2 kilometers off Hesaki, 33°55'N, 131°20'E. Mines also sink transport Tobi Maru northwest of Kyushu 33°58'N, 130°52'E, cargo ship Matsushima Maru two miles south of Matsuzaki Island and merchant cargo ships Shiragi Maru near Hesaki, and No.1 Nissan Maru off Mutsure, and damage destroyers Sakura seven kilometers off Hesaki Light and Tsubaki off Shimonoseki anchorage, Patrol Boat No.104 5.4 kilometers off Futaoi Light, army cargo ships Ginsei Maru and Ginzan Maru three kilometers off Mutsure Island merchant cargo ships No.3 Shinto Maru off Hesaki, and Iyo Maru east of the mouth of Kammon Channel, and merchant tanker No.4 Nanko Maru 6.5 kilometers off Hesaki.
USAAF planes sink Japanese merchant cargo ship Amoy Maru off north coast of Tsushima, 34°46'N, 129°23'E.
Japanese merchant vessel Kokei Maru is sunk by aircraft off Pusan, Korea.
Japanese transport Kamishima Maru is damaged by stranding off north coast of Java, N.E.I., 06°25'S, 111°00'E.
*Fleet tug Tenino (ATF-115) later tows William B. Allison, written off by the War Shipping Administration as a total loss, to Kerama Retto, where she undergoes repairs and is taken over by the Navy for use as a mobile storehouse for lubricants and drummed petroleum products. Classified as a miscellaneous auxiliary (IX-117), she is renamedGamage.
COVID Comes For The Crackers
M. Bouffant
Haw haw haw. Fuck you stupid jerk lemmings back to the hell that spawned you.Washington Post: “The pandemic that first struck in major metropolises is now increasingly finding its front line in the country’s rural areas; counties with acres of farmland, cramped meatpacking plants, out-of-the-way prisons and few hospital beds.”
“Many of these communities are isolated and hard to reach. They were largely spared from the disease shutting down their states — until, suddenly, they weren’t. Rural counties now have some of the highest rates of covid-19 cases and deaths in the country, topping even the hardest-hit New York City boroughs and signaling a new phase of the pandemic — one of halting, scattered outbreaks that could devastate still more of America’s most vulnerable towns as states lift stay-at-home orders.”
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Mines Sink Ships
M. Bouffant
THU 24 MAY 1945
Aircraft from TF 58 (Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher) attack airfields in southern Kyushu.
Japanese aircraft attack U.S. positions and ships at Okinawa; strikes continue on 25 May. Kamikazes damage destroyer escort William C. Cole (DE-641), 26°45'N, 127°52'E; high speed transport Sims (APD-50), 26°00'N, 127°00'E; and large support landing craft LCS(L)-121; friendly fire damages destroyer Heywood L. Edwards (DD-663), 26°20'N, 127°43'E. Escort carrier Suwannee (CVE-27) is damaged when plane landing on her flight deck explodes upon landing, 24°00'N, 124°00'E.
PBMs sink Japanese Special Coast Defense Ship No.21 off China coast, 20°58'N, 110°30'E.
Thirty USAAF B-29s mine Shimonoseki Straits and the waters off Niigata, Nanao, and Fushiki, Japan. Mine laid by USAAF B-29 (20th Air Force) sinks Japanese cargo vessel No.14 Kaishin Maru west of the mouth of Kammon Channel, 34°31'N, 130°54'E. Mines sink Japanese merchant cargo ships Fukuei Maru off Shodo Jima, Kinryuzan Maru off Moji, Tatsufuku Maru off Hesaki, Inaba Maru west of Oshima, Kagawa prefecture, and (USAAF B-29-laid mine) merchant tanker No.7 Nanko Maru off Motoyamamisaki, 33°55'N, 131°20'E; and damage transport (ex-seaplane carrier) Kiyokawa Maru off Motoyamamisaki, and merchant cargo ships Nitcho Maru 44 kilometers southwest of Onna Jima, Yamazumi Maru at 34°05'N, 130°51'E, and No.2 Tomoe Maru at 32°52'N, 129°15'E.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Déjà Vu?
M. Bouffant
WED 23 MAY 1945
Mines laid by USAAF B-29s (20th Air Force) sink Japanese cargo vessels Sagami Maru at 34°00'N, 131°00'E and 2 Shinri Maru off Hesaki, 33°58'N, 131°02'E, and Kimigayo Maru west of Hime Jima, 33°06'N, 129°43'E. Mine damages merchant cargo ship Iwai Maru three kilometers southeast of Mushima.
Local Plague Action
M. Bouffant
Great. Every purchase of this tasty item since 2016 has supported the murdering scum of Smithfield Foods. |
A COVID-19 outbreak is being reported at the Farmer John slaughterhouse in Vernon, where as many as 140 workers might have tested positive for the disease.
The website LAist reported on Thursday that at least 140 employees at the plant have tested positive for the disease caused by the coronavirus over the past few months, after a cluster of six cases were discovered in the plant’s ham deboning department in mid-April.
The story cited Freddie Agyin, director of the Health and Environmental Control Department for the city.
Attempts to reach management at the plant were unsuccessful.
Smithfield Foods, the Virginia-based company that bought Farmer John in 2016, told LAist they have taken a number of steps to enhance worker safety, including installing plastic barriers, performing regular temperature checks, offering free virus testing, and distributing additional personal protective equipment.
Hundreds of pigs are trucked each day into the facility at 3049 E. Vernon Ave., where they are killed and turned into Dodger Dogs and the ham, bacon, sausage and hot dogs sold under the Farmer John label at supermarkets and restaurants.
Attempts to reach Vernon city officials were also unsuccessful.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Aircraft & Mines
M. Bouffant
TUE 22 MAY 1945
Thirty-two USAAF B-29s mine Shimonoseki Straits.
Planes from carriers Bennington (CV-20) and Hornet (CV-12) sink Japanese submarine chasers Ch 37 and Ch 58, and landing ship T.173 southwest of Kyushu between Sasebo and Oshima, 29°45'N, 129°10'E.
Mines sink Japanese merchant cargo ships No.25 Uwajima Maru off Moji, 34°20'N, 134°20'E, and Sagami Maru off Wakamatsu, and damage auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 157 eight miles off Niigata harbor.
Japanese auxiliary patrol vessel Pa 25 is damaged by aircraft one kilometer off Omaesaki.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Here Be Dullness
M. Bouffant
MON 21 MAY 1945
Submarine Chub (SS-329) sinks Japanese minesweeper W.34 in Java Sea off Kepualuan, 06°15'S, 116°01'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Santen Maru is sunk by USAAF mine laid by B-29 (20th Air Force) off Niihama, 33°57'N, 133°16'E.
Today In Chronic Brain Syndrome
M. Bouffant
Trump tests positively toward the cognitively impaired, the demented, the mentally ill, the seriously disturbed. This type of garbled thought and speech is common in dementia. #Presidementia #TrumpDementiaSyndrome #MAGA2020 #TrumpWontDebate
— John M. Talmadge, MD (@JohnMTalmadgeMD) May 21, 2020
Today's Pindick Compensator
M. Bouffant
No, but I bet Dr. Freud could figure you out. You another fake rancher like George W. Bush?— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) May 21, 2020
No Future
M. Bouffant
Break's over, back on your heads.Patricia Cohen / New York Times:
Many Jobs May Vanish Forever as Layoffs Mount — With over 38 million U.S. unemployment claims in nine weeks, one economist says the situation is “grimmer than we thought.” — Even as restrictions on businesses began lifting across the United States, another 2.4 million workers filed …
Megan Cassella / Politico:
Reopening reality check: Georgia's jobs aren't flooding back — Georgia's early move to start easing stay-at-home restrictions nearly a month ago has done little to stem the state's flood of unemployment claims — illustrating how hard it is to bring jobs back while consumers are still afraid to go outside.
After Coronavirus, Office Workers Might Face Unexpected Health Threats
Stagnant plumbing systems in emptied commercial buildings could put returning employees at risk of Legionnaires’ and other illnesses.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
"location unspecified"
M. Bouffant
SUN 20 MAY 1945
Thirty USAAF B-29s mine Shimonoseki Straits and the waters off Maizuru and Miyazu, Japan.
Off Okinawa, kamikazes damage destroyer Thatcher (DD-514), 26°33'N, 127°29'E; destroyer escort John C. Butler (DE-339), 26°47'N, 127°52'E; high speed transports Chase (APD-54), 26°18'N, 127°14'E and Register (APD-92), 26°25'N, 127°21'E; and tank landing ship LST-808, 26°42'N, 127°47'E; high speed transport Tattnall (APD-19) is damaged by horizontal bomber, 26°00'N, 128°00'E.
TBF/TBMs from TG 58.3 provide close air support for efforts to take Japanese position holding up the advance of U.S. ground forces northeast of Shuri castle, Okinawa.
Submarine Cero (SS-225) sinks Japanese merchant whaler No.5 Seki Maru east-southeast of Kinkazan, 38°06'N, 142°24'E.
Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 244 is sunk by aircraft, 22°35'N, 128°51'E.
Japanese army cargo vessel No.1 Konan Maru is sunk by aircraft off Hong Kong.
USAAF B-24s (Fifth Air Force) sink Japanese army cargo vessel Torai Maru off Keelung, Formosa, 26°00'N, 122°00'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Nikkan Maru is sunk by aircraft off Pusan, Korea; merchant refrigerated stores ship Kanagawa Maru is sunk by aircraft off south coast of Korea.
Japanese merchant tanker No.11 Horai Maru is damaged by aircraft, location unspecified.
36,000 Here, 36,000 There,
Pretty Soon It Starts To Add Up
M. Bouffant
What. Ever. They were "people that were in very bad shape, they were very old, almost dead" if you know what I mean.New York Times:
Lockdown Delays Cost at Least 36,000 Lives, Data Show — Even small differences in timing would have prevented the worst exponential growth, which by April had subsumed New York City, New Orleans and other major cities, researchers found.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
"unidentified submerged object"
M. Bouffant
SAT 19 MAY 1945
Destroyer Moffett (DD-362) is damaged when she strikes an unidentified submerged object 65 miles east of Portland Maine.
Destroyers bombard Japanese installations on Paramushiro, Kurils.
Destroyer escort Vammen (DE-644) is damaged in collision with oiler Cimarron (AO-22) off Okinawa, 26°24'N, 127°53'E. Cimarron is also damaged by grounding, 26°25'N, 127°53'E.
Motor gunboat PGM-1 is damaged by explosion off Luzon,14°41'N, 121°46'E.
Japanese army cargo ship Kaiko Maru is sunk by aircraft in Keelung harbor.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Daishin Maru is sunk, and light cruiser Kashima damaged, when the two ships collide in Tsushima Strait, 34°40'N, 128°38'E.
Japanese cargo vessel Ogishima Maru is damaged by aircraft, 34°39'N, 137°32'E.
Japanese merchant tanker Soei Maru is damaged by mine six kilometers east of Mushima.
About Damn Time ...
M. Bouffant
... this plague stopped w/ the ageism & got to work on the yout'.
Equal Morbidity Opportunity, I say.And then you turn to this New York Times story and the syndrome starts to seem really alarming.When a sprinkling of a reddish rash appeared on Jack McMorrow’s hands in mid-April, his father figured the 14-year-old was overusing hand sanitizer....Jack's illness was not mild:
When Jack’s parents noticed that his eyes looked glossy, they attributed it to late nights of video games and TV.
When he developed a stomachache and didn’t want dinner, “they thought it was because I ate too many cookies or whatever,” said Jack, a ninth grader in Woodside, Queens....
But over the next 10 days, Jack felt increasingly unwell. His parents consulted his pediatricians in video appointments and took him to a weekend urgent care clinic. Then, one morning, he awoke unable to move.
He had a tennis-ball-size lymph node, raging fever, racing heartbeat and dangerously low blood pressure. Pain deluged his body in “a throbbing, stinging rush,” he said.
“You could feel it going through your veins and it was almost like someone injected you with straight-up fire,” he said.
Jack, who was previously healthy, was hospitalized with heart failure that day, in a stark example of the newly discovered severe inflammatory syndrome linked to the coronavirus that has already been identified in about 200 children in the United States and Europe and killed several.Jack arrived at the children’s hospital so feverish that his father was “washing me down with ice-cold water and it only felt like a tingle,” he said.Jack nearly died. Three young New Yorkers already have died from this.
His resting heart rate was 165 beats per minute, about twice as high as normal, as his heart struggled to compensate for his alarmingly low blood pressure, which was hampering its ability to circulate blood and supply his vital organs with oxygen and nutrients.
This condition is a form of heart failure called cardiogenic shock, and Jack’s was “pretty severe,” said Dr. Steven Kernie, chief of pediatric critical care medicine at the hospital and Columbia University.
... blood vessels throughout his body were inflamed, a condition called vasculitis, so the vessels’ muscles were “not controlling blood flow as well as they should,” Dr. Kernie said.
Doctors also suspected that the heart was inflamed, known as myocarditis, which in untreated serious cases can cause lasting damage.
America: Nation Of Ghouls
M. Bouffant
No More Hamburger On The Highway
April Dembosky / Kaiser Health News:
Fewer Traffic Collisions During Shutdown Means Longer Waits For Organ Donations — On Day Two of the San Francisco Bay Area's stay-at-home orders in March, Nohemi Jimenez got into her car in San Pablo, California, waved goodbye to her 3-year-old son and drove to her regular Wednesday dialysis appointment.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Cornelius Vanderbilt Is Set Afire
M. Bouffant
FRI 18 MAY 1945
Thirty-four USAAF B-29s mine Shimonoseki Straits and the waters off Tsuruya, Japan.
Destroyer Longshaw (DD-559), damaged by shore battery off Naha, Okinawa, 26°11'N, 127°37'E, explodes; wreck is demolished by destroyers Heywood L. Edwards (DD-663) and Picking (DD-685). Also off Okinawa, high speed transport Sims (APD-50) is damaged by kamikaze, 26°00'N, 127°00'E, and tank landing ship LST-808 by aerial torpedo, 26°42'N, 127°47'E. U.S. freighter Cornelius Vanderbilt (carrying gasoline and explosives, as well as general cargo) is bombed by Japanese plane and set afire off Ie Shima, but the 38-man merchant crew, 27-man Armed Guard and the 108 stevedores on board working cargo assemble firefighting parties and put out the blaze in short order.
Submarine Shad (SS-235) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Chosan Maru in the Yellow Sea off Gunzan, Korea, 35°41'N, 126°17'E.
Navy land-based aircraft sink Japanese cargo vessel Enkyo Maru off western Korea, 33°14'N, 120°50'E.
Japanese submarine chaser Ch 57 is damaged by mine [laid by British submarine HMS Porpoise on 9 January 1945], south channel into Penang, Malaya, 05°20'N, 100°08'E.
Japanese landing ship T.137 is damaged by aircraft, 12 miles off Daiosaki.
Japanese transport No.18 Nissho Maru is damaged by mine, 34°33'N, 134°47'E.
Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No.3 Takunan Maru is damaged by aircraft, 32°05'N, 124°40'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship No.5 Nissen Maru is damaged by aircraft, 34°43'N, 137°50'E.
This Doesn't Seem Good At All
M. Bouffant
From the inbox, 1549 hrs. this date:
I do wish Mr. Parasite Landlord had made clearer what the hell's going on. Does [REDACTED] herself have it? A family member? Is it crawling all over the bldg. as I type? Has her apartment been cleansed w/ fire? Should I believe my time ain't long?
Not that I would have recognized her, but this is the first person who exists in my meatspace (Hell, in this very damn building!) that I know to have contracted the plague. But hey, if the Mouth of Sauron gets it, it's no doubt well deserved.Dear Residents,
First we'd like to thank you all for your continued understanding and cooperation during this difficult time.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created many unforeseen circumstances, challenges and changes in our day-to-day.
As a consequence of COVID-19 [Name w/held] is no longer the on-site manager for this property.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family during this difficult time.
In the meantime we are working on having a replacement manager by June 1st.
I do wish Mr. Parasite Landlord had made clearer what the hell's going on. Does [REDACTED] herself have it? A family member? Is it crawling all over the bldg. as I type? Has her apartment been cleansed w/ fire? Should I believe my time ain't long?
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Small Craft Damaged
M. Bouffant
THU 17 MAY 1945
Carrier aircraft (Rear Admiral Clifton A.F. Sprague) strike Japanese installations on Taroa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Marshalls.
USAAF 21st Bomber Command begins operations against airfields on Kyushu and Shikoku from which Japanese kamikaze attacks are launched; the raids will continue through 11 May 1945.
Destroyer Douglas H. Fox (DD-779) is damaged by kamikaze off Okinawa, 25°59'N, 126°54'E.
Off Wadanomisaki, Japan, USAAF mines sink Japanese transport Tairyu Maru, 34°27'N, 135°11'E, and army cargo ship Koan Maru, 34°38'N, 135°11'E; mines also sink merchant cargo ship Mikazuki Maru in Yangtze below below Woosung, China, 32°05'N, 119°56'E, and damage Coast Defense Vessel No.200 inside Miyazu harbor.
Japanese auxiliary minesweeper Wa.101 is damaged by aircraft from carriers Saratoga (CV-3) and HMS I llustrious, at Surabaya, Java.
Japanese auxiliary submarine chasers No.2 Hakusan Maru, Wakatake Maru and Yobai Maru are damaged by aircraft off Ishigaki Island.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Compare & Contrast:
Morbidity & Morons In San Diego
M. Bouffant
For the third day in a row, San Diego County has recorded its highest number of daily tests during the COVID-19 pandemic, and officials reported 139 new cases and two additional deaths, raising the number of new cases to 5,662 and the death toll to 209.
The 4,505 tests reported Saturday are more than Friday’s 4,055 tests and Thursday’s 3,998 tests, county health officials reported. County officials have said their goal is to complete 5,200 tests a day.
[Morbidity/Morons]Several hundred protesters rallied in front of the San Diego County Administration building Saturday to demand a full reopening of San Diego.
Protesters carried signs such as “Freedom is Essential” and “Stop the California Communist Party.”
Organizers who communicated through the “Reopen San Diego” Facebook page stated that the rally was “a peaceful protest to remind the county supervisors they work for us and that we want San Diego County reopened.”
The Facebook page also warned attendees: “Violence will not be tolerated. It is strongly recommended that you practice social distancing.
“Our efforts are working …” the group said. “We must keep the pressure on or San Diego will follow Los Angeles and close until August — unacceptable!”
Speakers at the rally included Roger Hedgecock, former San Diego mayor; Graham Ledger, host of "The Daily Ledger" on the One America News cable network; San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond; Oceanside Councilman Christopher Rodriguez; and Dr. Cordle Williams, Marine veteran, doctor and businessman.
One protester in the crowd asked, “Why is Sacramento telling San Diego what to do?”
Another said, “What we want is for our children to get back to school.”
Limeys On Warpath
M. Bouffant
WED 16 MAY 1945
Thirty USAAF B-29s mine Shimonoseki Straits and the waters off Miyazu and Maizuru, Japan.
Escort carrier Shipley Bay (CVE-85) is damaged in collision with oiler Cache (AO-67) off Okinawa, 25°00'N, 130°00'E.
Avengers from British escort carrier HMS Emperor sight and attack Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro heading into Malacca Strait; subsequently, British destroyers HMS Saumarez, HMS Venus, HMS Verulam, HMS Vigilant, and HMS Virago sink Haguro 55 nautical miles west-southwest of Penang, Malaya, 04°49'N, 99°42'E, as the enemy ship, in company with destroyer Kamikaze (which is damaged in the engagement) is evacuating troops from Port Blair to Singapore.
Submarine Hawkbill (SS-366) sinks Japanese minelayer Hatsutaka off east coast of Malaya, 04°49'N, 103°31'E.
Submarine Raton (SS-270) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Eiju Maru in Yellow Sea off west coast of Korea, 37°34'N, 124°13'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship No.5 Yamanami Maru is sunk by mine laid by USAAF B-29s (20th Bomber Command) off Wadanomisaki, 34°36'N, 135°08'E.
Another Notch On Bezos's Gun
M. Bouffant
Let's Lynch His Billionaire Ass Now!!
COVID-19 has been a cash cow for Jeff Bezos, and tantamount to a death sentence for some of his employees.
A surge in pandemic-inspired purchases has the Amazon CEO’s net worth soaring, calling attention this week to a projection suggesting the richest man in modern history was on track to become the world’s first trillionaire by 2026. (The viral study’s numbers are as hazy as Bezos’s wealth is real.)
And for the next corpse, & the next one, & the next one ...An employee at a Pasadena Whole Foods has died of coronavirus-related complications, the supermarket chain confirmed Friday.
The employee, who worked at the Whole Foods located at 3751 E. Foothill Blvd., died on May 8, according to an official with the chain’s corporate office. Information about her age or if she had any underlying health conditions was not released.
The official told City News Service on May 6 an employee at that location had contracted the virus. It was not immediately clear if the woman who died is the same employee.
“As a community, we are mourning the loss of a beloved member of our Pasadena Foothill store team,” said a Whole Foods Market spokesperson. “Our hearts are with her family and friends as we all grieve this terrible loss.”
The Pasadena location will provide counseling support to the employee’s co-workers.
[Daily Bleat/mynewsLA]
Twit Of The Day
M. Bouffant
Another demonstration of the absolutely vapid, shallow, empty, appearance-only based "thought" of the right-wing droolers.
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) May 16, 2020
P.S.: Two can play: Where's your CHIN, convicted felon & lying cheat?
Fuck The Petite Bourgeoisie
M. Bouffant
Welcome To The Lower Classes, Former Shop Owners!
Ha ha. Fuck your dreams. Did you think Trump would help you, you stupid sheep?About half of all small businesses in danger of failing during pandemic, survey finds
Friday, May 15, 2020
Submarines Sea Poacher & Shad!
M. Bouffant
TUE 15 MAY 1945
Commander U.S. Ports and Bases Germany (Rear Admiral Arthur G. Robinson) establishes headquarters at Bremen, Germany.
Submarine Hammerhead (SS-364) sinks Singapore-bound Japanese transport Tottori Maru in Gulf of Siam, 09°12'N, 101°20'E. Escorting minelayer Hatsutaka conducts unsuccessful counterattack (see 16 May).
Submarine Sea Poacher (SS-406) sinks Japanese army luggers No.56 Ume Maru and Fukumo Maru, 45°29'N, 149°01'E.
Submarine Shad (SS-235) damages Japanese merchant cargo ship Mako Maru, 33°42'N, 126°37'E.
USN land-based planes, in wide-ranging sweeps against Japanese shipping, sink merchant cargo ship No.1 Kyodo Maru 34°15'N, 126°56'E; merchant cargo ship Keiun Maru off Karatsu, western Kyushu, 33°57'N, 129°51'E, and merchant cargo ship No.3 Hakutetsu Maru off east coast of Korea.
Japanese merchant vessel Miyajima Maru, while under tow after being damaged the previous day by a mine, strikes a second mine and sinks, 34°28'N, 134°50'E. Mishima Maru is sunk by USAAF mine laid off Kobe on 3 May 1945, 34°30'N, 135°10'E.
No Blood On My Hands
M. Bouffant
This reporter has never purchased shit from Murderer Bezos's Death Warehouses. Nor will he.
No one should ever buy clothes new. That's what Goodwill & Salvation Army stores are for, you vain popinjays. This reporter hopes this fucking virus teaches you fucking losers how to live, rather than how to produce & consume so your masters can profit from you.Annie Palmer / CNBC:Sixth confirmed Amazon worker dies amid calls for the company to release data on coronavirus infections — An Amazon warehouse worker at a facility in Bethpage, New York has died from the coronavirus, the company confirmed to CNBC. — George Leigh, who worker at an Amazon distribution center known …
Josh Dzieza / The Verge: A seventh Amazon employee dies of COVID-19 as the company refuses to say how many are sick
Noah Manskar / New York Post: Two more Amazon worker deaths push its coronavirus toll to seven
Kelly Weill / The Daily Beast: Amazon Staff Lose Hazard Pay—and Lives—as Bezos Cashes In
Alina Selyukh / NPR:
Pandemic Hits Spending Hard; 79% Dive In Clothing Sales Leads A Record Plunge — In a historic collapse, retail spending in the U.S. nosedived again last month, dropping a record 16.4% as people avoided restaurants, bars, stores and malls during the coronavirus pandemic.
Breeder Scum!
M. Bouffant
Here's a fucking clue: If you can't take care of your hideous mutant spawn w/o assistance, DO NOT FUCKING REPRODUCE!!! Seems simple enough to me. And now you & your idiot children are fucked. Morons.
Emily Peck / HuffPost:
The Child Care Industry Is About To Collapse. There's No Bailout Coming. — It would cost $9.6 billion a month to keep things going, and Congress is offering a fraction of that. — Operating a child care center was never a big money-maker in the best of times, but running one during …
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Kamikaze Damages Enterprise
M. Bouffant
MON 14 MAY 1945
Carrier Enterprise (CV-6) is damaged by kamikaze off Honshu, 30°23'N, 132°36'E.
Off Okinawa, operational casualties account for damage to tank landing ship LST-137 and medium landing ship LSM-137.
Submarine Cobia (SS-245) is damaged by depth charges, Gulf of Siam, 09°35'N, 101°44'E, but remains on patrol.
Submarine Sand Lance (SS-381) sinks Japanese auxiliary minesweeper Yoshino Maru off Erimosaki, Hokkaido, 32°00'N, 146°36'E.
Navy aircraft (TU 50.5.5) on sweeps over the South China Sea, sink Japanese merchant cargo ship Kurokamisan Maru west of Kuche Island 34°27'N, 127°30'E, and Samukaze Maru, 33°00'N, 129°20'E.
Mine laid by USAAF B-29 (20th Air Force) damages Japanese merchant ship Miyajima Maru at Awaji, Japan, 34°28'N, 134°30'E (see 15 May). Mines sink Japanese transport Anko Maru off Shimonoseki and merchant tug No.13 Uwajima Maru off Hiraiso light buoy, 34°30'N, 134°30'E; sink/damage merchant cargo ship Tatsukei Maru, 34°28'N, 134°45'E, and damage merchant cargo ship No.6 Kaiyo Maru off Hesaki light.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Keishin Maru is sunk by aircraft off Inchon, Korea.
Japanese merchant vessel Kanpu Maru is sunk by aircraft, 33°02'N, 129°27'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Kainan Maru is damaged by aircraft three miles off Ioshima light.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Chofuku Maru is damaged by aircraft near Hakata Bay.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
If Only: H.M.S. Trump Sinks ...
M. Bouffant
SUN 13 MAY 1945
Aircraft from fast carrier task force (Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher) begin two-day attack on Kyushu airfields.
Phase III of Operation STARVATION, a blockade of northwest Honshu and Kyushu, commences as 12 USAAF B-29s mine Shimonoseki Straits and the waters off Niigata, Japan.
Off Honshu, small carrier Bataan (CVL-29) is damaged by friendly fire, 30°30'N, 132°30'E; off Okinawa, kamikazes damage destroyer Bache (DD-470), 26°01'N, 126°53'E, and destroyer escort Bright (DE-747), 26°21'N, 127°17'E.
Submarine Baya (SS-318) attacks Palembang-bound Japanese convoy, sinking tanker Yosei Maru, 06°31'S, 111°19'E; guardboat No.17 Shonan Maru carries out unsuccessful counterattack. Although Baya claims a second ship sunk, her quarry, tanker Enoshima Maru, emerges unscathed.
Submarine Cero (SS-225) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Shinnan Maru off Todozaki, Honshu, 39°06'N, 141°57'E.
Submarine Plaice (SS-390) attacks Japanese guardboat Nisshin Maru southwest of Uruppu Island 45°30'N, 147°04'E.
British submarine HMS Trump sinks Japanese guardboat No.15 Shosei Maru at Sapudi Strait, 07°05'S, 114°13'E.
Japanese guardboat No.8 Choyo Maru is sunk by U.S. aircraft, Kumun Island 34°28'N, 127°45'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship No.2 Funakawa Maru is sunk by aircraft, 34°00'N, 128°00'E.
Mine laid by USAAF B-29 (20th Air Force) sinks Japanese tanker No.2 Takasago Maru off Wadanomisaki, 34°39'N, 135°11'E. Mines sink Japanese merchant cargo ships Kinoto Maru and Mishima Maru (off Kobe, Japan), merchant cargo ship Magane Maru (location unspecified), and damage auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 170 (off Shodo Jima), (laid by USAAF B-24) merchant cargo ship Gyoryu Maru off Kobe, 34°40'N, 135°10'E; and merchant vessel Miyajima Maru 129 miles off Ezaki light, 34°36'N, 134°59'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Hakuju Maru is damaged by aircraft between Kurosaki and Shirohana.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
"Fix It Again, Tony"
M. Bouffant
SAT 12 MAY 1945
Destroyers support landing of Army troops on Torishima, Ryukyus.
Off Okinawa, a kamikaze damages battleship New Mexico (BB-40), 26°22'N, 127°43'E; heavy cruiser Wichita (CA-45) is damaged by friendly fire, 26°22'N, 127°43'E.
Submarine Raton (SS-270) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Rekizan Maru in the Yellow Sea off the Shantung Peninsula, 37°25'N, 123°42'E.
Mines sink Japanese army cargo ship Brazil Maru off Kobe, Japan; mine laid by USAAF B-29s on 3 May 1945 sink merchant cargo ship Manbo Maru off Osaka, 34°30'N, 135°10'E; cargo ship No.1 Nissho Maru is sunk by USAAF mine (laid by 20th Air Force B-29s) off Futaoi Light, Shimonoseki, 34°06'N, 130°47'E; and No.1 Nisshin Maru in Shimonoseki channel; and damage merchant cargo ship Hokusei Maru (northwest of Mutsure Jima).
Japanese merchant tanker No.13 Takasago Maru is damaged by aircraft, Kogunsan-Kundo.
Navy patrol bombers (TU 50.5.5) damage Japanese merchant ship Chile Maru, which is run aground to permit salvage on the north coast of Iki Jima, 34°16'N, 129°40'E. Chile Maru is written off, however, as a total loss.
Minesweeper Jubilant (AM-255) and Italian submarine Mameli are damaged when they collide in Casco Bay, Maine. [Freaking Eye-ties can spin on a dime. — M.B.]
Monday, May 11, 2020
Re-Opening The Economy, Or,
Back On Your Heads, Wage Slaves!
M. Bouffant
Actual Footage Of Described Events (Not The Posthumous Medal Of Honor)
M. Bouffant
FRI 11 MAY 1945
Japanese aircraft attack U.S. ships off Okinawa; two kamikazes crash carrier Bunker Hill (CV-17), 25°44'N, 129°28'E; kamikazes also crash destroyer Evans (DD-552), 26°58'N, 127°32'E, and large support landing craft LCS-88; destroyer Hugh W. Hadley (DD-774) is damaged by Baka, 26°59'N, 127°32'E.
On Okinawa, Pharmacist's Mate Second Class William D. Halyburton, Jr., USNR, advances into an open field under fire to treat a casualty. Hit by a bullet while tending to the wounded marine, Halyburton unhesitatingly shields the man with his own body to protect him from further injury. In so doing, the corpsman is mortally wounded. For his heroically saving another man's life at the cost of his own, Halyburton is awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously.
Japanese guardboat No.8 Sagami Maru is sunk by U.S. aircraft off Hong Kong, 21°52'N, 113°08'E.
USAAF B-24s (11th Air Force) sink Japanese army cargo ship Aitoku Maru and damage escort destroyer Hachijo in Kataoka harbor, Kurils, 50°42'N, 156°13'E.
PB4Y-2s (VPB 118) operating against Japanese shipping off coast of Korea, sink merchant cargo ships Seiri Maru, 34°17'N, 126°50'E, and Shinzan Maru, 34°15'N, 127°10'E.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Kamiyama Maru is sunk by aircraft off Mokpo, Korea.
Mines sink Japanese merchant cargo ship Kitsurin Maru off Wadanomisaki, 34°39'N, 135°11'E; and damage auxiliary minelayer Koei Maru seven miles off Umezaki and damage two tugboats off Wadanomisaki.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Landing At Macajalar Bay, Mindanao
M. Bouffant
THU 10 MAY 1945
TG 78.3 (Rear Admiral Arthur D. Struble) lands Army troops at Macajalar Bay, Mindanao.
Off Okinawa, kamikazes damage destroyer Brown (DD-546), 26°26'N, 127°20'E, and light minelayer Harry F. Bauer (DM-26), 26°25'N, 128°31'E.
Mines sink Japanese transport Tatsuwa Maru off Imabari, Kurahashi Jima, 34°04'N, 132°26'E; merchant cargo ship Otowa Maru, 34°38'N, 135°12'E; and damage merchant tugboat No.7 Naniwazu Maru off Wadanomisaki.
USN land-based planes sink Japanese merchant tanker No.1 Toyu Maru and cargo ship No.2 Yumihari Maru off west coast of Korea.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
U-Boat Surrenders To Plane
M. Bouffant
WED 9 MAY 1945
Atlantic German submarine U-249 surrenders to PB4Y (FAW 7) off the Scilly Islands, becoming the first to do so after hostilities cease in Europe.
Off Okinawa, kamikazes damage destroyer escorts Oberrender (DE-344), 26°32'N, 127°30'E, and England (DE-635), 26°18'N, 127°13'E; and British carriers HMS Formidable and HMS Victorious.
Japanese escort vessel Uku is damaged by mine off Futaoi Light.
Japanese merchant tanker No.13 Horai Maru is damaged by aircraft, 36°10'N, 126°02'E.
Friday, May 8, 2020
"V-E Day"
M. Bouffant
TUE 8 MAY 1945
Europe and Atlantic
As of 6:01 PM this date, all offensive operations against German land, sea, and air forces cease ("V-E Day").
U.S. freighter Horace Binney, in convoy TAM 62, is damaged by mine 15 miles off Ostend, Belgium, 51°21'N, 02°27'E; there are no fatalities among the ship's complement (which includes a 36-man Armed Guard). The ship is towed to Deal, England and beached, where she is later written off as a total loss.
Submarine Bowfin (SS-287) sinks Japanese fishing boat No.3 Daito Maru east-southeast of Todogasaki, 39°38'N, 142°08'E.
Submarine Bream (SS-243) lays mines off Puolo Obi, French Indochina, in the last U.S. Navy submarine mine plant of World War II.
Mines sink Japanese merchant cargo ship Shuncho Maru south of Futaoi Jima, and damage minesweeper W.39, 4.85 kilometers southeast of Futaoi Light. Transport Kotobuki Maru (ex-Italian liner Conte Verde) is damaged by mine laid by USAAF B-29 (20th Bomber Command) off southern Korea, 34°30'N, 126°19'E.
Japanese merchant vessel No.6 Kosho Maru is sunk by aircraft, 21°51'N, 113°09'E.
Tired Of Living, Scared Of Dying
M. Bouffant
"Losers who won't be missed," say Republicans.Serena Gordon / CBS News:
Coronavirus pandemic may lead to 75,000 “deaths of despair” from suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, study says — COVID-19 has directly claimed tens of thousands of U.S. lives, but conditions stemming from the novel coronavirus — rampant unemployment, isolation and an uncertain future …
Albert Lang / Well Being Trust: New WBT & Robert Graham Center Analysis: The COVID Pandemic Could Lead to 75,000 Additional Deaths …
Brandon Morse / Redstate: Lockdown May Cause “Despair Deaths” From Suicide, Drug, and Alcohol Abuse Says Study
Courtney Kirchoff / Louder With Crowder: COVID Shutdown Could Lead to Massive ‘Deaths of Despair’
William Davis / The Daily Caller: Study: Coronavirus Shutdowns Could Lead To 75,000 ‘Deaths Of Despair’
Jeva Lange / The Week: Researchers are warning of new health crisis of ‘deaths of despair’ stemming from the pandemic
Thursday, May 7, 2020
1000-Yr. Reich Ends Unconditionally
(& 988 Yrs. Early)
M. Bouffant
MON 7 MAY 1945
Atlantic and Europe
Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Western Allies and Russia at Reims, France.Pacific
Japanese minesweeper W.29 and cargo vessel Kashima Maru are sunk by mines (laid by USAAF B-29s) in Shimonoseki Strait, 34°02'N, 130°54'E; mines also sink merchant cargo ship Shofuku Maru off Dairen, Manchuria; and merchant vessel Teiko Maru off Futaoi Jima.
USAAF B-24s (13th Air Force) bomb Japanese shipping and shore installations at Makassar, sinking gunboat Kenzan Maru and cargo ship Hakko Maru, 05°08'S, 119°35'E.
PBMs or PB2Ys on sweeps off west coast of Korea sink Japanese cargo ships Tatsuchiyo Maru, 34°00'N, 126°00'E; No.2 Kozan Maru, 35°16'N, 126°03'E; and Kaba Maru and Hoei Maru, 34°00'N, 130°00'E.
Japanese minesweeper Nuwajima, damaged by aircraft, is beached, Saeki Bay.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Last Subs To Be Sunk In the Atlantic By The U.S. Are Sunk
M. Bouffant
SUN 6 MAY 1945
Destroyer escort Atherton (DE-169) and frigate Moberley (PF-63) sink German submarine U-853 near Block Island, Rhode Island 41°13'N, 71°27'W.
Destroyer escort Farquhar (DE-139) sinks German submarine U-881, North Atlantic, 43°18'N, 47°44'W. U-881 is the last submarine sunk in the Atlantic by U.S. forces.
Naval landing force, covered by destroyer escort Wintle (DE-25) and motor minesweeper YMS-354 evacuates about 500 Marshallese from Jaluit in infantry landing craft LCI-394, LCI-479 and LCI-481.
Off Okinawa, battleship South Dakota (BB-57) is damaged by explosion of five 16-inch powder tanks in magazine, 26°30'N, 129°30'E.*
Floating drydock ARD-28 is damaged by horizontal bomber, 25°33'N, 127°27'E.
Submarine Hammerhead (SS-364) sinks Japanese fleet tanker Kinrei Maru in Gulf of Thailand 08°15'N, 102°00'E.
Japanese guardboat Kiho Maru No.1 is destroyed by fire, location unspecified.
Off Inchon, Korea, Japanese merchant tanker No.5 Hoei Maru is sunk by aircraft; USN land-based planes sink merchant cargo ship Eiko Maru in Yellow Sea, 36°26'N, 126°37'E.
Japanese cargo ship Sagamigawa Maru is sunk by USAAF mine laid by B-29 (20th Bomber Command).
Submarine I 366, en route to take delivery of kaitens, is damaged by mine off Hikari.
Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Kumi Maru is damaged and merchant cargo ship No.3 Kinzan Maru is sunk, by aircraft off Kuche Island.
USN land-based aircraft sink Japanese merchant cargo ship No.1 Tora Maru off Mokpo, Korea. PBMs or PB4Ys sink Japanese merchant cargo ship Nakagawa Maru off Yosu, Korea, 34°30'N, 127°00'E.
Japanese merchant vessel Niosan Maru is sunk by aircraft north of Kumun Island.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Enzan Maru is damaged by aircraft, 34°21'N, 127°24'E.
*"Superb damage control measures and fire fighting," South Dakota's war diarist notes, "quickly brought the fire under control and narrowly averted a major disaster." South Dakota lay alongside ammunition ship Wrangell (AE-12) at the moment the first tank exploded.
Death To The Rent-Seeking Parasites!
M. Bouffant
Can not wait until the second wave of death starts dealing real justice to America's scum. Once all the police are sick/dead, it'll be open season!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Last U.S.-Flag Merchantman Sunk By A U-Boat In World War II
M. Bouffant
SAT 5 MAY 1945
In the second of two operations aimed at blockading Japan's industrial centers, 98 USAAF B-29s sow mines in the Inland Sea and off Kobe, Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya.
Off Okinawa, kamikazes damage seaplane tender St. George (AV-16), 26°10'N, 127°19'E, and surveying ship Pathfinder (AGS-1), 26°38'N, 127°53'E.
Japanese army cargo ship Manshu Maru is damaged by USAAF B-29-laid mine, 33°47'N, 131°35'E.
Japanese merchant tanker No.5 Takasago Maru is sunk by aircraft, 34°44'N, 126°16'E.
Japanese merchant tanker No.11 Takasago Maru is sunk by aircraft, off Yosu, Korea.
Japanese merchant cargo ships Yamatogawa Maru and Naka Maru are sunk by aircraft off Mokpo, Korea.
Navy patrol bomber (PBMs and PB4Ys are operating in this area) sink Japanese merchant cargo ship No.9 Taiun Maru west of Kunsan, 34°00'N, 130°00'E.
USAAF B-24s (13th Air Force) raid Japanese shipping and shore installations at Makassar, sinking cargo vessel Kenzan Maru.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Okusu Maru is sunk by aircraft off Karatsu.
Japanese merchant cargo ship Washi Maru is sunk by aircraft, 35°33'N, 126°18'E.
Japanese escort destroyer Oki is damaged by aircraft, 37°36'N, 126°00'E.
U.S. freighter Black Point is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-853 about five miles southeast of Point Judith, Rhode Island 41°19'02"N, 71°25'01"W. One of the five Armed Guard sailors is killed, as are 11 of the 41-man merchant complement. Yugoslavian freighter Karman and Norwegian Scandanavia, crash boats from Quonset Point, Rhode Island and a Coast Guard craft rescue the survivors of the last U.S.-flag merchantman sunk by a U-boat in World War II. U-853's sailors, however, do not get to ponder the significance of their achievement for long (see 6 May).
Monday, May 4, 2020
Fleet Air Wing 18 Established
M. Bouffant
FRI 4 MAY 1945
Japanese planes attack Yontan airfield, Okinawa, and U.S. and British ships supporting Okinawa operation. Kamikazes sink destroyers Luce (DD-522), 26°35'N,127°10'E, and Morrison (DD-560), 27°10'N, 127°58'E, and medium landing craft LSM-190 and LSM-194; and damage light cruiser Birmingham (CL-62), 26°19'N, 127°43'E; escort carrier Sangamon (CVE-26), 26°01'N, 237°26'E [destroyer Hudson (DD-475) collides with Sangamon as the destroyer lies alongside, 26°01'N, 127°26'E]; destroyers Ingraham (DD-694), 27°10'N, 127°58'E; Cowell (DD-547), 26°11'N, 126°35'E; and Lowry (DD-770), 27°12'N, 128°17'E; light minelayer Gwin (DM-33), 26°13'N, 126°22'E; high speed minesweeper Hopkins (DMS-13), 26°32'N, 126°58'E; motor minesweeper YMS-331, 26°32'N, 126°58'E; British carrier HMS Formidable [carrier HMS Indomitable is also crashed by a suicider, but her armored deck deflects the attacker into the sea]. In addition, light minelayer Shea (DM-30) is damaged by a Baka, 27°26'N, 126°59'E; minesweeper Gayety (AM-239) is damaged by near-misses of kamikaze and Baka, 26°32'N, 126°58'E; motor minesweeper YMS-327 is damaged by kamikaze and by friendly fire, 26°32'N, 126°58'E; motor minesweeper YMS-311 is damaged by friendly fire, 26°00'N, 128°00'E; motor gunboat PGM-17 is damaged by grounding, 26°42'N, 128°01'E; large support landing craft LCS-31 and LCS-57 are damaged by air attack. Coordinated with the air strike, a minor Japanese counterlanding is attempted and repulsed.
Fleet Air Wing 18 (Rear Admiral Marshall R. Greer) is established at Guam for operations in the forward areas.
Submarine Cero (SS-225) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Shinpen Maru off Yamada Bay, 39°28'N, 142°04'E.
Submarine Trepang (SS-412) sinks Japanese minesweeper W.20 in Yellow Sea 140 nautical miles southeast of Mokpo, Korea, 34°16'N, 123°37'E, as W.20 proceeds to the scene of the sinking of escort vessel Oga, sunk by Springer (SS-414) on 2 May 1945 (see 2 and 3 May).
USN land-based planes sink Japanese merchant tankers Koan Maru and No.15 Takasago Maru off Pusan, Korea, 34°40'N, 127°30'E. Navy PBMs damage cargo vessel Harukawa Maru while she is en route from Jinsen to Moji, 34°50'N, 128°30'E.
Japanese tanker No.2 Yaei Maru is sunk by USAAF B-29 (20th Bomber Command)-laid mine off Singapore, 02°00'S, 105°00'E; stores ship Hayasaki is damaged by mine [laid by submarine Guitarro (SS-363) on 20 April 1945] while en route from Batavia to Singapore, 01°00'S, 104°30'E.
USAAF B-24 (13th Air Force) attacks Japanese shipping off Cape Camau, French Indochina, sinking auxiliary netlayer Tokachi Maru 08°36'N, 104°43'E.
Tank landing craft LCT-1358 sinks after running aground off California coast.
Monday Morning Morbidly Mortal Musicale
M. Bouffant
"Locked inside this world ... but now I'm goin' ... outside!" There's blood on someone's hands.
In Which The Police Fuck The Police
M. Bouffant
[LAT]A Los Angeles police officer is in custody after allegedly shooting another off-duty officer early Sunday morning while camping in Apple Valley in San Bernardino County, according to two law enforcement sources.
A Newton Division officer was shot in the shoulder during the incident, which was reported at about 1 a.m., according to the two sources, who did not want to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the shooting. The officer who was shot was taken to a local hospital, where he was initially listed in serious condition.
The officer who allegedly fired the gun was apprehended by San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies after a search of the area, according to the sources. That officer is also assigned to LAPD’s Newton Division.
According to the sources, a third officer on the camping trip fled for cover when shots were fired. The motive for the shooting is under investigation, but the sources said alcohol had been consumed before the shooting.
The accused shooter and the wounded sergeant are both veterans of the department.
An LAPD spokeswoman contacted Sunday said the department was aware of an out-of-area officer-involved shooting but declined further comment.
[]An off-duty Los Angeles police officer was shot and seriously wounded during a camping trip near Apple Valley by another officer who was later arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, police said Sunday.
A third LAPD officer was also involved in the night of drinking and shooting at a campsite in an unincorporated area of San Bernardino County and was detained, the department reported.
The shooting in the Stoddard Wells off-highway vehicle area was reported to the Los Angeles Police Department just after 1 a.m. Sunday, according to the LAPD.
San Bernardino sheriff’s deputies responded to the scene and paramedics airlifted the 48-year-old wounded male officer who was shot in his shoulder to a nearby hospital, the LAPD said. The unidentified wounded officer was last reported in stable condition and was expected to survive.
A second LAPD officer, an off-duty supervisor, was not hurt but was detained by San Bernardino sheriff’s deputies, the LAPD reported.
Officer Ismael Tamayo, 44, was arrested and booked at High Desert Detention Center on a charge of attempted murder, the department reported. At the time of his arrest, he was in possession of a weapon, police said.
Tamayo was being held at the Adelanto Detention Facility in San Bernardino County on $1 million bail pending a court appearance scheduled for Tuesday, according to inmate records.
Tamayo works in the department’s Newton Division and lives in Ontario, according to the LAPD and SBSD.
LAPD Force Investigation Division investigators responded to the scene and began an internal investigation. The LAPD is cooperating with the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department.
“The events overnight culminating in the serious injury to one of our off-duty officers, apparently at the hands of another member of the department, give me great concern,” LAPD Chief Michel Moore said. “I spoke earlier this morning with San Bernardino Sheriff John McMahon, pledging our full support of their criminal investigation. I am thankful our injured officer is in stable condition and is expected to survive. I am committed to determining what and how this happened.”
Tamayo was relieved of duty pending the outcome of the criminal and administrative investigation, the department said.
Greg Yacoubian, an attorney for Tamayo, told the L.A. Daily News that the LAPD’s comments about the shooting were premature.
“I think once the investigation shakes out, he’ll be cleared of any criminal wrongdoing,” Yacoubian told the newspaper. “I think it’s obviously way too early to be making those kind of value judgments about what happened.”
The circumstances under which the shooting occurred are not yet known.
Anyone with information on this shooting was asked to call the SBSD Homicide Detail at 909-387-3589.
Sounds as if Ossifer Tamayo needs a few more sessions at the Academy range. Only the best people, right?
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